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Chapter 1069 Chapter 1069

Gu Qianxue immediately shook his head like a rattle, "Don't stop, Master Nanshan's body is uneasy, and he can't be overworked. Let's... uh... eat the food the chef cooks."

As a result of this reaction, everyone immediately understood.

Zhou Rongqiu said quickly, "Miss Zhao, you really are too good to give Nanshan son a face. At this time, even if Nanshan son's cooking is not good, you must say that the world is delicious."

Gu Qianxue sneered a few times, "Do you believe it, as long as I say I want to eat, he will now go to the kitchen with his sleeves?"

"..." Zhou Rongqiu.

"..." Zhou Chuangu and others.

Su dispensers nodded, "Do not hide the patriarch Zhou, young master will certainly."

Zhou Chuangu believed that he hurt his wife, but he didn't hurt to this extent.

But no matter what, Zhou Chuangu also believed that Su Lingxiao, the first wise man, would be fine.

In fact, how can there be a real all-rounder in this world? As Su Lingxiao said, he is only good at astronomy, geography, and strategic warrior emperor skills. However, those who come to ask (send) and inquire (money) are all powerful, and they will only ask this question instead of asking how to cook and how to cook. The problem of tailoring clothes, how to strike iron, and how to cultivate land is the illusion that he knows everything.

Su Lingxiao didn't know much, and there were also disgusts. He hated women's red, and he didn't know how many times he was grateful for being a man. Because every time he saw a woman sewing or mending, he was inexplicably disgusted and disgusted.

In this way, Su Lingxiao changed his name to Nanshan and listed on Shenzhou Zhoufu to practice medicine.

Zhou Chuangu arranged a small room for him in Xuanhu Jishitang, and hung the "Nanshan" sign as his clinic.

Gu Qianxue was a little excited, standing outside the door of Su Lingxiao's clinic and looking up at the word "Nanshan", he couldn't help saying, "Listing...Listing... Isn't it a common vocabulary for female guests in Qinglou?"

"..." everyone.

Qianxue was shocked when she said something wrong, she covered her mouth and looked carefully. Seeing that Su Lingxiao looked red and white, she embarrassed her tongue and said, "Sorry, sorry, wrong words."

When everyone looked at Su Lingxiao's face again, they found that he had already looked as usual, sitting behind the chair, and placed the pulse pillow and prescription paper.

Gu Qianxue stepped forward and whispered, "Your body is really okay? What does this method say... It is not a long-term plan, otherwise we will mean it, and ask for a half-day consultation every day?"

Su Lingxiao replied, "This kind of magic method is not necessary. Since you decide to use it, you need to be pious. After all, is sincerity the spirit?"

Qian Xue smiled, "Even if it's really a continuation of life, is it necessary to have such a continuous consultation?"

"As long as you are with you, you can do anything." Su Lingxiao said.

Gu Qianxue was dumb again. She didn't know that it was right or wrong to develop to this day, nor did she know how to develop it somehow.

If we can still control our destiny in the past, now the gear of destiny has been completely derailed and we can never go back.

Sighing indistinctly, you sighed hard, and "Yes, let's start."

Then, it is time to start waiting for the patient.

There is no shortage of money in Zhoufu, the **** doctor. However, if you want to revive Zhoufu, you need to build a reputation. This reputation requires a little bit of accumulation and long-term efforts. This is like the famous Jianshanzhuang famous, if the famous Jianshanzhuang has a fifty-year-old cast iron weapon, it will soon be forgotten.

Time is a terrible thing, it can grind everything!

After entering the Shenzhou Zhoufu, the patient searched for the name through relatives and friends and the doctor introduced by the neighborhood.

Therefore, whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine, word of mouth is particularly important, and reputation is also very important.

Secondly, everyone likes to find older doctors. After all, they think that "ginger is old and spicy." In traditional Chinese medicine, **** is really old and spicy. Because traditional Chinese medicine is empirical medicine, old doctors have been practicing medicine for a long time, and there are many cases. More experience and higher medical skills.

Four people waited for a whole hour in the spacious consultation room, and finally bored to draw.

The ranks outside are getting longer and longer. Many doctors are lined up in front of each doctor. The whole hall is filled with painful moans and complaints from patients.

Only Nanshan Room is the most deserted.

Suddenly there were noises and cries from outside. It was the voice of a woman who could vaguely hear the words "Save my child" and "Let me go to the doctor first". However, no one made way for her.

The woman cried and carried her child to the Nanshan Room. When she discovered that the two young men and women in the Nanshan Room were painting, she was stunned for a moment, and her nose was strong. "Sorry, the slave's home was wrong."

"Don't go wrong, your elder sister will come back soon." Gu Qianxue couldn't help laughing, hurriedly threw the brush and rushed out.

Chu Yan also quickly put away the paintbrush and paper.

When the tearful woman looked back, she asked the doctor what was the brush and the picture quality, but she saw a prescription paper and pulse pillow on a table, and a thin, indifferent young man was sitting behind the table.

Although the man's skin is dark in color and young, he doesn't feel like a farmer at all, but there is another kind of immortality. "Fairy, save my son!" The woman would kneel without saying a word.

Gu Qianxue's hand quickly pulled the woman up, "Don't kneel, you have the time to ask, it is better to talk about your son's condition."

Su Lingxiao also said, "Bring the child."

The woman hurriedly placed the child on the table, but saw the child's face flushed and breathless.

"I beg the fairy to save my son. My husband is dead. If I don’t have a son, how can I live." The woman cried.

"How old are the children, when did they start to have fever, what did they do before eating, what did they eat, did they take medicine during the period?" Su Lingxiao's voice was calm as water, and if it was cold and clear spring, the woman's fear and panic generally calmed down instantly. The child's eyes open his mouth to check his throat, and then check his limbs.

"It was fever since yesterday afternoon. Before... nothing... nothing special... eat... white porridge... pickles, eggs... medicine... no medicine, Aunt West said, just wipe it with water, I... What to do...I can't live without children..." began to cry again.

Gu Qianxue hurriedly said, "Can you find the cause?"

Su Lingxiao nodded, "The disease of the throat."

Gu Qianxue hurriedly opened the child's mouth and looked at the light, and it became clear instantly, "Tonsils are inflamed."

Su Lingxiao did not know what caused the tonsils to be inflamed, so he prepared to write a prescription.

"It's too late to eat herbs. The child has a fever for a day. The temperature is hot and the visual observation is more than 39 degrees. It is extremely dangerous to cool down quickly. It is also very harmful to the brain of the child."

Su Lingxiao put down the pen, and it became clear in an instant, "Do you mean Antipyretic and Penicillin?"

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