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Chapter 1099 1099, ninth day

Both were pregnant with ghosts, and they all felt guilty in their hearts.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door, it was the first smoke. "The master, the master's medicine was delivered."

Gu Qianxue personally welcomed Chu Yan, Su Lingxiao drank the medicine clean.

Chu Yan always felt that he should say something happy to make Master happy. After thinking for a while, he said, "I really don't know what magic medicine Meditation used. The Master's mental state has really improved a lot in the past few days."


When Chu Yan saw the two were silent, they couldn't understand it, "Sovereign, is... What did the slave-servant say wrong?"

Gu Qianxue shook his head helplessly, "The good mental state is temporary, then Su Gongzi is afraid that it will become more and more depressed. If that is the case, don't be afraid, this is a normal phenomenon."

Chu Yan nodded, "Yes, the slave-maid remembered." Taking the empty bowl, Fei seemed to escape.

Even Chu Yan was keenly aware that the atmosphere in the room was wrong, unspeakable weirdness and depression.

The shopkeeper Su just entered the door and was surprised when he saw Chu Yan.

Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes were puzzled, "Do you think Su, the shopkeeper, is strange in this place? Although there is no reason, there is such a discomfort."

Su dispensers were helpless, "Yeah, bear with me again, at most ten days, let's go."

Chu Yan thoughtfully and nodded, "Okay."

The shopkeeper Su was very worried when he saw Chu Yan's listlessness. "You're tired of Chu Yan, let's take a rest. It's fine if I stare here."

In the impression of Su shopkeeper, Chu Yan will always be meticulously capable, how can he be so lost? I want to worry about the condition of the master.

At first, Yan Yan just refused, and finally nodded and left the room.

After leaving the room, Chu Yan did not return to the lounge, but walked directly out of the palace gate, and there were two groups of guards outside the house. One group is Su Lingxiao's bodyguards, and the other group is Chu Yanguo's bodyguards.

The two groups of people are not only tolerated, but also look out of place, giving people a sense of opposition at first glance.

Seeing Chuyan coming, some guards approached and asked, Chuyan waved his hand, then crossed the guard and went to the open space.

A cold wind blew, and it was cool.

Chu Yan looked up at the moon and looked at the round moon, but suddenly thought of a night.

It was a lively night, a crowd of people, just to live a plot, and a man, for her courage to leap over the water and finally fell into the lake, attracting a crowd of bystanders laughing, very embarrassed.

Thinking about it, Chu Yan accidentally laughed out loud.

When he found himself laughing, his smart eyes dimmed again.

She lowered her head to not look at the bright and hateful moon, took a deep breath, and used the cold air to suppress the temptation to just rise in her heart, and her mind was like water again.

After adjusting his mood, Chu Yan turned back to the depressed side hall.

In a flash, four days passed.

Gu Qianxue used hypnosis on Su Lingxiao to prevent him from thinking wildly and trying to relax completely to accept the soul-changing technique.

But I do not know whether it is the power of the medicine or the power of Gu Qianxue's hypnosis. Su Lingxiao's eyes finally froze slightly, his pale gray beautiful eyes, often looking at one place, but I don't know what to think.

Su dispensers and Chu Yan were a bit worried, but Gu Qianxue repeatedly assured the two that nothing would happen, and the two finally reassured.

In fact, these four days Gu Qianxue was the real suffering, because she also took the medicine.

Fortunately on the first day, the effect has been effective since the second day. I was sleepy and did not say, even when I was awake, my thoughts were not clear. Sometimes when I said the first half, I forgot the second half, and sometimes I was suddenly woken up. Only then did she know that she was stunned for a long time, but she didn't know when she started to be stunned.

Gu Qianxue knew that this was the normal reaction after receiving the medication.

What no one knows is that the arms under her sleeves are blue and purple, and she pinches herself fiercely every time she is sleepy, and pinches herself every time she finds herself not focused.

After feeding the medicine for Su Lingxiao, Gu Qianxue vigorously vigorously said, "Sister Su, will you sleep well for a while? Will I go out and come back soon."

Generally speaking, Gu Qianxue implies that he is going to relieve himself.

Su Lingxiao nodded, "Okay." He said, really obediently closed his eyes and fell asleep instantly.

Gu Qianxue saw that Su Lingxiao was asleep, and she was relieved because she had taken the medicine for nine days. If it didn't work anymore, she thought that the soul-changing technique would never succeed.

But I also admire him very much, deserve to be a wise man with firm will, the willpower is really strong enough!

Gu Qianxue left, and the quiet room was even quieter, with only a slight symmetrical breathing sound from the "sleeping" man on the bed.

Suddenly, the person who should have fallen asleep opened his eyes, his eyes clear but firm.

Gu Qianxue left the room and went to Xilin alone.

Chu Yan and Su Lingxiao vaguely knew that Gu Qianxue's grandmother was in Xilin, but they didn't ask in detail. After all, it was their privacy, and Gu Qianxue frequently went to Xilin in the past few days, and everyone did not care about it.

When Gu Qianxue was seen, the guards guarding Xilin opened the door, and Gu Qianxue nodded to him, and calmly entered.

After seeing Gong Lingan four days ago, the two had not met. During this period of time, the medicine she took either came to Xilin to drink, or after the time of taking the medicine, the dumb slave took her and found her. drink.

In other words, Gong Lingan handed over the task of supervising her drinking medicine to the dumb slave, and only told the dumb slave that as long as Gu Qianxue had consumed all the medicine for ten days, he could stay in Dongsheng City forever.

Dumb slaves are naturally happy. Gu Qianxue is one of the few dumb friends in this world. She dreams of keeping them, so the supervision is even stronger.

The snow of the tortoiseshell forest was cleared, but no herbs could be planted at this time, and the whole tortoiseshell forest was as quiet as a hideaway.

Since Lanzhi left, the former bishop's wife was also transferred. The house full of flesh was cleaned again, and when she entered the yard, it was blue and ghost grass.

"Where are there so many ghost butterflies?" Gu Qianxue was taken aback.

The dumb man smiled and brought out the warm medicine. "Does Qianxue like it? I collected it specifically. You said before, the color of the Psyllium is at first glance like a blue demon... something, so I Prepared a lot." While talking, he passed the medicine.

Gu Qianxue knew it, took the medicine, took a deep breath, and then drank the bitter medicine juice cleanly, covering his mouth for a long time without talking.

She was still not used to herbal medicine, and she couldn't do medicine like Su Lingxiao like drinking water.

The dumb hurriedly handed over the juice, and Gu Qianxue was not polite. When he received it, he drank, "Is it difficult to collect so many ghost butterflies? Is it hard for you."

"No trouble, there are so many in the greenhouse, and..."

The voice of the dumb slave did not fall, so a shouting cry came from the direction of the door, "Gu Qianxue, I will kill you!"

With that said, someone rushed in.

Gu Qianxue looked back, it was actually the sage Antana who had not seen for many days.

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