The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 1061: 1061, consultation with the doctor

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Chapter 1061 Chapter 1061, Doctor consultation

The Angelica Church was full of people, all Zhou family members, with more than forty people.

But even so, these people are only one-third of the Zhou family's heyday, which shows the grandeur of Zhou Fu, the **** doctor.

A priest is nothing, but if more than a hundred priests live in a huge house, it is a spectacular one.

Long thinking about the grand occasion that year, Zhou Chuangu, now known as the head of the family, feels jerky at the corner of his eyes.

Zhou Chuangu is thirty-six this year. His body is long and thin, and his temperament is elegant. Because he walked in the rural hanging pot all the year round, his skin was slightly dark.

But with the same bronze-colored skin, Zhou Rongqiu is a good boy and a man, but Zhou Chuangu is still a doctor.

Is this temperament compassion? Is it the Virgin? It is difficult to describe, but outsiders can tell at a glance that Zhou Chuangu is either a doctor or a private school.

According to the principle, this hour should be together for a dinner, but the situation is special, and Su Lingxiao's physical condition can't support the normal dinner at all, and it will be embarrassing to leave the party halfway. So he simply didn't hold a dinner. Everyone was drinking tea. He ate a few bites of snacks.

Zhou Rongqiu got up, "My uncles, uncles, elder brothers, younger brothers, although I am the eldest son of my son-in-law, but I am the most infamous person in our Zhou family, I am sorry for you." Saying, bowing to the crowd.

Zhou Chuangu immediately stepped forward to help, and others all said some comforting words like "Everyone has their own ambitions" and "You have worked hard".

Zhou Rongqiu got up and then smiled helplessly, "I didn't say these words before, but I have practiced countless times in my heart. Everyone here is better than me. I am ashamed. But even so, I still choose Jianghu, I My ambition is here, so now I will give Zhou Jiada Ren Rongxian to the second uncle, and also entrust it to you. Please forgive me for Zhou Rongqiu's selfishness, I'm sorry everyone."

There is a humane saying, “Don’t say this to Rong Qiuwan, we all know that you are not selfish. If you are really selfish, wouldn’t it be more convenient to walk in the name of the patriarch of the doctor Zhoufu? The reputation of the house is tarnished."

"I have the same opinion as my third brother," another humane. "Although we leave Shenfu Zhoufu for various reasons, our name of Zhoufu is very good. If we talk about wealth, don't say anything else. Taking out an antique is worth a lot, but Brother Rong Qiu gave up the position of patriarch to his second uncle, showing that Brother Rong Qiu is not selfish."

Zhou Chuangu said, "Yeah, don’t blame Rong Qiu, we are really selfish. We are all Zhou family members, but we throw the burden of our ancestors’ foundations on yourself, forcing you to give up your dreams to inherit Shenzhou Zhou. Although I have been away for more than ten years, I have lived in self-blame every day for more than ten years. Now that I have returned, the big stone in my heart has also fallen."

Others have repeatedly said yes.

Zhou Rongqiu thought of the helplessness and helplessness of the past. His nose was sour, but his eyes were red.

The atmosphere of sorrow reverberated in Danggui Hall, the decayed doctor Zhou Fu finally ushered in the spring, and the family separated for many years also reunited together.

But it was Zhou Chuangu who first put aside his grief and smiled a little, "Okay, now, the VIP is still here, we let the VIP read the joke." Then, he arched his hand at Su Lingxiao.

Su Lingxiao, who was sitting on the chair, smiled faintly, and he gently arched his hands. "Where, I would like to thank everyone for letting me witness the moving scene of this family reunion."

Gu Qianxue was sitting next to Su Lingxiao, wearing a veil. She did not disclose her identity and only wanted to reduce many unnecessary troubles.

In other words, starting today, she is no longer the daughter of Gu Shangshu, the grandson of Lord Zhao Hou and the master of Qianxue County, but an ordinary woman, Zhao Xiaohan.

Apart from Zhou Rongqiu, no one in Zhou's family knew Gu Qianxue's identity. He only thought that he was the family member of Prince Ling Xiao, or his confidante.

Zhou Chuangu pursed his lips and nodded fiercely, "I just wasted a lot of time, and Young Master Ling's physical strength is limited, but now it can't be delayed." Then, he bowed his hands to the Zhou family in the forties. As for the son of Ling Xiao, everyone is afraid that I have heard that since the arrival of the son of Ling Xiao, our Zhou family should also express one or two. Our **** doctor Zhou Fu is not good at anything, only medical skills. Today, everyone in our Zhou family is ugly. Diagnose the pulse for Master Ling Xiao, hoping to find a cure."

The "three elder brother" said before, "But the second uncle and son Ling Xiao used to be the patient of the patriarch, and even the patriarch could not cure the disease, can we do it?"

The patriarch in his mouth is talking about Zhou Shenyi, Zhou Rongqiu's grandfather and Zhou Chuangu's father.

At this time, Su Lingxiao replied, "Sorry, speaking of this, but I want to disturb everyone."

Everyone hurriedly looked at Su Lingxiao and Zhou Chuangu said, "Please speak to your son Ling Xiao."

Su Lingxiao smiled faintly, "Just now the son said that Zhou Lao Shen's doctors are not good enough to be ill, but in fact they don't think so. The most common medical technique in Nanyue Kingdom or the whole world is empirical medicine. In other words, After thousands of years of doctors’ summarization, pathology, summarization, and experience are even more important than inheritance. Before hearing Rong Qiu said, you have been living in various countries in these years, and since you have encountered many people The incurable diseases that I have encountered have collected many of the earth and wonder medicines in the rivers and lakes. Therefore, I believe that your medical skills may have surpassed that of Zhou Lao Shen.

Everyone took a deep breath.

Gu Qianxue nodded.

Chu Yan wondered and whispered, "Miss, isn't the master saying something polite?"

Gu Qianxue shook his head with a smile, and whispered back, "It is not just polite words, but truth. As Su Gongzi said, traditional Chinese medicine is empirical theory. Even if I have studied with a famous teacher for a few years and I haven't started to diagnose cases, it is not as good as in the countryside. Barefoot doctors, it's just that these people's medical skills may not be able to surpass Zhou Lao Shen doctor, because Zhou Lao Shen doctor has been pursuing medical technology throughout his life, so... uh... so, it can be regarded as a kind of politeness."

Zhou Chuangu was shocked. "It's worthy of being the first wise man in the world. Although he is not in the medical profession, he knows the truth that many medical doctors don't understand. Under the admiration, please accept the next worship." Said, I really worshipped Su Lingxiao.

Su Lingxiao gently shook his hand, "Don't say this to Master Zhou. In fact, this doctor who has a little experience in the truth knows that the son who didn't know it, but because he is still young."

Zhou Rongqiu said, "Okay, let's not be polite. Ling Xiao's body is still weak, and he will go to rest after a toss. In fact, the second uncle brought everyone to try. Dead horse...cough, no, no, no, no, no, it is the opportunity of Ling Xiao to test everyone's medical skills."

Zhou Rongqiu was very used to it. He always talked about what he wanted to say, but the first smoke on the side was unhappy, and he was murderous all over.

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