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Chapter 1019 1019

The unexpected visitor made Gu Qianxue startled and hurriedly closed the door. "Are you crazy, Gong Lingyun, are you afraid of seeing you when you run so brightly?"

On the chair, Li Wang looked helpless, "What is the way, you have been hiding from me for these two days, I didn't find it myself, would I send a maid to come? Even if it was seen, I couldn't do anything."

Gu Qianxue gritted his teeth, "You still have a face to say? Why did I hide from you these two days? The last two days, you pushed me into the lake and soaked in the water for so long, almost caught a cold, you know I drink these days How much **** soup is there?"

"Blame me? It wasn't me who shouted at that time." Li Wangdao said.

"If it weren't you pushing me, would I yell?"

"How many times have I said it, I really didn't push it, but you didn't pay attention to it."

The two quarreled again, but I don't know when to start. The quarrel became the most common thing they did.

Gu Qianxue sulked, "Then what do you come to see me today, the big night, don't want to do indescribable things."

Li Wang's lips twitched a fascinating smile, "Indescribable things, okay."

Originally Qian Xue said this to be ironic, but did not expect to lift a stone and smash his own feet, "Oh, the beauty of thinking, I hate dirty men the most, you have to clean yourself first."

Li Wang was anxious. "What is dirty? Where is dirty?" He got up and passed.

"Well, you can't be dirty?" Gu Qianxue refers to "dirty", which is the side concubine and woman in Queen Li's backyard. In this lonely and widowed room, she dare not excite him anymore, after all With great strength and strength, she can only resist the unreasonable enjoyment when a tyrant tries to bow. "It's not yet dark, and you're not afraid of being seen when you rush."

When Li Wang saw Gu Qianxue change the subject, disappointment flashed in his eyes, "Look at the door and you will see why."

Gu Qianxue really ran to the door, carefully opened the door, and looked out through the door slit, only to find that there was no one outside.

"Eh? What about people?" Qian Xue was surprised.

"All have been to the festival." Li Wangdao said.

"Thousands of people are empty? Such an exaggeration?" Qian Xue was surprised.

"East God's influence in Mingjian Mountain Villa is more profound than you think." Li Wang walked to Gu Qianxue.

"That is to say, the Eastern God had a fart in the past, and will later commemorate a shot?" Qian Xue turned back and looked at the man beside him.

However, Li Wang's brows were unpleasant, "Gu Qianxue, anyway, you are also a princess. Why is it so vulgar? Can't you pay attention?"

Qianxue sneered, "Oh, yes, I'm vulgar. The lady at the side of your concubine should be very elegant. Go find your concubine at the side."

"Gu Qianxue, you are enough," Li Wangyi reached out and dragged her, "I haven't said anything to you, but you have satirized me frequently. Have I touched her?"

Gu Qianxue wasn't so annoying, "stroke the bees to attract butterflies, do you mean, someone touched me?" The word "touch" emphasized the voice.

As long as a beloved woman is in the arms of others, Li Wang is murderous, "I want to see, who dares to touch you."

Gu Qianxue rolled his eyes, "Well, don't say this'touch', just say that you no longer admit Ying Fei, and have visited the church with others. You always say that I am attracting butterflies and butterflies, but I don't pull people to worship. "

At this point, Li Wang was speechless.

"I'll solve this matter by myself, don't you mention it again?" The voice was abruptly short by three points.

Gu Qianxue sees that Li Wang's face is really bad, and adults have turned a lot of pages, "But after all, I envy Mrs. Oriental."

"Mu?" Li Wang asked.

"Not the lady, but the wife of Dongfangshen." Qianxue's nympho, "The Dongshen must have been a man like a god. He not only created the famous Sword Mountain Villa, but also proudly became independent among the three kingdoms. Only this lady loved it so much that she even turned their love day into a traditional family holiday. There are thousands of people in the alley. How can such a man dislike it? How can such a woman not envy?"

Li Wang's heart was sour, and he held Gu Qianxue in his arms. "Relax, I will make you envious one day."

Even Li Wang himself did not find out that he has recently been strangely fond of jealousy, and frequently eats inexplicable vinegar.

Two days ago, I was jealous of myself, but today I found someone who died for hundreds of years.

"Bragging." Although sarcasm in the mouth, but the body is very honest, she lies on him honestly, comfortably enjoying the man's strong arms.

"Hehe." Li Wang replied with two sounds.

Qian Xue was not happy at all, "Gong Lingyun, don't you always haha ​​me next time? Do you know that'haha' is particularly impolite."

"Humph." Li Wang changed his words this time.

How did Gu Qianxue think that a few years later, Li Wang’s vows on this day really came true, no matter what the two were, they became a commemorative day and were respected by thousands of people in a certain country. Of course, this It's also something that everyone doesn't like to read.

For a moment, Gu Qianxue pushed away someone awkwardly, "otherwise we go out... turn around?" A beautiful little face was very hot, she felt... cough, if so alone in a room, Absolutely not good.

Li Wang was also not embarrassed, calmly pulled the hem of his robe, "Okay, I came to you today just to walk." Then, he took out two smiley masks in a trick.

Qianxue suddenly realized, "You mean, everyone who wears a mask today wears a mask?"

"Someone brought it." He said, throwing it to Gu Qianxue.

Qianxue took the mask and put it on her face, but she felt like a masquerade. "Wait, I'll change clothes." Since the low-key outing, I want to wear the lowest-key color.

Gu Qianxue went to the back room to change clothes. A dark purple to nearly black skirt opened her hair all over her shoulders, only slightly curled her hair tips, but had a style of dressing up during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

When he returned to the outside room, he was surprised to find that Li Wang also changed clothes.

This is the first time Gu Qianxue has seen Li Wang wear a color other than black. He actually wore a light Molan robe.

Tan Moran is the most popular color of the rich son recently, which is both elegant and calm, but Gu Qianxue does not like it personally, because this color gives a sense of creamy life.

Look at Li Wang again, and the lack of black killing, coupled with his white and handsome appearance, says that he is a handsome man, a weak and elegant scholar, and someone must believe it.

"What are you looking at?" Gu Qianxue's dull eyes looked at him, and Li Wang only felt panicky.

Finally, Qian Xue couldn't hold back and laughed, "I said Gong Linguo is really enough for you, and the vassal style is also enough. What is the bamboo on your clothes? Is it too vulgar? Should I draw you a panda?"

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