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Chapter 1029 Chapter 1029, True Cold and False Cold

On the island, because of the distance, Gu Qianxue could not hear the two, but vaguely saw Junan throwing Chu Yan up and down.

"What are they doing?" Qianxue asked Li Wang.

Li Wang narrowed his eyes, "Are you going to be thrown?"

"No!" Qian Xue refused without thinking.

On the other side, Junan knew that even the strong first smoke was counting, and immediately filled his confidence. When he returned, he shouted the Sanzijing louder, which can be said to be resounding.

Gu Qianxue and Li Wang both smiled and almost suffocated into emphysema.

The two finally landed, and Gu Qianxue hurriedly dragged the first cigarette to his side. "What happened just now, how do I think Jun'an was hit with chicken blood?" He said, looking to Jun'an.

But seeing Junan looking for a flat bottom, Huweishengwei's punching and warming up.

Chu Yan calmly reiterated what Junan said, Qian Xue dumbfounded, "Really? Are you really counting?"

"Of course it's fake." At the beginning, Yan Yan's tone was casual, and then he glanced coldly at Jun An. "The game is cruel, but you don't need to be afraid of dealing with the garbage."


After Gu Qianxue's spine suddenly cooled, she felt that she needed to re-examine Chu Yan.

Quietly came to Li Wang, "Did you hear what Chu Yan and I just said?"

The three were not far away, and with Wang Minrui's hearing, he could hear all words, "Well."

Gu Qianxue said, "Do you have fear? The kind of timidity when fighting with people?"

"No." Li Wangdao said.


Gu Qianxue subconsciously covered his heart, and thought that he would be farther away from the two people, and the two people were rooted! this! Do not! Yes! people! class!

However, even though Li Wang and Chu Yan did not have any fears, Gu Qianxue thought that the method of coaxing Jun An was really easy to use, and secretly asked Li Wang and Chu Yan to clenched their teeth and could not tell the truth.

What everyone did not expect was that Junan and Chuyan were dressed in their robes and hugged by the lake, but they were discovered and secretly told Mrs. Oriental and Mrs. Oriental, which caused a sudden rage.

The next day.

Early in the morning Gu Qianxue and Chu Yan were invited by Jun'an to Jun'an's house.

Because the villa is huge, unlike the courtyards of Nanyue Kingdom, everyone uses a real house.

There is a gate, a town house lion, a reception living room, a guest room, a master bedroom, and a junior bedroom, in addition to a back garden, a martial arts stadium, and some have a small lake, a small stream, and so on.

Junan’s house is not big. I heard that the backyard was originally a garden, but it was all flattened and made into a martial arts stadium.

Because Junan does not live in the villa all the year round, Junan’s house has no servants except for people who clean it regularly. Even though he came back to live temporarily, Junan didn't want any other servants, only four little servants.

As for the maidservant, Junan is a non-reserved one. The reason is very simple.

There are four people in the backyard training ground.

In addition to Junan and Chuyan, there are Gu Qianxue and Li Wang.

The little man was sent out, and only four people were in this big martial arts training ground.

When Gu Qianxue arrived, he was shocked to see Li Wang, and he subconsciously wanted to turn around and leave, but Jun An explained that Li Wang was invited by him, and Chu Yan and "Zhao Xiaohan" were also invited by him. Think about it, Gu Qianxue is at ease.

So what are you doing here? Naturally martial arts.

"Yesterday Junan was already able to skillfully use light skills with the San Zi Jing, and today he started practicing sparring." Gu Qianxue said as he walked to the weapon rack, reached out and pulled out a spear, and put a hand on the hand.

Because of his success in light work, Jun'an's respect for Gu Qianxue deepened a little, and he no longer sarcasm as before.

Gu Qianxue walked to the center of the venue with a spear, handsomely played a set of marksmanship.

Even Jun An, who looked down on Gu Qianxue, couldn't help but applaud. "I really didn't expect the princess marksmanship to be so neat. Although the strength is insufficient, the movement is exquisite, and it's quite good."

Qianxue received the merits, "Come, fight me."

The words I just praised suddenly stuck in my lips, Jun An was anxious, "Did you look down on me, princess? No matter how psychological... that quality is not good, I have been practicing martial arts in the East for more than ten years, if I can't compare to you , I'll forget my martial arts."

Gu Qianxue raised his eyebrows, "Who made you use a weapon, I let you fight me with bare hands."

"Ah?" Jun An froze.

"Also, don't call me the princess, call me Miss Zhao," Qian Xuexiao Yin Yin reached out to the courtyard wall, "otherwise if someone passes by, it will be bad to hear."

"Yes, Miss Zhao." Because it was bare-handed, Jun An felt a lot balanced, "Come on."

As a result, Gu Qianxue used a gun and Junan bare-handed, and the two started to fight.

Gu Qianxue has weapons, but it is still far inferior to Junan in terms of strength. That fierce spear could not catch Junan at all, and Junan only used 30% of his skills.

However, the good times didn't last long. After playing for about a minute, Jun'an's breathing began to be disordered. After two minutes, there was no rhythm. After three minutes, he began to dodge the embarrassment. At the fifth minute, Gu Qianxue withdrew his spear. "Okay."

Junan was frustrated.

Qianxue smiled, "Let's memorize the San Zi Jing."

"..." everyone.

The embarrassment flashed on Jun Anjunxiu's face, "Wang...Miss Zhao, even if memorizing the San Zi Jing can overcome my psychological obstacles, but should I keep on the back? That way I didn't defeat the other party, and laughed at the other party. ."

Qianxue thought of the scene where he fell into the lake yesterday, but he couldn't help but pouting out again.

Seeing Junan’s face is even more embarrassing, Gu Qianxue hastened to smile, and coughed a few times, "Cough, there is a word called practice makes perfect. At the beginning, you need to shout out the three-character sutra aloud, but as proficiency increases, every time you fight, as long as you It’s enough to meditate in your heart? If you don’t say it, who knows what you’re thinking?”

Jun An suddenly realized, "Miss Zhao, you're right, why didn't I think of it before? Come and come!"

Gu Qianxue threw the spear, if the rabbit seemed to jump to Li Wang's side, "If you find the trick, I won't fight you, and I will smoke you first."

"Yes, Miss." Chu Yan stepped forward.

"Get started." Gu Qianxue said.

As a result, the two started to work, and at the same time they heard Junan's voice, "At the beginning of man, nature is good, nature is similar, and practice is far away."

At the same time, what are Gu Qianxue and Li Wang doing?

The two crouched in the corner and laughed silently holding their stomachs, making them chest pain and cheek pain.

After Jun An recited the San Zi Jing completely twice, Gu Qianxue and Li Wang expressed their calmness to this scene, holding back the smile and returning to the martial arts training ground.

From the beginning to the end, Yan did not laugh, and he was engrossed in fighting with it, but he was squeezing his strength. After all, there is still a gap between the two.

"It's also cold," Gu Qianxue reached out and poked Li Wang next to him. "You are fake cold, the first smoke is really cold."

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