The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 1055: 1055, I'm sorry Qian'er

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Chapter 1055 Chapter 1055

After listening to the words of King Li, Grandpa Shao almost fell on the ground, "What? Lord, are you okay? The day before yesterday and the governor were separated, and after a while, they should be separated from the concubine Ying Yi. Do you want to live alone for a lifetime?"

"I can't keep my favorite, how about being a lonely person for a lifetime?" Li Wang slowed down, worrying that Grandpa Shao was recovering from a serious illness, fearing that he would be ill in a hurry.

Grandpa Shao is willing to say, "No, lord, why is it that my elder husband has no wife? We can't be hanged on a crooked neck tree? Besides, you are classified as a prince, and there are no wives and half concubines...not good..."

"Good-looking? Can good-looking be eaten as food or used as money?" Li Wang smiled coldly. "Wasn't it good-looking when Ben Wang was driven out of the palace ten years ago?"

Grandpa Shao was stunned, "Your lord, now and then, don't you have everything now?"

"Has everything? Ha ha ha ha," Li Wang paused and called Yang Tian laughed, then suddenly paused, "What does this king have?"

This question actually asked Shao Gonggong to live.

Now thinking about it, Li Wang seems to have everything, but it is not what he wants. A woman who really wants, but can't keep it.

Just entered the yard, but did not enter the house, Junan et al. have laid off their servants.

Li Wang stood in the courtyard and looked around.

Rockery and flowing water, ancient trees in the sky, everything looks as bright as the picture, but the autumn scenery is bleak when you look closely.

Full of sadness.

Thinking that there was a beautiful woman in and out of this yard, it was naive to think that one could spend a lifetime together, recalling the scene of embracing and sleeping, and full of happiness. Who knew this would be the result?

"Grandpa Shao, Ben Wang asked you a question, can you tell the truth?" Li Wang's voice was suddenly languid, confused, and helpless.

"Your lord, you ask." Grandpa Shao also calmed down his usual hippie smile, his face serious.

"You said... Will she come back?" Li Wang's voice was very soft, if it was about to die with the autumn wind.

Grandpa Shao pondered, thinking about how to answer to make Li Wang happy.

"If the father-in-law doesn't tell the truth, he doesn't have to speak." Li Wangdao said.

"..." Grandpa Shao finally said helplessly, "Back to the prince, the minion thought that the master would not return."

"...Sure enough." Li Wang smiled and slowly entered the room.

Grandpa Shao froze at the door, thinking for a long time, and finally sighed and did not follow up.

Junan ran over, also looking haggard, "Duke Shao, prince he...?"

Grandpa Shao shook his hand, "Let the lord be quiet."

Junan stared at the door stupefiedly and nodded, "Yeah, the prince needs to be quiet, and I need to be quiet."

Grandpa Shao was so big when he saw these two people, "You guys...hey, don't say it, let's go quiet."

Qin Fei was embarrassed and helped by Grandma Shen and other palace people to return to Yongxian Palace. There were three **** scratches on her hands and neck.

"Crazy, mad, Ying Fei, she's crazy!" Princess Qin, who had messy hair, was still frightened. "How can a good person say that madness is crazy?"

Grandma Shen put Qin Fei into her room and sent all her servants out. This lowered her voice and said, "Don't you think it's poison?"

Qin Fei's expression moved. Although she didn't know everything about Ying Fei, she also knew a little or two. If it is not forced by circumstances, it will not be discussed with the family, hey."

Since the second prince secretly returned to Beijing a few months ago, Ying Fei became more and more wrong. At first, she only had some strange movements at the beginning, which did not hinder her.

Now, I'm afraid it's crazy.

In fact, what Qin Fei did not know was that Ying Fei’s internal and external problems, not only Ying Fei’s madness, but also the strong backing of Ying Fei—the Zhou family of the four major commercial families in Nanyue Kingdom was destroyed. The number of students will be maintained.

Later, the doctor came to clean up the wounds for Qin Fei and bandaged.

Qin Fei was uneasy, and she worried that she would also be infected by Ying Fei through this wound.

At this time, Yongxian Palace actually came a rare guest-Princess Yongan.

According to the principle, Princess Yong'an is not a rare guest. The relationship between the two is an aunt-in-law, and it is also the friendship of Jinlan. Later, Princess Yong'an was pregnant, and the pregnancy was too exaggerated and was banned by the emperor. Today, he was stunned. .

Princess Yong’an’s stomach was terrible, and Matthew diagnosed that she was pregnant with twins. Fortunately, Princess Yong’an was tall and in good health, otherwise she would change to a weak woman, not to mention walking, even standing. .

Entering Yongxian Palace under the service of two maidservants, Princess Chang shouted at the door, "Waiqing, where are you? Wanqing."

After hearing the voice of Princess Yong'an, Princess Qin was startled and ran out with Grandma Shen, "Bi Fu? Why are you here? Didn't the doctor say that you are going to give birth? When you are near, why are you still in the palace?"

Princess Yong'an did not have the same physical constitution as Zhao Yulan's BUG. It was easy to lose weight, because the pregnancy gained weight again, and the edema in the third trimester, the whole person is like a tall brown bear, "I am anxious, 沨What's the matter with Er and Qianxue? Today I heard the concubine saying that the emperor had announced that the two were in harmony... Did the concubine tease me?"

Qin Fei twitched her lips and shook her head helplessly, "This is true, the pony is acting steadily. How can you laugh at such a big thing?"

Princess Yong'an was even more anxious, "What? Zhen He Li? That stupid boy, I must be sorry for my son Qian Xue." She was a good mother anyway.

Originally, Princess Qin also distressed Princess Yong'an. After listening to Princess Chang's words, she suddenly burst into flames.

Grandma Shen was startled, and hurriedly pulled Princess Qin, "Niangniang, Niangniang, be quiet," and then looked at the princess pleadingly, "His Royal Highness, please come to the house to tell me something. You are heavy and you need to rest more ."

Although they were both angry, they still had reason and suffocated the fire and entered the house.

As soon as he entered the room, the next person had just left, and the door had been closed by Grandma Shen, and they quarreled.

"What is Qianxue Hongxing coming out of the wall? How did you treat Qianxue before? Didn't you see it, if you hit it, if you scold, you scolded it, but it wasn't as bad for a maid or a maid. Later, Qianxue didn't want to enter the palace, It was Kun'er and that maid who bound Qian Xue to get married. For what? Not for the influence of Yun'er? For the marriage with Lord Hou Zhao? What's wrong with Qian Xue, you're saying that."

Princess Yong'an was born in Xiwu and had a very loud voice. Grandma Shen knelt down and begged her to whisper.

Qin Fei rubbed her ears, "What's wrong? Don't say, Bifu, you don't know, Gu Qianxue and Na Su Lingxiao have always been unclear. If Su Lingxiao is our Nanyue people, then Su Lingxiao has always been ambiguous about nationality. I don’t know. I also had a pair of gray eyes. How can I explain this?"

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