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Chapter 1098 Chapter 1098, the difference in eyes

Gong Lingan, dressed in a straight dress gown, smiled coldly, "Your Su Lingxiao is still alive and dead, are you still worried about your seat?"

Gu Qianxue was helpless, "Yeah, I really do have a lot of business, but we are also old-fashioned anyway. I feel so bad when I see you."

"If Su Lingxiao is dead, are you uncomfortable?"

Gu Qianxue was anxious, "Gong Ling'an, even if I do this extra, why do you want to curse Su Gongzi? I am me and he is him. If you don't like to communicate in the future, I won't talk nonsense with you again, but please don't Curse Su Gongzi, don't let the black hands go?"

Gong Lingan snorted, "I used to think you were smart, why are you so stupid now?"

"You are stupid!" Qian Xue scolded back directly.

Gong Lingan raised her eyebrows, "First, since this seat has promised to help you save Su Lingxiao, wouldn't it be self-defeating at this time? Secondly, this seat wants to keep you tough, let alone Su Lingxiao, even the big brother came to bring Don’t leave you, the reason why he helped you save him is just to convince you.

"If that is the case, why do you still curse him to death?"

Gong Lingan sneered, "Idiot, haven't you seen his eyes?"

"Eyes?" Gu Qianxue was stunned. "What look?"

"Bringing you, just to remind you, besides medicine, what is more important is my consciousness. If I want to change, I can succeed; if I don't want to change and I am determined, let alone change the soul once, it is to change. Soul could not succeed ten times." Gong Ling Andao.

"You mean... Su Gongzi doesn't want to change his soul? Impossible, he wants to live! His will to survive is very strong!" Gu Qianxue retorted.

Gong Lingan walked slowly for two steps, because the snow in the tortoiseshell was still unclear, and the leather boots stepped on the snow to make a creaking noise, which spread far away in the open tortoiseshell.

"It is precisely because of the strong will to survive that it is difficult to do."

Calm tone, bleak, distant.

Gu Qianxue suddenly realized.

Gong Lingan looked at Gu Qianxue's pale face and snorted softly, "When you go back, it's like looking at the eyes of both of you, you'll understand." He said, and didn't wait for his response to go back.

Gu Qianxue is still in Xilin, wearing a big fashion and thinking a lot.

She remembered the principle of Soul Exchange. The effect of taking medicine on the tenth was to relax the body. As the number of medications increased, the mind became more and more distracted. On the tenth day, the mind and spirit reached the peak.

The soul-changing two were immersed in the medicine at the same time. The special medicine as a medium can realize the movement of the soul and eventually cause the soul-changing.

It is a principle to travel through time and space with the soul, and to return the soul to the dead, although she cannot explain it in physics or biology.

But one thing is very important, even if the mind is loose and the soul is free!

This is the case with the drug for the past ten days, but if a person's will to survive is too strong, it will have a counter effect and the mind will be more condensed.

No wonder Gong Lingan personally checked, no wonder Gong Lingan said that.

Gu Qianxue looked at the door, and the door leading from Xilin to the main hall was still open, but Gong Ling'an was gone.

One thing, she knows why Gong Lingan told her to take the medicine today instead of taking it with Su Lingxiao.

I wanted to let her see Su Lingxiao's success in exchanging souls with her own eyes.

She raised her hand and turned it around several times.

She knew that in another ten days, she would have to change her body again, just as if she had just crossed to get this body.

Now I want to think that I am like a passer-by, this flesh is an inn, interesting.

Putting down his hand, Gu Qianxue's eyes gradually calmed down and went towards the gate.

Isn't it just to change the body? She wanted to leave, nobody could stay, just... she had nowhere to go.

Nanyue Kingdom? Kanto city? Northern Li Country?

Scissors continue to be chaotic and troublesome.

The gate leading from Jinlin to the main hall was guarded by guards. When passing the gate, Gu Qianxue took off the big fashion and put it in the hands of the guards.

Inside the room, Su Lingxiao was painting again.

Behind him was a thick cushion, with a specially designed small table in front of him, and a charcoal stick wrapped in brocade to paint on paper.

Gu Qianxue came back and said to the flue, "You go out first."

"Yes, County Master." Chu Yan glanced at the Master with anxiety, then looked at Gu Qianxue with anxiety, and finally dropped his eyes and left.

Gu Qianxue fetched a bronze mirror, "What are you painting?" Sitting casually beside Su Lingxiao's bed.

But I saw that Su Lingxiao was painting the palace.

The style of the palace is similar to that of Nanyue Kingdom. They are all Chinese style, majestic halls and pavilions.

"This is?" Gu Qianxue puzzled.

"Where I was born." Su Lingxiao said.

Qianxue secretly panicked, "Is it...the palace?"

"Yes." Su Lingxiao still painted.

"It's Beili... Royal Palace?"


This was Su Lingxiao's first affirmation of his identity. Although he had vaguely stated that he had inextricably linked with the royal family of the Northern Li Kingdom, it was the first time that he clearly affirmed his identity as a prince.

Gu Qianxue only felt that his brain was particularly chaotic, but his slightly sober thinking before and after could not understand more and more, and did not know whether it was the cause of the drug.

"Let's look in the mirror." He said, lifting the bronze mirror.

Su Lingxiao's eyes flashed with suspicion, "Why did you suddenly want to look in the mirror?" Rourou asked.

"Let's see if we have a husband and wife." Qian Xue made a joke and made Su Lingxiao happy by the way.

Sure enough, Su Lingxiao pursed her lips. Although she didn't say anything, Gu Qianxue could feel the joy of his mood.

When the two faces appeared in the bronze mirror at the same time, Gu Qianxue finally realized.

She finally knew why Gong Lingan asked her to compare the eyes of the two, but she saw her eyes confused and scattered, while Su Lingxiao's eyes were clear and firm and bright.

Su Lingxiao captured her face in the mirror and slowly lowered her eyes.

Gu Qianxue put the mirror down, "Son, Su, we should talk about something."

Su Lingxiao raised his eyes and smiled lightly, "You said."

"You are so smart, you must have guessed what I want to say. The purpose of the drug in the early stage of soul swap is to relax the mind. However, instead of loosening your mind, your mind is more solid. Is the drug ineffective for you? Did you do it on purpose?"

"Intentionally?" Su Lingxiao narrowed his eyes and smiled softly. "How could it be done intentionally? I have firm willpower since childhood, how can five days of medicine change?"

Thick eyelashes overlapped, hiding the sharpness and conspiracy of his eyes.

Gu Qianxue listened to Su Lingxiao's unintentional actions, and then he was relieved, "Although this kind of willpower is innate, but now for the soul-changing technique, you have to find a way to relax, okay? Only five days, promise me ."

Su Lingxiao lowered her eyes to prevent her from seeing the apology in her eyes, "Okay, I promise you, I will work hard."

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