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Chapter 1020 Chapter 1020, whose man looks better?

"..." You know, this dress is for the disguise of the festival. Mr. Li Wang ordered him to buy it in the best ready-made clothing store in Shanzhuang. The style and color are also the most popular. "Is that funny?"

Gu Qianxue smiled for a while while holding the wall, and his stomach hurt.

King Li is one big and two big. Why should he pretend? Not because of that **** identity.

He is used to wearing black clothes, and "Lu Weilou" is also used to wearing black clothes. When the height and height cannot be changed, the biggest difference between the two is the face and voice, but tonight he has to wear a mask, afraid to attract her attention again, So... changed this one... girly clothes.

Li Wang also collapsed!

Gu Qianxue was still laughing, and in the end someone used a killer weapon to grab him a fierce kiss. He kissed Qian Xue's lips red and swollen until he seemed to have a sausage in his mouth.

Gu Qianxue's little face flushed, no longer making fun of it.

"Hey." said softly.

"Humph." Li Wang answered in the latest spoken language.

"I know you change your clothes to hide your identity, but is this dress really unobtrusive?" Qian Xue reached out and pointed at the light silk orchid robe on Li Wang's body.

Objectively speaking, except for some creaminess, it is actually quite handsome.

Li Wang frowned and scolded the subordinate who bought the clothes several times in his heart, "I don't know."

Qian Xue saw Li Wang's expression as if eating a fly, and chuckled for a while, "Come, sit down." He said, reaching for the dresser.

Although he didn't know what he was going to do, King Li was obedient and sat down.

Gu Qianxue took off the jade crown with the hair on his head, and soon, the long black soft hair tilted.

Unlike women's supple hair, men's hair is slightly harder, but because of this distinct hair, its shine is even stronger than women's hair. Under the light, it is full of brilliance, and Gu Qianxue uses a comb for it Combing my hair, I only felt that the strands of hair were slightly cold and had a nice feel.

Finally, I combed my hair, just like Qian Xue's own, tied it with a rope at the tip of the hair, and the two actually had the same hairstyle.

But I saw that with black hair and black hair as an embellishment, his skin was white, dark eyes and tall nose bridge, and the whole person was immortal without killing. As long as King Li does not speak and is not angry, it is believed that he is not a worldly person who does not eat fireworks on earth.

Li Wang watched his appearance from the bronze mirror, the deeper his brows grew.

Gu Qianxue laughed, "Isn't it more you look at it?"

Li Wang stared at him fiercely.

Qianxue is not afraid of him at all, even if he behaves no more fiercely, she is still not afraid.

She put the mask on his face, "Go, we also went to the festival... oh yes, do you know where the people in the village have celebrations?"

"Huan Lake." He answered.

"Okay, let's go to Huanhu."

Wearing a mask, Gu Qianxue of Ziyi pulled Li Wang in a light blue robe and went out. The mask blocked the outstanding appearance of the two. The two carefully hid in the depths of the crowd, but no one noticed.

Soon, to Huanhu Lake.

The Huanhu Lake, which was unmanned two days ago, is crowded today.

Facts have proved that Gu Qianxue was worried and looked around. Among the ten young men, there were four light-blue orchids with bamboo robes on the body of the king.

"I don't see it. You are still wearing an explosion." Gu Qianxue quipped.

"..." Although I don't know what is the explosion, Li Wang also guessed that it was not good, and he had begun to plan how to severely punish the officials who bought clothes.

"Don't be sulking, you wear the best clothes in the same clothes." Qian Xue smiled.

A sweet word made King Li's anger immediately subsided, "What are you talking about?"

"I said, you wear the best clothes with the same clothes." The crowd was noisy, Qianxue thought that Li Wang didn't hear clearly, and repeated it again.

Under the mask, Li Wang's lips and lips were wicked, "I still can't hear clearly. There are too many people and the voice is too loud."

Gu Qianxue understands that the other person’s ears are not good. After all, not everyone is equipped with a mother gold like her, so she has to shout out, "I mean, all those wearing light Moran robes, you are the best."


This time don't say that Li Wang "listens clearly", even the people around him can hear it clearly. Of course, it also includes many young men wearing the same explosive style.

This is... embarrassing.

The crowd looked over angrily, only to find the arrogant two wearing masks.

A woman said angrily, "It's really a big talk. If this son is really good-looking, he has the ability to take off the mask and let us all watch Junrong."

Gu Qianxue followed the woman's voice but found that the young man beside the woman was wearing an explosive dress. The man had a good appearance and a gentle and humble temperament. At this time, he was carefully pulling his "girlfriend" and carefully coaxing With.

Gu Qianxue heard Li Wang’s laughter sharply, and he was immediately anxiously ruined, "Hey, you guys are too much, I offended people in order to answer you, even if you don’t forgive me, you still laugh at me?"

King Li shrugged, "blame me? Just now you can make a little louder voice, who made you shout?"


On the other side, the young man’s consolation failed, and the irritated hot-tempered woman continued, "I said this girl, although the lover’s eyes are out of the eyes, it’s up to you to like it anymore. Good-looking, be careful next time, don’t wind your tongue."

This woman is also a grumpy and jealous.

Gu Qianxue was angry, the other party was grumpy, and she was not good.

Without saying anything, he pulled the mask off Li Wang's face with his hand raised. "Have you seen it, compared with your man, as long as you are not blind, you can see who looks good?"

The incident was so sudden that Li Wang was also ignorant.

Everyone followed Qi Wang's face.

King Li is of course beautiful, even if he is facing the beautiful second prince and the elegant prince, the beauty of King Li is not covered up, but he is too aggressive in ordinary days. Everyone sees that he is only shocked by his prostitution. Ignore his face.

However, the people in the famous Sword Mountain Villa did not know Li Wang. In addition, Li Wang wore a robe that seemed to explode, and everyone began to evaluate his appearance objectively.

The young girl said in a frenzy, "It really turned out that this son is more handsome."

Another woman said, "I don't know what the relationship between the son and the girl, maybe it's a sibling?" If it's a sibling, will there be a chance?

The young man's words were not dragged away by the young man beside him, "Wang Cuihua, don't forget that you have a fiancé."

Even the woman who had clamored with Gu Qianxue before was stunned. It never happened that the other party was really a beautiful man.

There are many young men in the famous Jianshanzhuang, but handsome like Li Wang is still rare, not to mention that this man also has an indescribable noble temperament.

Li Wang was anxious, grabbed the mask back, and dragged Gu Qianxue away.

However, there were so many people in the crowd, and there were many young women. After seeing Li Wang's face, they frantically gathered up, which also made Qian Xue startled.

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