The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 1068: 1068, Su Lingxiao did bad things

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Chapter 1068 Chapter 1068, Su Lingxiao does something bad

At the same time, an unremarkable house in the suburbs of Beijing.

A tall man wearing a pure black fine cotton robe and wearing a ghost mask sat quietly in the room, as if the statue was generally motionless.

Because he was wearing a mask, no one could see his face, peep at his expression, or even whether he opened his eyes.

A few moments, a cold wind, a young man with superb light skills and dark short clothes appeared in the room and knelt on one knee. Family business did not make any revenge, Wanzhuang Villa did not interact with Jianghu people."

After finishing the report, after a long while, I didn't wait for the Master's response. I couldn't help but remind, "Master?"

After a while, Lu Weilou responded, "Well, continue to monitor, has the doctor Zhou Fu been sent in to spy?"

"Go back to Master, three spies, one dressed as a medicine boy, one dressed as an apprentice, and one dressed as a cook, all infiltrated!" Although he obeyed his orders, he was still unconvinced, and he didn't understand what Master was thinking. If you like Gu Qianxue, just grab it, why let them put down all the assassination missions and exclude the best elite to stay with Gu Qianxue?

The master knows that this kind of lurking is much more difficult than assassination of an emperor! Not to mention that Gu Qianxue's ears are very sensitive, and they can't even use a whistle to communicate with each other. They only say that the maid beside him is also an assassin. He is very familiar with the assassin's routines, and it is easy to find them.

These don't count, Su Lingxiao seems to have only a dozen guards around him, but in fact there are dozens of dark guards lurking, and the blood of the blood moon tower is scorching from the dark guards, and each one is suffering, the assassins Everyone was going crazy, and every day he talked to him.

However, what can he do? Their Lord became ill and contracted a kind of lovesickness that neither wanted to recognize nor wait silently.

Lu Weilou froze for a while, before saying, "Go on."

"..." A sigh of absolute silence, "Yes."

Shenfu Zhoufu, guest room, Su Lingxiao's room.

After Gu Qianxue put on concealer for it, he took out the repair cream.

In modern times, she has a face-lifting pen. She made two-color face-lifting cream.

Speaking of repairing ointment, it's actually just two darker and lighter concealers.

Gu Qianxue has sketching skills, and the simple concealer is even more innocent in his hands.

Because Su Lingxiao was too thin, her eyes were deep, her cheeks were sunken, she lightened the inside of her eyes and the center of her cheeks with light colors, and the dark colors around her made her cheeks feel full.

Then she took out the sun.

There are two types of sun red, pink and orange. Pink is sweeter and orange is healthier. Orange is more suitable for people with darker skin, so Gu Qianxue's blush was made into orange.

I put on a blusher, carefully dyed the flesh-colored pink lip gloss, and then combed my hair neatly. How could I feel sick? At most people think that this young son is too thin.

The room was quiet, and the shopkeeper Su and others stared directly.

For a long while, Zhou Rongqiu said, "Gu Qianxue, you are a human being or a ghost, and you can use color to change people's appearance without using other cosmetic techniques."

Chu Yan stared at him fiercely, his fists squeezed loudly.

Zhou Rongqiu hurriedly said, "I was wrong in the first smoke girl, I will never be cheap again, I... If I were not cheap, would you like me?"

Chu Yan only felt a headache, but ignored him, and reached out and rubbed his sore temple.

Su dispensers have brought the bronze mirror with him to show Su Lingxiao what he looks like.

Su Lingxiao stared at the bronze mirror for a long while, and suddenly smiled lightly, looking at Gu Qianxue's eyes more gently, "Thank you, Qianxue."

Gu Qianxue said, "There is nothing to thank here, it's just makeup."

Su Lingxiao didn't say much anymore, laughing without words.

Then Gu Qianxue wiped Su Lingxiao's neck and arms, as long as the skin outside the clothes exposed concealer, this was satisfactory.

"How about changing clothes?" Gu Qianxue said, "That... don't be angry, I know you like white clothes, but your current skin color is a bit embarrassing to wear white. Besides white, what color do you prefer?"

"Yue Bai," Su Lingxiao replied.

Moon white sounds like white, but actually it is blue.

Su Lingxiao suggested that Yuebai was not because she liked it, but because Gu Qianxue often wore this color. In other words, Gu Qianxue liked it.

After lunch at noon, the crowd gathered at Danggui Hall again.

When Zhou Chuangu saw Su Lingxiao who had a new look, he was taken aback, "Master Ling... No, Master Nanshan? How did you do this?"

At this time, Su Lingxiao was still thin, but it was no longer morbid. Although the skin was slightly dark, but the meticulous hair and the moon-white clean and tidy clothes, he let him exude a kind of Chilan Yushu temperament.

In fact, Gu Qianxue also made hands and feet in Su Lingxiao's clothes, and sewed some cotton on some parts that are supported by muscles, which is equivalent to artificial fake muscles, so Su Lingxiao looks healthier.

Su Lingxiao reached out and pointed at Gu Qianxue, "Girl Zhao painted it for me."

Zhou Chuangu held out his thumb, "Miao! Miao! Zhao Zhao is really ingenious, and she is a natural match with Master Nanshan."

Just as Gu Qianxue struggled to answer, Su Lingxiao replied, "Zhou Clan believes that under this dress can you be diagnosed?"

Zhou Chuangu nodded, "Yes! Yes! Absolutely!" said Zhou Rongqiu and asked the two patients.

Soon, the two patients were brought in by Zhou Rongqiu.

They are two old men. Although they are not luxurious, they are neatly dressed.

Zhou Chuangu told the two elderly people that Nanshan was his closed disciple, and now he is preparing to take the teacher exam. He has to ask the two elderly people to take the test questions, and in return, he will pay no fees and give medicines.

The two agreed with great gratitude.

Subsequently, Su Lingxiao diagnosed the problem, fluently explained the cause and prescribed a prescription.

Zhou Chuangu also diagnosed the two and nodded happily. After Zhou Rongqiu sent the old man away, he said to Su Lingxiao, "The exam was officially passed. In the following view, Nanshan's medical treatment is upstream of the Zhou family. "The voice paused for a while, and then excitedly said," I heard the name of the young son Ling Xiao before, and now I am really shocked at first sight. It is worthy of being the first wise man, because the medical skills are so superb. There are things that you don't know ?"

Su Lingxiao smiled and waved his hand, "The Patriarch Zhou is well-known. In fact, I have only done some research on emperor art and astronomy and geography. I only know everything because I came to ask for power. The illusion, there are a lot of things that I do not do well."

Zhou Chuangu had an interest, "Oh? I'm really curious about what is going on, Mr. Ling Xiao is not doing well?"

Su Lingxiao suddenly smiled slyly and turned her head, "Miss Zhao, I will make dinner for you personally, how?"

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