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Chapter 1038 Chapter 1038, Linyaju

Anlinya is above Anlinshan, and the terrain is dangerous.

Not to mention the need to spend water and winding mountain roads when entering the mountain area, only to climb the cliff is not a normal person can climb to the top.

In the end, Li Wang's convoy was stopped by the river. Only Gu Qianxue and four others took a boat to ride the water and climb the mountain with light skills.

But I saw that between the mountains and the clouds, a patchwork courtyard was built on the mountain, just on the cliff.

The courtyard is not big, but although the sparrow is small and full of internal organs, the wall is not high, and the door is not wide. On the door is a small three-foot plaque that says "Linyaju".

Although the font is not arrogant and domineering, but there is no kind of stability and freedom, iron painting silver hook, You Yun Jinglong.

It is Su Lingxiao's word.

Gu Qianxue standing under the plaque looked at these three words and suddenly remembered Wu Mingju.

The plaque of Wumingju is also a personal inscription by Su Lingxiao. When she first came to Nanyue, she was alone and in crisis. Haolan Academy and Wumingju were like her sheltered harbour, just like a home.

Of course, Su Lingxiao also got a lot of modern little knowledge in her future, but compared with what Gu Qianxue got, Su Lingxiao paid more.

The most priceless is Su Lingxiao's heart.

A heart that pays only selflessly regardless of returns.

The four didn't knock on the door, but the guards and secret guards found out that when they opened the door, an acquaintance quickly came out from the inside.

The shopkeeper Su was dressed in light-colored linen. In just a few months, his hair was a lot of white. "The villain has seen Li Wang and Princess."

Chu Yan said anxiously, "Supreme Master Su, what about Master?"

Su shopkeeper smiled bitterly, "still sleeping."

Although Su Lingxiao occasionally takes a nap, it is now evening, and he has never fallen asleep in the evening, which can only explain his...coma.

Gu Qianxue realized this and couldn't think about it. The man had rushed in and grabbed the bodyguard beside him, "Take me to see Master Su, hurry!"

The guard knew Gu Qianxue's identity without delay, and led Gu Qianxue directly to Su Lingxiao's room.

Li Wang saw Gu Qianxue's anxious look and felt uncomfortable, but thought of the person as Su Lingxiao, but only sighed, and there was no resentment or anger for a moment.

Pushing the door open, a strong smell of medicine comes across.

The room is quite spacious, there is no other furnishings in the room, only a bed and a table.

The person lying on the bed was bluish-purple, his eyes closed, and his face was lifeless. If it were not for the slight undulations on his chest, it was like a dead person.

Sitting at the table were three old men who were whispering about their illness and prescriptions. When someone rushed in, they looked at it with a little blame. Su Lingxiao, who had a heart disease, needed to be recuperated. On the top of the mountain, some people rushed in now, and if they disturbed the patient, what should they do?

But one of the three doctors knew Gu Qianxue and quickly got up and said softly, "It turns out to be Qianxue County Master."

The other two have heard of the woman’s identity a lot, and they know that Su Lingxiao loves the woman, but if they are puzzled, if they remember correctly, Qianxue County has become Princess Li, and stayed in the royal palace badly. ?

Gu Qianxue didn't say anything, and paid a tribute to these three people, "Thank you all for your care, thank you."

Three people, you look at me, I look at you, except for some polite words, I don’t know how to reply.

At this time, the shopkeeper Su and the king Li had already entered.

Chu Yan couldn't help but rushed in.

Su Lingxiao used to lose weight, but now she is even more terrible. She is almost no longer a normal person. Not only is she thin, she is also bluish-purple, and her lips are also purple.

Rao was a deserted first smoker, biting his lip and red eyes.

Gu Qianxue slowly walked into the room and stood in front of the bed. The scenes of the past came to mind. Su Lingxiao did not make plans for her. The two discussed the math problems together, and he danced while playing the piano.

How to dance, she has forgotten everything, but Su Lingxiao's beautiful tunes are still vivid and fresh in her ears.

Equally uncomfortable is Li Wang.

Li Wang and Su Lingxiao have had a friendship for nearly ten years. They said that Su Lingxiao's affection for Gu Qianxue was totally unable to help Li Wang.

It can be said that it was precisely because he met Su Lingxiao that the young Li Wang was able to survive.

I never dreamed that the two at the turn of life would like the same woman.

No one dares to think about the woman he fancy, but if the other party is Su Lingxiao, he is willing to take a step back, but when making a choice, it is Su Lingxiao who first quit.

He remembered again what Gu Qianxue had said-God is a bachelor, and no one was happy.

The shopkeeper Su looked at the confused Gu Qianxue coldly, and then looked at the heavy Li Wang. His eyes flashed over the savvy edge. He stepped forward and respectfully said, "His Royal Highness, can you speak further."

Knowing that Su's shopkeeper was Su Lingxiao's confidant, King Li nodded and left the room.

Out of the room, the shopkeeper Su did not immediately speak to Li Wang. He led Li Wang and his entourage Junan out of the house and bypassed a small corridor to a house in the backyard.

Li Wang did not ask much, just went with him.

Although the room was not big, it was beautifully shaped, the doors and windows were closed, the dark red window mullions and the white window prismatic papers showed an indescribable strangeness, and Junan immediately guarded and looked around.

King Li still stood quietly at the door, waiting for the response of Su's shopkeeper.

Su dispensers turned a deaf ear to Junan's defense, took out the key, opened the lock, and then opened the door, "His Royal Highness, please come in."

Junan didn't say anything, but rushed in first, fearing that there was an ambush in it.

When he saw everything in the room, Jun An was shocked.

I saw that everything in the room was related to Gu Qianxue.

There is a painting hanging on the wall in the center of the door. There is mountains and water in the painting. Next to a dazzling lake, there is a huge platform. On the platform are two men dressed as university officials, and under the stage are Scholar faces with various expressions.

Everyone was either cheering or curious, each face had a face and an expression, and the whole picture came to life as if it happened fresh.

This painting is nothing else, it is the painting of Bi-Ling Lake, and it is also Gu Qianxue's famous work.

Unknown, the name of Gu Qianxue’s lord was obtained because of this fighting arts conference and this stunning painting. At that time, the emperor was also watching on the observation deck, and seeing Qiu Enran was so arrogant, he would simply Gu Qianxue It was also named Lord of the County.

Beside the bucket art of Bishan Lake, there is a portrait and a man.

The man in a snow suit, Zhilan Yushu, with a concentrated expression, is playing the piano. The man in the painting is Su Lingxiao, but not Su Lingxiao at this time, but when he was healthy. When Li Wang saw the painting, he was saddened because he remembered the time a few years ago. At that time, Su Lingxiao was still healthy. The two talked about the world and planned for the future, but did not expect...

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