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Chapter 1053, 1053, Leaking Heaven

Gu Qianxue puzzled, "Leave here? Where to go? Are we together?"

Su Lingxiao nodded, "Yes, this kind of cloud is called Zhenyun. The history book records that there was a small country named Zhou Suiguo more than two hundred years ago, which was destroyed after an earthquake. It is said that some people have seen this before the earthquake. Cloud."

Qian Xue was surprised, "Earthquake!?"

As a modern person, naturally know the terrible earthquake.

"Yes." This time, Su Lingxiao didn't wait for Gu Qianxue to speak, and directly ordered the shopkeeper Su, and left immediately after packing up.

Su boss did not dare to delay, Zhang Luo opened immediately.

Linya's small house, which was still quiet at the moment, was busy immediately.

"Let's paint." Although it took only three days, Su Lingxiao had mastered the sketching technique, and in addition, he had the basic skills in painting. Now, the painting technique is almost for Gu Qianxue, and there are even signs of catching up.

Gu Qianxue had terrible pictures after the earthquake in his head, and he could not help crying, "It's going to be an earthquake, and you still have a mind to draw? Or else I'll help Su Treasurer to clean up."

Su Lingxiao saw the panicking Gu Qianxue, and his eyes were full of spoils. "Don't be afraid, the earthquake is not large. If we are not on the road and only on the road surface, we don't even need to avoid it. We still need to be cautious on the mountain to prevent slopes."

After listening to Su Lingxiao say this, Gu Qianxue was relieved. "Maybe when will the earthquake happen, can you tell?"

"Two days later." Su Lingxiao said.

Qian Xue couldn't help but raise his thumb, thinking that if Su Lingxiao was born in modern times, he would definitely be able to work in the Earthquake Administration.

But then I thought about it, if Su Lingxiao could really be born in modern times, I am afraid that the small temple in the Seismological Bureau could not hold a great god, and I am afraid that more large institutions will dig him.

Su Lingxiao looked at Gu Qianxue and suddenly smiled, "I can guess what you are thinking."

"..." Gu Qianxue was terrified. "Really...?" Isn't it so terrible?

"You're thinking, why do I know so much, if you throw me in where, it will certainly attract many people's attention, right?" Su Lingxiao said.

Qianxue finally couldn't help but say, "Are you a human being or a ghost?" Why is it more mysterious than she who travels through time and space?

Su Lingxiao smiled, "I want to ask you the same question. The only thing in this world that I can't guess is you."

"..." Qianxue was speechless, and she didn't know whether she was a human or a ghost now. After all, she still wore through time and space. "Nonsense, don't you guess what I am thinking now?"

Su Lingxiao frowned slightly, "But I still can't think of it. Why do you make a breathing bag and why do you know what people in this world don't know."

Gu Qianxue's eyes flashed, "Do you want to know, how can I tell you?"

If he wants to know, she doesn't mind confessing her identity as a traverser.

Su Lingxiao shook his head, "I don't want, Qianxue, do you know? After guessing everything, there is only loneliness and panic."

"Lonely? Panic?" Qian Xue puzzled.

Su Lingxiao took Gu Qianxue's hand and reached the edge of the cliff, reaching for the mountain.

"Do you mean... to look at the hills and mountains?" Gu Qianxue thought that he didn't have Su Lingxiao's skills, and couldn't guess what other people thought.

Su Lingxiao nodded, "This is loneliness."

Qian Xue suddenly realized that everyone in front of Su Lingxiao couldn't hide secrets like transparency. In other words, Su Lingxiao's height was too high, no one could match it, and the height was extremely cold, and there was a sense of loneliness after a long time.

"What about panic? Are you afraid of heights?" Qian Xue joked.

Su Lingxiao shook his head slowly, "Have Qianxue ever heard a word-divulged the heavens?"

Gu Qianxue suddenly realized, "Do you think your illness is caused by leaking heaven?"

Su Lingxiao nodded.

Qian Xue chuckled, "Don't think about it, congenital heart disease, it is caused by your dysplasia in the embryonic period, and what has nothing to do with the celestial machine. If it is leaked, then I am the real leaked machine." Thanks to this Overhead world, if it is true ancient China, she must change history.

The butterfly effect is terrible to think about.

Su Lingxiao pondered for a moment after listening, and then smiled warmly, "Qianxue, thank you."

"Thanks for what I do, I just tell the truth." Gu Qianxue shook his hand.

The next moment, his hand was caught by him, "Qianxue, your hand is very warm."

Gu Qianxue lowered his head, watched the big skinny hand wrap his hand, sighed, and held it with his backhand. "Take good care of your body and your hand will be very warm."

"Okay, but I still want to paint." Su Lingxiao said.

Qian Xue chuckled, "I didn't find your painting addiction so big, would it be that a generation of painting sages would rise in this world?"

Su Lingxiao shook her head, "I just want to draw the one you painted and continue to finish it."

"..." Gu Qianxue rolled his eyes helplessly, "Okay."

In fact, what Su Lingxiao didn't say is that as long as he opened his eyes, he wanted to see her, and he couldn't even blink.

Thinking of her imminent death, she became very attached to her.

On weekdays, he is afraid of seeing too much. She will be disgusted and shy, so she only has the opportunity to paint.

Using her as a model, he can continue to look at her with fairness.

As a result, the entire Linya people were busy with the sky, but Gu Qianxue and Su Lingxiao were relaxing in the room.

One by one, after Su Lingxiao learned sketching techniques, there was only one person in all the paintings he wrote, that is, her.

After a whole day of sorting, all the apps of Linyaju are well organized.

What's more worth mentioning is that while Lin Yaju's servants were sorting out, they used the ropeway to transport their luggage down the mountain cliff, and when Gu Qianxue woke up out of the room, he discovered that the entire Linyaju was empty overnight. .

Qian Xue was dumbfounded.

"Sister, is there any problem?" Chu Yan asked.

Gu Qianxue reached out to the empty yard, "Even the flower pots have been removed?"

"Yes, those flower pots and flowers are all liked by the master. Since you want to go, you have to take them away naturally." Chu Yandao.

The two were talking, and they had already stepped forward. They first asked Gu Qianxue for peace, and then asked Chu Yan, "I don't know if I can arrange the room of the master."

Early flue, "Yes."

Immediately afterwards, a group of people entered the house where Gu Qianxue lived, and with a sound of packing, they immediately saw a group of people move out things in an orderly manner.

It took almost ten minutes before and after. The comfortable room just now was empty.

Gu Qianxue dared to swear that no modern mover was as efficient as Su Lingxiao, "They are really good movers."

Chu Yandao, "Because the master travels a lot, everyone gets used to it."

Qian Xue knew, practice makes perfect.

At this time, Su shopkeeper came, "The villain has seen the master of Qianxue County. I wonder if the master of the night slept well last night. The master waited for you in the dining room for a while."

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