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Chapter 1060 Chapter 1060, I no longer love anyone!

This question really asked Gu Qianxue.

If time goes back ten days ago, she still likes Li Wang.

But now, she no longer loves anyone!

Not Li Wang, nor Su Lingxiao.

She loves and hates Li Wang, loves her germination, loves her destiny, and loves him to come forward every time she is most critical.

However, she hated and hated her for ignoring her marriage proposal for certain purposes, even if it was a conspiracy; hated him that she clearly liked her, but married Ying Weiyi even if he did not touch it.

If she can tolerate Su Lingxiao's concubine, but she can't tolerate Li Wang, maybe the love is deeply hated, maybe the lover's eyes can't contain the sand.

As for Su Lingxiao, he treats her very well, very well, really well. She can marry him and have children, and can accompany him for life, but she can't talk about love.

In modern people's terms, it is-no call.

Why don't you fall in love with Su Lingxiao? Maybe when Su Lingxiao likes her, she already has another person in her heart. The person's heart is very small. If one person is accommodated, how can it accommodate others?

She was grateful to Su Lingxiao and vowed to repay this guilt with a lifetime of companionship.

Gu Qianxue just wanted to say Su Lingxiao's name, but found his light gray crystal eyes flickered at her.

His eyes were so sharp, sharper than the sharpest dagger in the world, and sharper than the sharpest arrow, the feeling was like someone choking her throat with his hand, making her speechless.

Su Lingxiao smiled, "I like Qianxue the most."

At this time, Zhou Rongqiu realized afterwards, "Haha...haha...haha...oh yes, Ling Xiao gave me his wrist." Without a word, he caught Su Lingxiao's wrist and diagnosed the pulse.

"..." Su Lingxiao wanted to dodge, but after all, the other party was born in Xiwu. Without the help of Su dispensers and Chu Yan, he could not resist.

When the pulse was cut, Zhou Rongqiu's thick eyebrows could not stretch.

Zhou Rongqiu looked at Gu Qianxue, and the two looked at each other.

Although they did not speak a word, as healers, the two knew what each other wanted to express.

Zhou Rongqiu's eyes were slightly panicked, and he asked Gu Qianxue why Su Lingxiao's body was so broken.

How can Gu Qianxue answer? In addition to helplessness, only helplessness.

From beginning to end, Su Lingxiao just smiled faintly, looking at Qian Xue with a spoiled look.

Zhou Rongqiu finally gritted his teeth and said, "Let the second uncle consult Ling Xiao."

The shopkeeper Su immediately said, "Master Zhou, is the master of the second doctor Zhou Fu very good at medical skills?"

Zhou Rongqiu nodded, "My father ranks the boss, and the second uncle has the best relationship with his father, and the second uncle's spiritual practice is not only under the father, but above the father. When the father died to try a medicine, the second uncle received It was a big blow, and even went to ask my grandfather what our Zhou family owed to the world, and we had to use the lives of generations of people to repay them, and we would have to take one life for each plaque. The grandfather said that as long as he was in the doctor Zhou Fu must take on the mission of the priest of the doctor, and then... the second uncle took his second aunt and cousin and cousin to leave the house. And when the second uncle left the doctor of the prince, the other tribes also gradually left, and finally the big one There are only four grandfathers in Zhoufu, my grandfather, and my uncle and aunt."

Gu Qianxue was very moved, "Son Zhou, I think your father or other people who have dedicated their medical skills do not die in vain, they are the real great men! But your second uncle is also right, the ants are still greedy, let alone humans."

Zhou Rongqiu thought of his parents, although his face was smiling broadly, but his eyes were very sad.

Su shopkeeper said, "I don't know if Master Zhou would like to listen to the villain."

Zhou Rongqiu hurriedly arched his hands, "Please tell me about the shopkeeper Su and listen to the younger generation."

The shopkeeper Su said, "The deceased is gone, but you and the descendants of the Zhou family are still there. Your Zhou family has experienced a catastrophe. Until the death of the old doctor Zhou, it can be regarded as the end of an era of Zhou doctor, but from now on At the beginning, it was a new era of Zhoufu, the **** doctor. With a human heart as a scale, you are all dead and reborn, you have to re-examine the value of your life and the way you should go in the future."

Zhou Rongqiu nodded fiercely, "Yes, the juniors understand."

Gu Qianxue couldn't help but tell me, "I'll teach you anatomy later, which can be used in animal experiments, and the observation results are more accurate."

Zhou Rongqiu knew Gu Qianxue's ability. Heard that he wanted to hand over the "housekeeping skill" and was excited. "The kindness of Qianxue County Master, I Zhou Rongqiu on behalf of the Zhou family has no teeth to forget."

Subsequently, Zhou Rongqiu looked at Su Lingxiao subconsciously.

Su Lingxiao chuckled, "It seems that it was my turn to say?"

"No, no, I just glanced casually, nothing else." Zhou Rongqiu waved his hand.

Ling Xiao looked at the beautiful medicine fields from afar. "Beijing has many state-of-the-art instruments. If you gave it to you in the past, you might be useless, but if you want to learn from Qianxue, it is probably used."

Although Su Lingxiao didn't say clearly about his relationship with Bei Li, but with his light gray eyes, strangers would be strange if he didn't think about it.

As soon as his words came out, he more affirmed his relationship with Bei Li, Zhou Rongqiu said, "If it concerns only me, I will refuse. But it is related to so many people up and down the Zhou family, I... it is difficult to refuse However, I can swear to the sky that our Zhou family will never leak these instruments and technologies. I can also promise that if... The Bei family needs the Zhou family, we will send some people to set up a government in the country. "

Su Lingxiao nodded, "Do what you can."

Very clever answer.

Gu Qianxue rolled his eyes in his heart, and said, Su Lingxiao looked at the dusty fairy, but actually he was very cunning.

So, this matter was settled, because Gu Qianxue wanted to teach the Zhou family anatomy, he had to stay in the Zhou family temporarily.

Zhou Rongqiu threw down the apprentices and settled the crowd in person.


After a day of medical treatment, the Zhou family finally rested.

In order to entertain the VIPs, everyone gathered in the Angel Church.

Because Zhoufu, a magician, is a building with a large family, and it is different from different residences, so its main hall is divided into three types. One is Xuanhu Jishitang’s main hall for entertaining and treating patients; the other is Haina Baichuan Hall for entertaining visitors and Xinglin colleagues; and then there is the third one, Danggui Hall for family gatherings.

Because the plaques of Zhoufu, the **** doctor, are inscriptions by politicians and celebrities of various countries, naturally, the words forsythia, angelica, angelica, and hemerocallis are not mentioned, and they are often majestic words, such as hundreds of rivers, such as hanging pots, such as hanging pots, such as rejuvenation, For example, bones and muscles.

However, the Zhou family felt that the rooms they used were too heavy, so they named the private houses with Chinese medicine.

And Dangguitang is one of them, but it is unimaginable. It really deserves the name of this medicine.

Angelica! Angelica! Family Angelica!

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