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Chapter 1097 Chapter 1097, Hatred

Gong Lingan saw Gu Qianxue's indifferent expression with great interest, "Do you know the purpose of this seat?"

Gu Qianxue smiled, "I won't regret if I promise you something, are you here to personally supervise my medication?"

The general meeting should come, and now it is her turn.

However, Gong Lingan waved his hand, and behind him was a confidant priest holding a tray with a bowl of black soup on it.

Gu Qianxue saw it with a sneer, and drank it with a hand to hold the bowl, bitterly into the throat, but no pain at all, "For ten consecutive days, three times a day, if the leader does not trust, he is afraid to be tired every day and come to visit "" with sarcasm.

Gong Lingan ignored the sarcasm in her tone, "This time I am here in person to see Su Lingxiao."

"Su Gongzi? Did you suddenly see what Su Gongzi did? Did something change?" Gu Qianxue, who was ridiculed, immediately became anxious.

Gong Lingan laughed out loud.

"What are you laughing at?" Gu Qianxue was startled.

Gong Lingan walked a few steps forward, leaned over slightly, brought her lips close to her ears, using a voice that only two people could hear. "This seat is just thinking, you are so nervous a man, if the elder brother knows, how good-looking will be." After that, the man had gone away and went to the side hall where Su Lingxiao was staying.

Gu Qianxue was stunned for a long while, and then he smiled bitterly.

Gong Lingan thought she would be sad? In fact, she didn't know why she was sad.

When a person's experience far exceeds the load she can bear, how can you be distressed by these affections?

Inside the room, the guards who guarded the gate found out that it was the master of meditation, and quickly found the shopkeeper Su.

"The villain has seen the leader, but what's the matter with the leader coming this late?" Su dispenser asked.

At this time, Gu Qianxue also caught up and made a look at the shopkeeper Su. The shopkeeper immediately grasped the enlightenment and let the door out on the side of his body, "Please, Master!"

Gong Lingan didn't take a second look, the man had entered the door and went straight to Su Lingxiao's room.

The room is quiet, and you can smell the faint smell of medicine. Chu Yanguo's medicine is different from other countries. A large amount of it must be used as a medicine. Because of this special taste, it makes the room more strange.

Chu Yan was also surprised when he saw Gong Ling'an, and Gu Qianxue followed, and quickly stepped forward, "Sect Master, what happened?"

Gu Qianxue was busy comforting, "Don't worry about the first smoke, the leader just came to see Su Gongzi's situation."

The conversation between the two was very light, and Gong Lingan walked silently, but even so, Su Lingxiao, who was supposed to be asleep, slowly opened her eyes, and a pair of gray and clear eyes was indifferent except for fear and doubt.

Gong Lingan stood in front of the bed, Su Lingxiao was lying on the bed, and the two looked at each other in this way.

a long time.

The first smoke was puzzled, and he lowered his voice and asked, "Master, what are they doing?"

Gu Qianxue didn't know, and shook his head silently.

It took three minutes for Gong Ling'an to withdraw his gaze, and a wicked corner of his lips raised, "Want to live or die?"

Su Lingxiao blinked gently, her thin lips slightly opened, "Following destiny."

Gong Lingan raised her eyebrows, "Sui Yuan? Are you sure?"

Su Lingxiao kept silent.

Gu Qianxue was shocked, "What dumb mystery are you playing?"

Gong Lingan raised an eyebrow and said, "Your life and death have nothing to do with this seat. Because of your own mistakes and failure, this seat is not responsible for anything." The voice paused. "Even if you made no mistakes, this The seat also dare not guarantee a certain success."

Su Lingxiao chuckled lightly, "Understood, life and death have life and wealth in the sky, and the labor camp master has bothered."

Gong Lingan nodded quickly, turned around and walked away, never speaking again.

Gu Qianxue told Chu Yan to take care of Su Lingxiao, but she chased herself out.

Gong Ling'an had long legs and a fast pace, and Gu Qianxue ran for a long time before barely catching up with the crowd. "Master, wait! Please wait."

Gong Lingan stopped, with a glance, the accompanying priest immediately grasped the experience and retreated with respect.

On the huge promenade, except for the candlelights burning on the walls and the guards of Ling Ran who were guarding, only Gong Lingan and Gu Qianxue were left.

"Come." Gong Ling'an only explained one word, and then turned to Xilin.

Gu Qianxue did not dare to neglect and chased past.

Wan Lai is quiet in the tortoiseshell forest at night.

Lan Zhi had left, and Su Lingxiao's people sent him to Kanto City.

Whether Qian Qianxue is still in Xilin, Gu Qianxue is unknown, and she has heard some news intermittently from the mouth of the dumb in the past five days. Gong Lingan has captured not only the former archbishop wife, but Gong Lingan hates the most Nor is it the former preacher's wife.

Gong Ling'an has one of the most hated people, is a woman, is a former witch ban.

To what extent did Gong Lingan hate this person?

He arrested all the women's tribes, detained them in the dungeon, and used it to test the poison every day, and used the most painful poison in the world on this person's tribe.

That person did not dare to die, because as long as he committed suicide, not only the whole family, but also the people who had contact with her, would be implicated.

Dumb slaves do not understand why the leader has such a great hatred, and even do not know how the witch banned the leader.

Only Gu Qianxue knew that the witch ban was Xin Yuan.

Specifically, it is a cult witch banned as Xin Yuan.

At first, the witch banned by the Ying family lurked beside the Ceylon princess, using the hands of the Ceylon princess to set off storms in the harem, and finally the Ceylon princess was also the hand of the witch who died in the pseudonym Xinyuan.

Princess Ceylon is always a victim of Gong Lingan's heart.

One can imagine its hatred.

The two arrived in Xilin and did not go to Xilin, but they blew cold wind outside.

The dress of the cult leader is composed of red and black, and even the big fashion he wore at this time is a dark red cloak embellished with a pure black foxtail fur collar.

He looked at the moon in the sky, but he didn't know what to think about.

Gu Qianxue also didn't speak, just waiting quietly.

A cold wind blew, and Gu Qianxue, in thin clothes, sneezed.

Gong Ling'an turned his head slowly, frowning impatiently, "Cold?"

Gu Qianxue shook twice, "No." He murmured in his heart, is it necessary to use some internal force to keep warm.

However, he saw that he had solved the fashionable cloak. After a beautiful arc, the cloak was already on Gu Qianxue.

"No... No, I'm not cold!" Qian Xue refused.

Gong Lingan narrowed his eyes. His contours were extremely deep, his eyes deep, but his delicate eyes were now exuded with confusion, even more thorough than the cold wind. "This seat doesn't like people to refuse."


The fashionable cloak is slightly heavy but very warm, but the fur in the cloak does not have the slightest temperature, as if the cloak had just been draped on a cold hanger instead of a living person.

"Is the matter of the Ceylon concubine really hitting you so deeply?" Gu Qianxue grabbed the fashionable collar. "Life is not as good as it is. You are now in a deep dilemma. Why not jump out of it, even more Can you liberate yourself?"

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