The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 1028: 1028, the three-character sutra has wonders

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Chapter 1028 Chapter 1028

Driven by Gu Qianxue's emotions, Junan's whole body is also ready to spring like a spring. "Okay, let's go!" Then he rushed out, not forgetting Gu Qianxue's explanation from the first step on the water. Shouted loudly--

"At the beginning of man, nature is good, nature is similar, and practice is far away."

Resounded through the night sky.

Gu Qianxue, who was struggling to control his internal strength, froze for a while, and then laughed out of "Pouting", but it didn't matter if he laughed, but he released his internal force because of this, followed by a "Pouting", Gu Qianxue went in this way. Water.

Gu Qianxue experienced the second time in three days in the icy bitterness of Huanhu Lake in autumn.

Li Wang and Chu Yan on the shore were startled. Li Wang rushed over without saying anything, reached out to hold Gu Qianxue's collar, and dragged it back.

When I landed, it seemed that Qian Qianxue's face was red and scarred, so I couldn't wait to find a seam to drill in. It's... shameful! Shameful to the grandma's house.

The previous moment also gave Junan a rationale, and he also vowed to learn martial arts well, and the next moment he failed to control the internal force and fell into the lake.

Thinking, Gu Qianxue glared Junan fiercely, "blame you!"

Junan's innocent face, "Wrong, it's the princess, you let me chant the three-character sutra."

"The next three words are not allowed to be shouted!" Gu Qianxue gritted his teeth, "Shout hundred family names!"

"...Good." Jun An.

Li Wang sighed, "Take off your clothes and bake."

Chu Yan has taken off all the blankets on his body to cover Gu Qianxue. He is wearing a soaked underwear.

Gu Qianxue hurriedly said, "You don't need to smoke for the first time, just a layer of blanket, you don't have a cold."

Chu Yan shook his head, "No, the slave-servant will accompany Jun Anlian."

Qian Xue was stunned, "Can it? You want to give Junan some sense of urgency and pressure to compete, can you do it?"

"Slave maid can try." Chu Yan said.

After helping Gu Qianxue take off his coat and put on a thin blanket, the first smoke in his underwear was standing on the shore with Junan, who was only wearing a pair of underwear.

Gu Qianxue was wrapped into a cocoon pupa by a thin blanket, and was held by Li Wang on the outside, looking at the two with concern.

Chu Yan turned his head slightly, looking at Junan, and said, "If you drop the water once, I will ignore you for one month; if you drop the water twice, you will ignore you for two months; three times, you will be ignored for one year; four Two times, three years to ignore you; five times, eternal life will never see you again."

Qian Xue stunned, "It's worthy of the first smoke, much worse than me."

Li Wang lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "Don't learn from her."

Qian Xue gave someone a glance, "Look at your performance."

Junan was crying anxiously, "The first smoke girl, I don't want..."

"Don't have to." Chu Yan said coldly.

"Okay," as long as he met the first smoke, Junan was extremely rebellious. He suddenly turned his head and asked Gu Qianxue, "Princess, I really can successfully jump over as long as I shout the three-character sutra."

"You shout to try, the louder the sound, the greater the success rate." Qianxue made a bad eye, she had just been relieved of the power by Junan, and now she also wants to see the first smoke.

"Okay, Princess I believe you!" Jun An was also anxious.

Immediately thereafter, the two began.

Chu Yan did not jump away for the first time, and then filled her footsteps, deliberately waiting beside Junan.

Junan jumped and shouted, "The beginning of man!"

Immediately after mentioning the ascent, "Nature is good!"

The body fell, and the water at the tip of the point borrowed strength, "Sex is similar!"

Successfully borrowing strength, once again mentioning the internal force to take off, "Xi Xiangyuan!"


One person finally broke the mark, but it was not the first smoke, but Li Wang.

But seeing Li Wang let go of Gu Qianxue to squatted aside, because to keep the high cold image is not easy to laugh, just covered his mouth with one hand, holding the belly with the other hand, his body kept shaking.

Originally Gu Qianxue was in a state of seriousness, scrutinizing Junan's every move seriously, but because of Li Wang's smirk, she couldn't help laughing.

However, he did not dare to laugh, fearing that it would affect Junan's performance and then fall into the water.

It doesn’t matter whether Junan falls into the water. The guy with a simple mind and well-developed limbs has always been in good physical condition, even if he swims a few times in the lake. She is afraid of the incomprehensible character of Chu Yan. Ann, that way Jun'an can't kill her, and can still torture her with resentment.

So Gu Qianxue rolled the spy and squatted on the ground with a painful smile.

In contrast, Chu Yan was very serious. She used Yu Guang to follow Junan as she moved forward. If Junan really wanted to fall, she immediately shot.

In this way, the two reached the other side of the lake.

When he reached the other side of the lake, Jun An was almost shocked!

Because the tension just now exceeded the tension in the plot, he even thought he would fall. He was afraid that he was shaking but he had no choice but to shout the three-character scripture.

I didn't expect didn't go away.

Before waiting for Junan to relieve himself, he said, "Come again."

"..." Jun An was pathetic. "Can I wait? I... I'm still nervous and my legs are shaking."

Chu Yanyou sighed slowly, and said, "I have started to practice martial arts since I remembered. At the age of eight, I was exposed to light skills. I don’t like martial arts. Every month, a competition is held, and the winners have improved their food level and have a little pocket money. The competition is not fatal, but the hungry people don’t fight, and many people die in the competition. , Including me, at that time I was scared..."

Junan looked at Chu Yan in a daze.

Chu Yan smiled sadly, "Fear of heart will affect the performance, and if it is not performed well, it may fail or be killed. Although it is sad to be killed, the worst is not to be killed, but to be disabled. The disabled people will Without the value of the investment, the end is often to throw the seriously injured people into chaotic graves and slowly wait for death."

Jun An hugged Chu Yan violently, "I just knew you, I was attracted by your strength and vigor, but now, I just want to protect you! From now on, it is me who will die, and will not let you be hurt. rest assured."

Chu Yan's head rested on Junan's shoulder, listening quietly, watching faintly, feeling his enthusiasm and tension.

For a long while, Chu Yan smiled slightly, "In order not to fear myself, I will count."

Junan froze for a moment and gently let her go. "Count... count?"

Chu Yan smiled, "Yes, every time I started, I counted one, two, three, four, five, slowly counted to five hundred, and then counted back again. Although it will involve a certain amount of energy, but it is not in line with the performance caused by fear. Than, the energy involved is nothing."

I don’t know why, Junan was happy when he heard these words, "You mean, you need to count too?" He thought he was as strong as the first smoke, so he didn't need it.

Chu Yan nodded, "I am also a person, and everyone has a heart of fear, but I don't show it," the voice paused. "Privately, it is Li Wang, and I should use some methods to adjust my mood."

Junan picked up the first smoke and threw it into the sky, "Great, first smoke, I like you so much!"

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