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Chapter 1015 Chapter 1015, Gong Lingpu and Lu Weilou

Under the gaze of the dark eyes like a pair of falcons, the joy and sorrow in the house not far away are all with strange colors. This kind of feeling is like the memory of the life before the death of the man in the movie.

His thin lips slightly lifted, the moonlight flashed by, and the cold light reflected on his face.

Just as he was about to take the family's life, he felt someone approaching quickly behind him.

"Death," he said lightly, pulling out his long sword.

Before the man approached, he shouted anxiously, "It's me!"

"why you?"

"Why isn't it me?"

Originally squatting the branch of one person, and soon squatting two people, their eyes widen and squint, a little funny on the branch.

Although she was very happy to see her, Gong Linguo naturally knew that she was here to stop him from killing, "What are you doing here?"

"Ask for some reason," Gu Qianxue rolled his eyes, "Dongfang Song can't die, and his family is also innocent."

Gong Lingkun sneered, "Can't die? He should have made you ugly, so he should die! But why are you forgiving to others and harsh to me?"

Gu Qianxue gave him a white glance, "I hate him too, but he will not die until he is punished by the first smoke in the daytime, just forget it. Having said that, I am very harsh on you?"

"What do you say?" Gong Lingyun was unhappy.

Qianxue smiled, "That's because I care about you, the love deeply hates the cut."

Gong Lingfeng was surprised for a moment, but he didn't expect such an answer.

There was a hint of sweetness in the bottom of my heart, and the previous killing intention was much less.

"Even if the guy in Eastern Song was damn, but we didn't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face, we ate and lived in Mingjian Mountain Villa and killed the family members of the family. It's not good." He took the hand and left.

She was not sure to stop him, so the best way was to take him away from here, and then take a firm look at it.

Gong Lingkun bowed his head and saw that his hand was clenched tightly by a small white hand, and he was very happy.

Subsequently, the two left the Oriental Song family's house.

The night is quiet and the moon is empty. It is a good time to kiss me and me, to love, to sneak, to do things that cannot be described.

The two wandered around the lake in tandem.

The famous Jianshanzhuang is surrounded by mountains, but there is a lake named Huanhu, which indicates that the lake is happy, and the legend is that the naming of the lake is related to the Oriental God and Mrs. Of course, everything is a legend.

The two had known each other for a long time, but never walked so peacefully.

After the storm in the day, Gu Qianxue was a little sleepy, but she did not dare to leave, who knew if he would turn around and kill again.

Gong Lingkun looked at the woman beside her, with a faint smile in her eyes, "If you are tired, go back to rest, I will not kill them."

Gu Qianxue seemed to laugh, "Then do you swear poison?"


Qianxue rolled his eyes, "Save it, I know you too well."

Gong Lingfeng frowned, but there was no displeasure.

If Gu Qianxue left, he decided to kill, and those who offended him could be spared, but those who offended Qianxue must die.

Qianxue supported the spirit, "Your light skills are good?"

Gong Lingkun snorted softly, and disdain to answer such a question as long as he is not blind.

Qianxue immediately caught fire, "Your light work is not as good as one person."

Gong Linguo frowned, "Who?"

"Lord Lord." Qianxue glanced at him, his eyes seemed to be saying-bloody moon floor, killing people to buy and sell, very terrible, how, afraid?

Gong Ling sarcastically sneered, "What's so great about an assassin? An assassin is a mouse crossing the street. That light power is a life-saving kung fu. How is it not good?"

The speaker was not interested in the listener's intentions, but the words changed in Gu Qianxue's ears.

Gu Qianxue was not attached to Lu Weilou, but others helped her anyway. Even if it wasn’t necessary to exaggerate, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to blame it at least. Furthermore, she did not really praise Lu Weilou for moving out, but took the opportunity to suppress Li Wang’s arrogance. At this time, Li Wang’s remarks were equivalent to hitting Gu Qianxue.

It is unbearable.

"Oh, you don't care what other people do, what is life-saving, other people's light skills are better than you, not only light skills, martial arts are better than you," Qian Xue became more serious, "The landlord's light skills can carry me full of poison gas Leaping over the mountain, can you? Change to you, it has already become a fertilizer for poisonous grass."

Gong listening to something more and more wrong, he simply stopped, "Gu Qianxue, won't you like that assassin?"

Gu Qianxue became more and more displeased, "Are you mentally handicapped, I only say that he is good at martial arts, and is there any connection with whether I like it or not?"

"If you don't like it, why do you praise him frequently?"

Qianxue looked at him with **** eyes, "Praise him because he has something to praise, it has nothing to do with likes!"

"Oh? I don't believe it." Gong Lingyun deliberately irritated her, hoping to irritate her to say something like him.

I like you obviously-this sentence just came to Gu Qianxue's lips, and immediately realized that he was fooled, and quickly swallowed it back. Qian Xue raised her eyebrows, and her eyes flashed slyly, "It's embarrassing, you found it. I really like Lu Lu. Lu Lu's martial arts are high and light, and he looks handsome..."

"Wait, he always wears a mask. How do you know his appearance?" Gong Lingyun interrupted.

Gu Qianxue was suspicious. "Eh? How do you know the landlord is wearing a mask?"

"..." Gong Linguo found that he was speechless and quickly lied. "Why don't I know? Everyone in the world knows that Lu Weilou wears a mask and is ashamed to see people."

Qian Xue keenly smelled the smell of vinegar and was very satisfied. "Yeah, I really haven't seen the appearance of the landlord Lu, but Lu Weilou's facelessness has already captivated people, let alone show his face?" said, squinting memories Rising up, "Lou Lu's figure is good. According to the truth, his face should be good."

Gong Lingkun's heart became more sour, "Don't you know that Lu Weilou's reputation is not good?"

Qian Xue gave him a white look, "Are you good at Li Wang?"


Gu Qianxue continued to add fuel to the fire, "I tell you, that day was really thrilling. I was already determined to die, but the landlord Lu appeared, and it felt like Superman suddenly appeared in front of me I leave in danger."

"Who is Superman?" Gong Lingyun asked.

"Don't interrupt me," Qian Xue gave him a white look, and then continued the intoxicated performance, "We prepared two airbags, but in fact, the airbag is not enough at all, not to mention the situation, the landlord must not only use light power but also carry me. With light power, the blood circulation is accelerated when using light power, which requires a lot of oxygen, and the landlord Lu just used a bag of air to rush to the foot of the mountain, which is really amazing!"

Li Wang can be said to be dog vinegar, he even wants to interject-what a bag, and finally use your air bag.

Finally, Li Wang couldn't bear it any more. He picked up Gu Qianxue like a chicken and used his internal force to soar towards the water.

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