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Chapter 1107 Chapter 1107, She Woke Up

Gu Qianxue was placed in the main hospital, and Gong Lingxun found that his pulse was peaceful and he did not ask the doctor. He wanted to come to him and sorrowed because of Su Lingxiao's death.

In fact, Gu Qianxue woke up several times during these few days of escape, but even after waking up, his eyes were confused, and he fainted again.

"Lord, the medicine is done." Jue Ji brought the medicine bowl himself, and then retreated with respect.

The room is quiet.

Gong Lingyun with a human skin mask standing by the bed, determined to look at the beautiful woman with a pale face, but sighed, but I don't know how.

For several days in a row, he kept asking himself what is the purpose of living and the meaning of life.

But there is no way to know.

From the beginning to live for hatred, wanted to save the mother concubine, revenge for the mother concubine, until the mother concubine was saved, the princess Ceylon, who poisoned the mother concubine, died dead.

Gu Qianxue resolved his hatred, he found that living with this woman seemed to be called happiness, even more than the thrill of killing him, he decided to be with Gu Qianxue, but he pushed her away by mistake.

Gu Qianxue chose to be with Su Lingxiao. He should have blessed him, but Su Lingxiao died, and she returned to his side.

Today, he is confused.

What is he going to do next? Continue to revenge, who killed? Prince? Father Emperor?

Does he still have a chance to be happy? Will she accept him again? Will they be reconciled?

Although Gong Lingyun didn't understand feelings, he knew that Su Lingxiao, though dead, would always be a gap and a barrier between him and her.

Thinking about it, Gong Lingyun smiled bitterly.

Su Lingxiao actually left a message for him to "Complete Bi Zhao", but the thing is man-made, how can the real Bi Bi return to Zhao?

In the heater in the room, the golden charcoal wood burned cracklingly.

The medicine bowl was hot, and Gong Ling was stunned for a long while. Finally, with a sigh, he took the medicine bowl and prepared to take medicine for Gu Qianxue.

But at this time, she woke up.

It was still a pair of slightly deep eyes, and the eyes were crystal clear, even if there was no expression, the eyes seemed to have a faint smile.

It was still the face like a petal of cherry blossoms, pink in the white, delicate and blown.

It was still that lip, slightly upturned, as if it were fresh fruit, it was generally pitiful.

When she came back to him again, Gong Lingtu was nervous, "Are you... all right?"

Gu Qianxue looked at him in confusion, then screamed.

Gong Lingtu was shocked, and almost missed to throw away the soup bowl.

Jueji and others rushed in and found this scene, and immediately retreated after hurrying to "sorry".

There were only two people left in the room.

Gu Qianxue was like a scared little animal, tightly confined in the corner, and wrapped himself in the quilt, "You... who are you? You are so scary..."

Gong Linguo found the strangeness, "Gu Qianxue, you forgot who I am?"

Gu Qianxue was surprised, "Gu... Qianxue? Who is Gu Qianxue?"

Gong Lingkun's heart fell fiercely, "Come here."

Sacrifice rushed in immediately, "Lord."

"Go to the doctor."

Suddenly stunned, "Doctor? Lord, this... is not convenient? Will it reveal our whereabouts?"

"Let you go, just go, do you violate the order of this seat?" Gong Lingyun's voice was murderous.

Helpless, "Yes, Lord, subordinates go to the town to find a doctor, but Lord should better avoid it."

"Huh." Gong Lingyun snorted coldly.

Gu Qianxue looked at everything but found that her mind was blank. She didn't know who her last name was, or the identity of the person in front of her, but she knew intuitively that none of the people in black in front of him was a good person, especially this masked, strange His face was terribly tight.

In one hour, a doctor came from the town.

Gong Lingkun was hiding behind the screen in the room, while talking to the doctor was an assassin who pretended to be an old slave and took care of the courtyard.

Gu Qianxue shivered, but he dared not speak, let alone call for help.

Because the masked man threatened her, if she dared to call for help, they killed the doctor.

The old doctor diagnosed Gu Qianxue and asked the patient for his pulse, and said to the old slave, "Miss was hit because she lost her loved one. Now she is afraid of amnesia. The amnesia may be temporary, but it may be Perpetually, I will continue to take Soothing Soup for this period of time. I usually try to talk about the past of the young lady, which may be helpful for the recovery of memory. But fortunately, the body of the young lady is not harmful."

The assassin disguised as an old slave said, "So, that's great, thank you doctor."

He prescribed a prescription, paid the consultation fee, and told the old doctor not to talk about the lady in the house.

The old doctor is also a person who has experienced ups and downs. Everyone in the house has no secrets and has made repeated guarantees before leaving.

After the old doctor left, Gong Lingkun came out from behind the screen and looked at Gu Qianxue, who was amnestic, but did not know whether it was sad or happy.

Since leaving the old doctor, Gu Qianxue has been crying quietly.

Gong Lingfeng frowned, "What are you crying for?" asked.

Gu Qianxue bit the corner of the quilt and did not speak.

Seeing this, Gong Lingtu softened a little, "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

Gu Qianxue looked in horror, with doubt and vigilance in his eyes.

Gong Lingtuo sighed, "You are the daughter-in-law of Nanyue State Lishou Shangshu, the name is Gu Qianxue, your grandfather is stationed in Guandong City, the marshal Zhenyuan, who is a knight, Zhao Houye, you once had a husband, Nanyue Prince, but you are separated."

It can be seen that when Gu Qianxue heard his illustrious family momentum, his terrified eyes glowed. When he heard that his husband was a prince, he was pleasantly surprised, but when he heard the word "harmony", the light in his eyes instantly changed. disappear.

Gong Lingyun kept staring at her facial expression and captured all of her reactions into her eyes.

"Li Wang has been waiting for you," Gong Lingyun tried his best to control his tone, not to let the tone tremble. "As long as you go back, it will still be Princess Li."

"Really?" she surprised.

Gong Lingkun nodded, and at the bottom of her heart began to imagine whether she would love him deeply, so even if she lost her memory, she still remembered their feelings.

The more I thought about it, Gong Lingtu felt more and more like a woman, and suffered from the loss of love.

Gong Lingkun continued, "Of course, if you don't want to go back, you can follow me everywhere."

"Go back, I want to go back!"

Before Qiang Ling's words landed, Gu Qianxue had already shouted, and after calling, he found that he was too abrupt and lacked the restraint of the woman. He hurriedly said, "Yes... I want to go back to my family, I don’t want to wander Horizon."

Gong Lingkun shook his heart three times, "Return to Gu Shangshu Mansion or... Li Wang Mansion?"

But I saw that Gu Qianxue's delicate little face was stained with crimson, "Naturally... Li Wangfu, there is my husband."

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