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Chapter 1037 Chapter 1037, A Nightmare

With a scream, Gu Qianxue woke up.

When he opened his eyes, he realized that the carriage still galloped steadily.

The whole body was cold and sweaty, soaked the lining, and the cold cold fell into the ice pool.

"Miss, are you okay?" was Chu Yan's concerned voice.

Chu Yan's voice remained calm and calm, but with a faint warmth.

Qian Xue looked at Chu Yan in horror, only to realize that there was a nightmare.

"Miss has a nightmare?" Chu Yan asked softly.

Qianxue got up, nodded, paused, and shook his head again.

Chu Yan didn't understand whether it was a nightmare or not, "Miss, drink some hot water."

"Okay." Qianxue took the hot water and filled it with a drink.

Jun An’s voice came from the window, "The first smoke girl is thirsty, hungry, tired, tired?"

It turned out that Junan has been riding a horse, not fast or slow, always moving side by side with the carriage, its purpose is self-evident.

At first smoke, he smiled, his cheeks slightly red, "Not thirsty or hungry, you take care of the prince."

Jun An smiled, "The prince does not need me to take care, I will stay and take care of you."

Qianxue just put down the water glass and was caught off guard, a bite of dog food.

"Miss, will you drink some more hot water?" Chu Yan asked.

Gu Qianxue shook his head. "I want to change my clothes. It's uncomfortable to get wet."

"Okay, the slave maid locks the car curtain." Then, the car curtain must be locked.

But at this moment, Gu Qianxue heard the rapid horseshoe sound behind the team, "Stop, stop, we are the people of the famous sword mountain village."

Qian Xue, who was about to undress, hurriedly put down her hand and opened the car curtain to look back.

"Miss?" Chu Yan puzzled.

Only then did Junan hear someone chasing the team, "Don't worry about the first smoke girl, let me go and see." He said, turning his horse head towards the end of the team.

After a while, Junan chased the horse and chased up, "There is an emergency, you wait for the first smoke girl." But she didn't make much stop, and rushed straight into Li Wang's carriage in front.

With the order of the fleet commander, the galloping team gradually slowed down and then stopped.

"Miss, are you cold? The slave-servant sees you shaking." Chu Yan asked with concern.

"No." Qian Xue's voice was weak.

The messenger of the famous Jianshanzhuang came and came to Gu Qianxue's carriage under the guidance of Junan. "Is it girl Zhao, please?"

Chu Yan immediately pushed the door of the car, "It's my lady, may I ask you?"

The man was more respectful of Chu Yan. "That's it. Miss Zhao found the person he found."

The first smoke was startled.

Gu Qianxue froze, looking at the direction of the car window, and said nothing.

The first smoke was overjoyed, but then it seemed like he was thinking about it, and he was in a heavy mood.

After a tea time, the team continued to move forward, everything seemed to be as usual, but it was different.

If the team was happy before, now it is heavy. Although no one knows where this heavyness comes from, the heavy atmosphere has been circling around the team, making it hard to breathe.

Gu Qianxue was still sitting in the carriage, only with a letter in his hand.

Chu Yan sat aside, frowning frowning, thoughtful.

The two didn't say a word for a long time.

In a few moments, Gu Qianxue took a deep breath, opened the envelope, and pulled out a piece of paper with the three words "Anlinya" written on it.

"Saddle Linya!?" Qian Xue murmured, "A familiar name."

Chu Yan was taken aback, "Anlinya is in the far suburbs of Beijing!"

Qianxue remembered this, "No wonder he is so familiar, does Su Gongzi never go anywhere, has been in the capital?" It is inevitable to remember a sentence, the most dangerous place is often the safest, secretly blamed why did not think of the capital in the first place?

Chu Yan saw Gu Qianxue's thoughts and said, "Miss don't blame yourself. Yao Zhen and others have already raided the capital many times, but you know the master's ability, how can we find it if we want to find it?"

Gu Qianxue smiled bitterly, sighed, and fell into conflict again.

In a few moments, Junan's voice rang out of the window again, "Miss Zhao, First Smoke Girl, just now the prince has ordered, please relax, please solve the problem together."

Gu Qianxue opened his eyes, but some kind of floating sea found driftwood.

Chu Yan said, "I see."

Junan left and returned to life, and said at first, "Miss, please take a rest. Just now you didn't sleep well."

Qianxue nodded, changed to dry clothes, and lay down again. At this time, all he needed to do was sleep for a while and calm himself down.

Into the night.

The convoy camped.

Far away from the famous Jianshanzhuang, Li Wang didn't have to avoid the relationship with Gu Qianxue. The four of them by the campfire sat down.

After reading the paper, Li Wang put the envelope back, "We will go directly to Anlinya without returning to Beijing."

Gu Qianxue looked at Li Wang and his eyes flashed.

Li Wangwei didn't look at her in response, but said to Junan Tao, "Submit the order to let everyone seize the time to rest, and continue to leave after three hours."

Jun An was startled, "Three hours? Lord, but the three hours are not yet bright!"

"Let's start before it's bright." Li Wang's voice was heavy.

Gu Qianxue heard the clue, "Gong Lingyun, you mean... Su Gongzi is in a bad situation?"

Li Wang gave Gu Qianxue a deep look. If Gu Qianxue’s face was ugly, Li Wang’s face could not be seen. “With Ling Xiao’s strength, not to mention the outer suburbs of Beijing, it’s within the capital, as long as he doesn’t want to show his head. People can find it. Why didn't the people of the original King, the Blood Moon Tower, and your people find it, but the people of Mingjian Mountain Villa? It's not that the strength of Mingjian Mountain Villa is, but it's because of the Su shopkeeper."

"Su shopkeeper?" Qian Xue was surprised.

Chu Yan said, "Sorry, the slave-servant dared to intervene once. Since the slave-servant followed the county master, everything from the master was taken care of by the shopkeeper Su."

Li Wang continued, "Ling Xiao looked at easy-going people. In fact, what he decided could not be shaken at all. Now the information disclosed only shows that Ling Xiao's situation is getting worse, and the situation is so bad that he can't control daily life."


The two words suddenly appeared in Gu Qianxue's mind.

"Qianxue, come to rest with me." Li Wang suddenly said such a sentence.

Gu Qianxue's heart fell fiercely. Although he had no basis, he had a bad feeling. "it is good."

Subsequently, Jun An issued the order of Li Wang. The following people were helpless and could only seize the time to rest. Gu Qianxue followed Li Wang back to Qianjin.

Moonlight illuminates the car through the window, and there is a gust of wind outside the car.

Li Wang was sitting at the door of the car, staring out the window in a daze, Gu Qianxue was lying at the bottom of the car, and the two lives for a night without a word.

Then the team entered the hurry mode, the speed of travel was fast, and the hurry time was reduced by half.

The convoy went all the way to the capital, but when they did not arrive in the capital, the soldiers divided into two routes. The officials of the same party brought most of the people into Beijing and returned to the emperor.

But Li Wang left a dozen people and went to the cliff.

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