Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

Chapter 1104 Chapter 1104

Su dispensers are in a hurry, "Let go of the master!"

Suddenly, countless priests rushed in, and the large number of them far crushed the number of Su family guards.

For a time, the room was furious.

Gong Lingan pulled Gu Qianxue and smiled at the shopkeeper Su, saying, "This seat fails to help you deeply, but please keep your mouth open for everything that happens in the meditation. You know the rules of meditation, don’t Ask for trouble, and finally hope that Su Lingxiao will enter the bliss early." He said that he wanted to leave with the unconscious Gu Qianxue.

Su dispensers are going to rush up, but Gong Ling'an's words make him deterred.

At the moment when Gong Lingan left the door, he said lightly, "If there is any misunderstanding, it will damage Su Lingxiao's body and delay the state funeral of Bei Li State."

A naked threat fixed Su's treasurer in its place.

Yeah, what if he just grabbed Gu Qianxue? No matter how many Su family guards and martial arts are strong, this is the site of meditation. The meditation guards have a steady stream of reinforcements, and they can be defeated by wheel wars. If it is the body of the young master... the consequences are unimaginable!

In the end, under the balance of Su, the shopkeeper decided to give up Gu Qianxue and keep the young master.

There is life and death, and wealth is in the sky.

In this way, Gu Qianxue was supported by Gong Lingan with one hand out of the side hall, but when he walked out of the entrance of the hall, he saw the dumb guard aside.

"Master, what happened to Qianxue?" Dumb asked anxiously.

Gong Lingan's exquisite and beautiful face was expressionless, throwing Gu Qianxue to the dumb like a piece of clothing, and the dumb quickly caught it. "Eh? What happened?"


Gong Lingan just threw a word.

Inside the room.

Everyone grieves.

However, everyone had expected such a day, so when this day came, in addition to grief, but calmly proceeded step by step.

In the long caravan, there is a carriage dedicated to carrying a coffin.

The coffin is made of superb Phoebe wood, polished as fine as silk, and carved on the sides with many patterns representing the royal patterns of the Northern Li Kingdom.

Su Lingxiao was changed into a white dress that she most likes to wear on weekdays. She wore a black coat on her coat, wiped her hands, feet and cheeks, put on new shoes and socks, and was finally carried into the coffin.

No one made a sound during the whole process, solemn and solemn.

When Yan conveyed the will of the master to Xueyuelou's pick-up, the return trip happened to see the team ready to go.

Early smoke staggered a few steps, rushed forward, standing stiff in front of Su Lingxiao's coffin, his face as gray as death.

"The first smoke girl's day is sad and changeable, people... There will be such a day sooner or later. The young master has been accompanied by the county master for some time. It is very satisfying to come. Let's go, don't delay the state funeral." Said, the old man 'S body trembled and moved towards the team.

It is winter now and it is freezing cold.

If it is summer, the team is afraid to consider cooling and anti-corrosion, winter is more convenient.

Chu Yan worried about Gu Qianxue, but she trusted the master's final arrangements, and finally nodded and got on the carriage.

East Holy City, the main hall of meditation, the door is open.

A large number of meditation guards came, closely guarding the palace, holding torches as bright as the day.

The roaring convoy left the meditation, the smoke in the carriage was not at the beginning, and when he walked out of the gate, he suddenly popped his head out of the car window-the master, you take care.

Outside the palace.

The meditation secret signal was sent several times in a row. When the sky was dark, Lu Weilou, who was dressed in black, finally returned to the secret house.

When he entered, he saw that he had taken several assassins of Chu Yanguo to wait inside the house.

"The subordinates have seen the Lord."

Lu Weilou, wearing a mask, nodded and said, "Say." The voice was rapid.

He said, "Go back to the Lord, Su Lingxiao is dead. The maidservant named Chu Yan just blew the dark whistle, and then explained Su Lingxiao's last words. He asked the Lord to save Gu Qianxue, and said... Wan Bi returned to Zhao." The word, absolutely utterly puzzled, wondering in my heart, is the Lord still pulling a leg with Gu Qianxue?

The end is over, only to wait for the Lord to reply.

However, for a long time, Lu Weilou did not say a word.

Standing on the spot, the mask covered his expression, but everyone could feel the sorrow.

Lu Weilou slowly walked to the door and looked in the direction of going out of the city gate, but his thoughts could not help but return to the past. When the two first met, they were all children, only a glance at each other, they admired each other.

Sometimes, the fate of people is so weird. At a glance, fate is doomed.

One is cold outside and the other is hot, one is outside hot and the other is cold, one is grumpy and the other is temperate, so inexplicably becomes a friend who is like a brother.

The two people seem to have no intersection, but in fact their interests and hobbies are the same, even the women they like.

He sighed slowly, he said softly, "Su Lingxiao, originally thought we would be friends forever, and later thought that we would be hostile to our enemies. don't even give me the chance to be an enemy. I have given her Why do you want to go after you? Isn’t it your biggest wish to be with her?"

The mortal and other people have planted gold in their ears, the hearing is very sensitive, and everyone is terrified.

When did the Lord have a relationship with Su Lingxiao? When did Lord Gu Qianxue and Su Lingxiao break into enemies? Why don't they know?

Is this a secret?

Knowing the secrets of the Lord, will it be unlucky?

In a few moments, Lu Weilou withdrew his eyes and said, "Take the map of the main hall, immediately confirm the location of Gu Qianxue, and start rescue at the latest two days."

"Yes!" the assassins answered.

The basement of the meditation Mankin Palace.

Although it is a basement, the ventilation facilities are very good. The room is warm and dry. From time to time, a warm wind blows through, which is extremely comfortable.

The walls are white and without decoration.

A pond was repaired in the middle of the room. The pond was polished and smooth, and there was a circulation of warm medicine soup.

The color of the medicine soup is very strange, showing a **** color.

The main ingredient of this medicine soup is human blood.

In order to cover up the blood, many flowers were placed around it. The rich aroma of the flowers covered the blood, plus good ventilation, and then the pungent fragrance was diluted.

Because the pool is not dead water, there is a circulatory system, and some ripples appear from time to time.

The blood-red water ripples turned out to be golden because of some medicine.

The most important medicine is naturally the one needed for the soul change, and there is another medicine that prevents blood clotting.

When the two medicines converge, a gorgeous golden color appears, which is heart-wrenching in this blood-red liquid.

Gong Ling'an took off a neat dress and changed to Nanyue's clothing. The fine cotton mixed with silk fabric was both soft and warm, and his thin body appeared long. "Let both of them go. "

"Yes, Master." Dumb Road said.

Although Gong Ling'an later cultivated many confidants, the only thing he really trusted was the dumb slave who followed him for many years.

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