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Chapter 1014 Chapter 1014

Everyone was in a hurry, "Shut up, Zhao Xiaohan, the reputation of the famous sword villa was created by our eastern family's ancestors by their reputation, and you cannot allow you to defame!"

Gu Qianxue glanced at the crowd with a sneer. "Defamation? If I say a few words, it is defamation. Isn't it defamation if you open your eyes and talk nonsense? Do you know what double standards are? Double standards. One set of standards for yourself, another for outsiders Standard, the guy who said this, do you think you are a double standard?"

"We didn't say that Yang Ji is the East King Huan, not yours." Another shouted.

Gu Qianxue smiled sweetly, "What if we make a poisonous oath? Just like King Li, swear a poisonous oath to your ancestor, the Eastern God, whoever said this gossip, the thunder and thunder will not die well, dare not dare?"

Everyone was speechless.

Most of them have talked about this rumor, even if there are so few people who have not spoken, but secretly thought about it.

There is a humane, "why make us swear poison, you have the ability to send."

Gu Qianxue raised her eyebrows, stretched out three fingers, and turned to the direction where she wanted to cast the sword. "The emperor is on the top, and the respected Mr. Dongfang God is on the top. I swear, the formula of the sheep is I proposed at the sword casting conference. The two sons of Junhua and Dongfang Junan helped to make the casting. If the drawings were the ones of Dongfang Junhua or Dongfang Junan, I was immediately struck to death by thunder and immediately went to the eighteenth floor of hell." After that, slowly took your fingers back and ridiculed Looking at everyone. "It's your turn."

In fact, Gu Qianxue made a plan when she took the oath of poison. She didn't dare to say that she invented the steel casting. She added a Zhuang language to the oath. She made it specially.

Qian Xue was not afraid of going to hell, but felt that it was shameful to plagiarize the achievements of modern science and technology in front of everyone.

Everyone saw Gu Qianxue really took the oath, and froze for a while, not knowing how to retreat.

If it is not a famous sword villa, if the person in front of him is not a distinguished guest, they will try to kill this abominable woman even if they die.

Dongfang Jun'er came hurriedly, "What the **** happened?" Seeing Dongfang Song's wounds worse, and the fierce eyes of everyone, he realized everything, "I tell you that Miss Zhao is my friend of Dongfang Jun'er, You are not allowed to bully her."

Until now, Gu Qianxue still liked Dongfangjun'er, a heroic and courageous woman, and secretly apologized, and then said, "Sorry Miss Dongfang, I can't afford your friend, or as long as I have a surname of Dongfang, I I don’t want to have anything to do with it."

When saying these words, Gu Qianxue was heavy in heart, she knew that Dongfang Jun'er would be sad, but she could not be friends with Jun'er.

There is no fire in the paper. Sooner or later everyone will know that she is Gu Qianxue, Princess Li who is the favorite of King Li's mouth. When that day comes, how will Dongfang Juner feel? If the two are strangers, it’s just a double friend.

In order not to fall into misery in the future, Gu Qianxue decided to be this villain!

Sure enough, Gu Qianxue said something, Dongfang Jun'er also froze in place, and the expression on his face was very embarrassing, "Huh...Hah...Miss Zhao is a valuable guest in charge, so it's all of us friends..." Never mention friends again.

Qian Xue sighed secretly in his heart and said sorry again.

"However, even if we are not friends, why is Miss Zhao so angry today?" Dongfang Jun'er asked.

Gu Qianxue reached out and pointed at the Oriental Song on the ground, "Go and ask this son, if he doesn't want to tell, the few Oriental sons beside him can't tell the truth. If everyone doesn't want to say, then only My Zhao Xiaohan had a sudden brain illness."

With that said, Gu Qianxue turned to the guest room, and the fire in the guest room had been put out.

"But I don't know where to sleep at night. I don't know if the new residence will catch fire when I take a shower."

Dongfang Jun'er is not an ignorant woman who was raised in the backyard of Shenzhai. When Gu Qianxue said this, he immediately understood, "Dongfang Song, don't you recognize it? Our famous Jianshanzhuang is a decent scum, but you are scum Depraved reputation!"

Dongfang Song finally couldn't help but covered his chest and spit blood, "I am a scum? I am not for Brother Junhua? Brother Junhua participated in the sword-making conference for this woman, but after being victoriously kicked by this woman, You can bear it, I can't bear it."

Gu Qianxue turned around slowly again, "Fei Ye." said, shaking his finger.

Because of the word "Fei Ye", everyone once again focused on Gu Qianxue.

"First of all, Dongjun Junhua offered to participate in the sword-making conference. Secondly, after success, I sent Yangjun formula directly to Dongjun Junhua. Isn’t this gratitude enough? Indeed, Junhua helped me, but There are countless nobles in a person’s life. Do I have to agree with everybody who has helped me? If so, then I will have more Zhao Xiaohan’s husband,” Qian Xue snorted, “or, you sons of the East, When helping others, especially women, she always held a wretched mentality from the beginning, thinking that she could get the woman if she reached out her helping hand. If the other party refused to marry, it would be a negative person, a white-eyed wolf, or just playing with your feelings. right?"

In a few words, everyone was speechless again.

From beginning to end, everyone knew that Zhao Xiaohan was right, but in front of his family, everyone hoped that Dongfang Junhua would get what he wanted.

The face of the Eastern Junhua is ashamed, "Miss Zhao, it's my Eastern Junhua I'm sorry for you, I promise this life and this life, I..." The voice paused, a bitter smile, "I promise, this and this life will never appear again In front of you."

Everyone was shocked.

Chu Yan also looked in surprise. Gu Qianxue hurriedly lowered his eyes to hide the panic in his eyes.

Dongfang Junhua gave Gu Qianxue a deep look at the end, "Thank you, Miss Zhao, from the first time I saw you to now, there are 11 days in total. These 11 days are also the most satisfying 11 days in my 22 years. . The rivers and lakes are very large, but I am not blessed to be with you. Take care of Zhao girl." After that, she took back her eyes and turned away.

For a time, the scene was extremely embarrassing.

Dongfang Jun'er looked at Gu Qianxue, hesitated, and finally sighed, followed by Dongjun Junhua.

When everyone saw that the brothers and sisters of Dongfang Junhua and Junhua had left, they also gradually left.

If it ends, it is normal.

Gu Qianxue sighed again and again, "Chu Yan, did I just talk too hard? However, I am not so ruthless, I am afraid that Junhua son still blesses fantasy, and I don't want to hurt him."

Chu Yan shook his head, "No, Miss is right, don't worry about it."

In the end, the two could only change one room, but the butler of the Oriental Villa even came to apologize in person and said nothing.

At night, somewhere in the mountain village, one person got a little effort, and like a crow soaring in the night, and finally fell on a tree beside the house, the man's face was fair and handsome, and his cold eyes were full of murderous opportunities.

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