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Chapter 1030 Chapter 1030, prefer latte

Li Wang was unhappy, but had a bad attack, and sighed, "Before I knew you, I was not like that."

When Qian Xue thought of the two, they knew, "I like you with seven emotions and six desires." Looking at him.

King Li also stunned slightly and bowed his head, "Thank you."

The two looked like no one else, only one person in each other's eyes.

Just as Li Wang was about to bow his head and kiss the pink lips, Gu Qianxue flashed back, "Are you thirsty, do you want to drink tea?"

"..." Someone didn't eat it and was very unwilling, but the thought of beauty making tea was also yearning, "Yes."

Qianxue nodded, "Then you make tea."


"Why? You won't?" Qianxue blinked innocently.

Li Wang is about to have an attack, but looking at the beloved woman in front of him, he still has no choice.

"Hear." Qianxue replied honestly.

Li Wang took it gently in his arms, "You are so beautiful, the tea will be more fragrant."

Qianxue raised her head, "You are also beautiful, you try."


Finally, helpless, Li Wang can only be condescended and ran to make tea by himself.

Gu Qianxue leaned over, "Gong Lingyun, I suddenly wanted to see you wearing that bamboo robe."

"Burn," Li Wang replied lightly, not beating the official who bought the robe, believing he was in a good mood.

Qianxue made a nuisance. "It's a pity, otherwise I'll try to find you white clothes next time? You must look good in your clothes, but open your hair and put it on your shoulders."

King Li glared at her, put the tea bowl in her hand, "drink."

Gu Qianxue took the tea bowl and shrugged, "It's really boring."

Then the two of them sat in a chair next to the martial arts stadium and watched the two of them fight in the center.

I have to say that this method is extremely effective. Jun'an who recites the San Zi Jing in his mouth has a very rhythmical style. I dare not say that he exerts his full strength, and also shows 70% to 80%. Contend with it.

Look at Chu Yan again.

Chuyan used to learn the Sky Eagle Pavilion Kung Fu. The assassin's martial arts are not strong. This kind of head-to-head confrontation does not take advantage.

Before easily agreeing Junan was due to Junan's psychological defect, but as Junan overcomes his fear, Chu Yan also had to mention the skill to 90%.

Yes, it is 90%.

In addition to the martial arts of Tianying Pavilion and the natural gap between men and women's physique, there is another reason that Chuyan recently re-martial arts, learning the kung fu of the famous sword mountain, can be regarded as a start, so the due strength can not be exerted.

In a flash, the two had already burned incense sticks, and it was still difficult to separate. Jun An even shot out the fighting spirit of Chu Yan. At this time, Gu Qianxue asked the two to stop, and they also refused to stop. Next.

Gu Qianxue and Li Wang sat on the chairs and slowly tasted tea.

"This tea is delicious." Qianxue said.

Li Wang whispered, "This is Ye Biqing, a specialty on the mountain beside the famous Jianshanzhuang Huan Lake. It is not a good tea, but if you like it, I will let people buy it from time to time." Although the voice seems cold, it actually brings Faintly spoiled.

"No, I don't like to drink tea," Qianxue told the truth. "By comparison, I like coffee, especially latte."

"Coffee, what is it?" Li Wang frowned slightly, but was already accustomed to the new nouns that Gu Qianxue popped up from time to time.

Qian Xue sighed, "It's troublesome to explain, I don't know where it will be. I'll talk about it later."

At this moment, a conversation between mother and son came from outside the courtyard.

The child is not very old, listening to naive voices up to four or five years old, it is just when playing, crying while struggling, "I don't want to learn, I don't want to learn, I want to play, I want to learn martial arts!"

The mother dragged the young child and said patiently, "You hear, the five young masters are also memorizing the San Zi Jing. Only when they memorize the San Zi Jing can they practice martial arts."

Gu Qianxue, who was drinking tea, heard a sip of tea.

Li Wang reached out and clapped his back, "Frightened." Ai's reproach.

The children outside the courtyard wall are small, but they are extremely clever. After listening to the corner for a while, and confirming that the voice belongs to the five young masters, I believe, "Well, then I will go back and memorize the three-character scriptures." , And obediently went away with his mother.

Gu Qianxue once again covered his mouth and smiled, Li Wang also smiled and shook his head, but the two in the middle of the field were arguing without knowing, and still playing.

In this way, after another hour, the two are still fighting.

"Aren't they tired?" Qian Xue was bored waiting aside.

Wang Li said, "It's only an hour, and I shouldn't be tired. It is said that some experts on the rivers and lakes will play for days and nights."

Qian Xue was surprised, "Do you not eat or go to the toilet?"

"..." Regarding the question of eating and convenience, Li Wang really didn't think about it, or many people passed the discussion as a beautiful talk, but no one noticed whether he was eating or going to the toilet. "Should also... eat, maybe It may be possible to continue playing after eating."

Gu Qianxue nodded seriously, "I think it's the same."


Gu Qianxue got up and shouted to Jun An, "Brother Jun, don't call out the three-character sutra from now on, try to meditate."

Junan replied, "Okay."

So, began to meditate.

Gu Qianxue was really bored and turned his head to Li Wangdao, "Otherwise you will accompany me to learn? I want to practice martial arts."

Li Wang's thin lips raised, with great interest. "it is good."

As a result, the spacious martial arts court was beaten by two groups of people.

Two hours passed.

Qianxue didn't know what the other three were, and she was exhausted. "After a rest, I was exhausted!"

Li Wang naturally stopped his hands and said diligently, "You suddenly practice martial arts like this, and I'm afraid that my body won't be able to bear it. I'll massage it for you."

Qianxue hadn't reacted yet, and he was ruthlessly taken advantage of.

Junan and Chuyan also stopped and were discussing each other's deficiencies. When Yan turned around and wanted to ask himself if his master was hungry, thirsty or thirsty, he just saw this scene of unsuitable children under the broad daylight and calmness. Turned around, only when I didn't see it.

"The first smoke, just..." Jun An chased, just halfway through the words, seeing the fierce hostility ahead, instantly froze in place, dumbfounded, blushing.

Chu Yan didn't say anything, reaching for his eyes, "Come, let's have another dish."

Li Wang suddenly let go of Gu Qianxue, "Someone is coming," said softly.

Qianxue hurriedly sorted out the loose shirt, and gave a fierce glance, "Rogue!"

Li Wang smiled, very charming, "turn back to let you know what a real rogue."

King Li's ears were unbelievable. The man heard it before he reached the gate. When the visitor entered the gate, Gu Qianxue also heard footsteps.

When the man entered the gate detour backyard martial arts stadium, he saw such a scene.

Junan and Chuyan are competing, while Li Wang and Ms. Zhao are sitting on the east side of the martial arts stadium and the other on the west side, without touching each other.

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