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Chapter 1105 Chapter 1105, Is It Successful

The dumb man carefully put Gu Qianxue, who was wearing a lining, into the pool carefully, fearing that he would be injured, and then threw the comatose Antana into the pool, and the bright red pool water splashed into the room.

Gong Lingan stepped back quickly, avoiding the bright red pool water.

"In another hour, the one you threw into the water is Gu Qianxue, and even the injured is also Gu Qianxue injured." Because the goal was achieved, Gong Lingan was in a good mood, and the hazy temperament around him gradually dissipated, and the look of harmlessness seemed to be again. Back in the former palace of Nanyue Kingdom.

The dumb froze for a moment, then rushed to rush, "Oh, don't break my Qianxue." Hurry up and help Antana comatose.

After finishing everything, the dumb ran to Gong Lingan, "Master, what are we going to do next?"

Gong Ling'an looked at the blood-stained dumb slave and moved sideways quietly, "Wait."

Near the door, he found a chair and sat down, his eyes staring at the two people leaning against the blood-red pool of water covered with golden ripples.

The dumb was in a state of anxiety, and just about to pass, Gong Lingan stopped, "You spilled medicine on your body, it is best to stay away from the pool, otherwise you and Antana changed flesh, but it is no wonder that this seat."

The dumb startled and hurried back to the corner of the room.

"I don't want, I don't want to change status with Antana. Although Antana looks beautiful, I don't like her at all." Anxiously said.

Gong Lingan also frowned, "I don't like this seat either."

The dumb man was puzzled. "The leader doesn't like it? Why did the leader ask Qian Xue and Antana to change? Why not just find someone to like?"

"Because Gu Qianxue likes it." Gong Lingan's voice was slightly muffled.

The dumb suddenly realized, "Well, since Qianxue likes it, then I can bear it."

Later, the two guarded the pool and waited quietly.

From the experiment of Qiangong's Ling'an, the dumb slave was also watching. Naturally, he also knew that the soul-changing technique was still in the experimental stage and could not be 100% successful.

If it really fails, let the two men recuperate their bodies, wait a month to retake the medicine for ten days, and perform the soul change again.

It can be said that only ten times of soul-changing can succeed.

The dumb man became more and more worried, "Master, do you say this time you can succeed?"

Gong Lingan stared at the pool water for a while, capturing the golden light and shadow in the pool water, "I don't know." The voice was slightly unpleasant.

The dumb shrunk his neck, knowing that she had just said the wrong thing and caused the leader’s displeasure, and she sighed in her heart. She used to seldom make the master unhappy when she couldn’t speak. Since she would talk, she was unhappy once she said the wrong master. It's dumb.

"Master, if it succeeds, will you change it for me again in the future? I want to find a look that I like." Dumb slave's eyes sparkled, looking forward.

"Okay." Gong Lingan looked better.

Soul exchange takes an hour. When the soul exchange ends, the gold in the pool disappears, and the soul enters a new experience of coma for five days. After five days, the two wake up to know whether the soul exchange is successful.

If this failure does not matter, he has time.

After waiting, the dumb did not speak again.

In the early morning, the residents of Dongsheng City gradually woke up, but a priest who had been on duty left the palace and hurried away to his home.

Turn left and turn right, into the humble house, this priest is one of the detailed works of Blood Moon Tower lurking in the meditation.

After entering the house, carefully entered the house.

The landlord Lu stood quietly beside the bed in the room, but he didn't know what to think about, and his mask obscured his expression.

"Master, subordinates are back."

For a long while, Lu Weilou said, "Say."

"Lord, Gu Qianxue was brought into the Mankin Palace by the instructor. The entire Manjin Palace was guarded by his confidant guards, and he could not enter at all. He could not judge which room Gu Qianxue was in."

Lu Weilou nodded, "Let people continue to monitor closely."

"Yes, Lord." After receiving detailed orders, he immediately retreated.

Enter in the dead, "Lord, you haven't rested overnight, please rest for a while."

"No problem."


The mortal tentatively asked, "Lord, if we can't continue to find out where Gu Qianxue is located, will we still rescue them two days later?"


Lu Weilou answered him with only one word.

Absolutely, "The Lord, please take a rest as soon as possible, and continue to deploy."

After getting the answer, he left.

I never dare to say that I understand the Lord, but I have a hunch that the Lord is afraid to plant it on that woman.

It's really a heroic sad beauty.

If they do not know where Gu Qianxue was hiding, they are afraid that they will attack again, and it is estimated that many people will die.

After an hour.

There is less and less gold in the pool water, the ripples in the water gradually disappear, and the water surface becomes calmer.

There is a stove in another room connected to the pool. From time to time, some charcoal is filled into the stove, and the water in the pool will maintain the water temperature.

"Okay." Gong Ling An said.

He walked to the side of the pool and saw that the unconscious Gu Qianxue and Antana were pale and nervous.

He wondered whether this time he would succeed.

The dumb rushed to the next room, opened the water change valve, and at the same time opened the cold water valve and hot water valve at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, I watched the calm blood-red pond water surging again. Immediately after being seen with the naked eye, the bright red pond water gradually faded, then turned pink, and finally the pond water became clear.

The white blouses worn by Gu Qianxue and Antana were dyed red and were dazzling in the clear pool water.

Gong Lingan glanced, "The rest is up to you." He said, and turned away.

"Wait for the Master," the dumb hurried back, "You, Master, will I help Gu Qianxue first, or Antana first?"

Then the dumb men had to wash their bodies, dry their bodies, put on their clothes and send them to the room.

Naturally, the person who gets the care first is more comfortable. After all, it takes at least one joss stick time to complete it, and the rest of the time to soak a joss stick.

This question is indeed... difficult to deal with.

"Look at your mood." Gong Lingan threw a sentence and turned to leave.

"I..." The dumb helpless, scratching his head.

After looking at Gu Qianxue, and then at Antana, he decided to take care of Gu Qianxue first.

Although Gu Qianxue was not necessarily Gu Qianxue at this time, before she was determined that the soul change was successful, she hated Antana very much, so let her soak.

After the decision, the dumb guy was busy with joy.

I spent so much a day.

Whether it's Gong Ling'an in the palace or Gong Ling'an outside the palace, the two didn't sleep day and night, but they couldn't close their eyes.

Gong Lingan wanted to visit several times, but he didn't know who to visit when he was in two rooms.

In the end, they simply ignored it, letting destiny, the internal and external troubles of the meditation, whether it was the monarch of the Chu Yan Kingdom or the countries outside, wanted to eliminate the meditation, and even wanted to seize the meditation of the meditation.

Thinking of this, Gong Lingan smiled faintly, but his handsome face had a bloodthirsty feeling. Because of his blood, he could not treat the emperor of Nanyue Kingdom, but he would not be soft on the monarch of Chu Yan Kingdom.

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