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Chapter 1054, 1054, Next Harmony

The capital city turned upside down.

Yongxian Palace.

"What, Lili?"

Qin Fei, who was looking for precious flowers, was taken aback, and the small, carved silver watering can fell in hand, smashing the delicate and rare flowers in the pot.

This is Qin Fei's favorite potted flower named Zhu Zi tears, because special water and soil are needed, not only the soil used, but also the water used for irrigation, are taken from thousands of miles away, the origin of Zhu Zi tears.

Zhu Zi's tears were ruined, but at this moment no one in the whole courtyard was distressed by the flower, just because the news heard was more horrifying.

Grandma Shen also had a bad complexion, "Hui Niangniang, His Royal Highness and Princess... No, it is the master of Qianxue County who has indeed left, and the Emperor has just issued a notice."

Not to mention that the outsiders of Qin Fei were shocked and couldn’t believe it, but that Mother Shen was also shocked,

Qin Fei trembles all around, hands under the sleeve of the cloud squeeze a fist, "What's the matter! What's the matter! Gu Qianxue just didn't know what to do, why did the did the emperor agree?"

No matter what changes the royals have, they need to publish the announcement. Everything can be recovered before the announcement, but once the announcement is released, it will be difficult to recover. After all, there is no joke.

The people in the entire courtyard shuddered, and the maiden and grandma shrank in the corner, fearing that they would be angered.

The more concubine Qin thought, the more angry he was, "Shen Ma's grandmother took the sign and her palace was going to the palace to go to the palace!"

Grandma Shen was taken aback, "Ma'am, according to the rules, the concubine should ask the queen and the emperor in advance before leaving the palace."

"At this juncture, what else can you ask for?" Qin Fei, who still has the virtues of the past, shouted, grabbed the tears of Zhu Zi and even fell into the ground with flowers and pots.

The fine celadon flower pots were torn apart, the soil was scattered, and the delicate flowers lay in the soil, everyone was pitiful.

Qin Fei only felt that there was no fire in her belly, but when she saw the precious flower, she seemed to see another cheek with a beautiful appearance and she stepped on it with her legs raised.

For the first time, the court ladies saw the gentle Qin Fei Niang with such a big temper, puffed down on her knees, and for a time the courtyard was full of people.

"Gu Qianxue!" Fei Qin gritted her teeth with hatred.

But in the end, Princess Qin was not willing to break out of the palace gate. After all, if she was in a mess, some people in the harem would look good.

Grandma Shen lamented, but she didn't know how to persuade her.

For a long while, the flowers of Zhu Zi tears had been crushed into mud. Qin Fei's embroidered shoes and skirt were also stained, and Qin Fei's anger finally fell a little.

"Well, the grandchildren have their own grandchildren, let them go," Qin Fei's eyes flashed a hint of Yin Zhu, "Go, let's go to Ying Fei."

"Yes, Niang Niang." Grandma Shen quickly sighed with relief.

And why does Princess Qin want to go to Ying Fei, in fact, she is not looking for Ying Fei, but Ying Jia!

At the same time, another location.

Li Wang Mansion.

Ying Weiyi dared to swear that this life has never been so painful, Gu Qianxue was suspended by Li Wang. Although the surface was harmonious, she firmly believed that she was suspended. Wan Ye Yunfei’s poor woman in the rivers and lakes was also borrowed. The six lilac courtyards, without Gu Qianxue as a backer, now dare not take a breath for the atmosphere, and the whole palace is only her family.

Do it alone!

This is what Ying Weiyi didn't even dare to think about before. Princess Li's position is at your fingertips. If King Li's major event is successful, she is after a country.

Rao is the dignified Ying Weiyi, and he wants to be drunk.

Grandma Liu came hurriedly, "Ma'am, the servant came to report, the prince is coming back soon. The lady at home said in a letter that the prince was in a bad mood today, and told the maiden to give her more care."

Mrs. Liu's mouth is the mother of Ying Weiyi.

Thinking of the king of the dragon and the phoenix in the people, and the big king's mansion only had one wife and concubine, Ying Weiyi's fair-faced and beautiful face was born with Hongxia.

"Mammy, go get my smoky moiré satin skirt."

"Yes, ma'am." Liu Mama smiled with her eyebrows. You should know that the smoked purple cloud pattern gold satin skirt is the favorite skirt of Ying Fei. Although there are countless Chinese clothes, what I really like is only a handful. That's how to dress yourself up in the happiest or most important occasions.

In a little while, under the skillful hands of the ladies, a noble woman with bright eyes and zigzag teeth, and slinky Tingting, finished her makeup.

Although not as eye-catching as Gu Qianxue, Ying Weiyi's appearance is also good, especially the dignified temperament of the whole body, but it is a symbol of Shuxiangmendi.

"Let's go quickly, the prince worked hard for a day, and we should greet it." Ying Weiyi's expression was shy, and she was extremely concealed with reason.

Grandma Liu smiled ambiguously, "Yes, mother."

So, surrounded by the maids and maids, Ying Side Fei seemed to be waiting at the gate of the palace if the stars were holding the moon.

There was a sound of horseshoe wheels from far and near outside the door, and then the sound stopped, and then there was the sound of people's greetings.

When Ying Weiyi saw King Li who stepped in from outside the door, he only felt that the whole world had lost its color. In front of him, there was only this man wearing a dark black brocade cloak.

"The concubine has seen the prince, and the prince has worked hard all day." Ying Weiyi's well-being.

Li Wang did not expect Ying Wei to be able to wait outside the door, stunned, and then nodded and nodded, "Well." Without stopping, he strode toward the main courtyard.

Ying Weiyi hurried to catch up quickly, but in the end it was still a boudoir show for everyone, but it was very difficult to chase after trotting.

Suddenly Li Wang stopped, "Are you okay?"

Ying Weiyi was stunned, " something?" The pink cheeks were pale and his eyes panicked. "Yes... that's the case. The girl in the Lilac Courtyard was bought by Qian Xuejun. I don't know how to deal with it?"

Ying Weiyi's response was extremely quick.

"Return the sales deed to them, and each of them issued a hundred or two silver coins." Li Wangdao said.

Ying Weiyi's deep heart flew up again, "Yes, prince. Oh yes, the concubine made a few thin dishes, and the prince's dinner was at the concubine... how about the meal?"

Grandpa Shao rolled his eyes and said, "I should still be intimate with the side concubine. The prince happened to have no appetite in the past few days," and then the voice hinted, "Your prince, or use dinner at Weiyuan."

Li Wang looked at Ying Weiyi coldly, "No, this king has no time." He said, striding away again.

Ying Weiyi's heart of joy once again fell to the bottom of the valley, cold.

Grandpa Shao was anxious and chased after Li Wang Xiao said, "Your lord, lord, don't be like this... You are the same thing as the county master, but it's the same thing with the concubine Ying, who is also the one you married into the door Concubine, can't you just leave it so?

Wang Li’s footsteps stopped again, slowly turning around, and said to Ying Weiyi who was frozen in place, “You take good care of yourself these days.”

Ying Weiyi was surprised again.

However, before waiting for Ying Weiyi to speak, Li Wang had decided to go.

What Ying Weiyi did not hear was that King Li said to Grandpa Shao, "After dealing with the matter at hand for a few days, this king will be convenient for Ying Weiyi to leave."

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