The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 1108: 1108, this time it was very gentle

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Chapter 1108 Chapter 1108, this time crossing is very gentle

Everyone on and off the Blood Moon Tower knows today that the Lord is very happy.

Although I don't know why he is happy, after all, everyone vaguely knows that the Lord and Gu Qianxue have a leg, and now that Gu Qianxue is like a stranger, he can't guess where the Lord is happy.

However, everyone is used to it. The Lord is willing to be self-willed. It is always the case. Needless to say, taking orders is sometimes. Even if it is not a list, he wants to kill whoever he wants to kill. No way to know.

However, the Lord is happy.

East Holy City.

Roland Palace.

As the maidservants respectfully asked for peace, a person hurried out from outside the palace. The dark red fashion brought a lot of air-conditioning, but the Roland Palace was as warm as spring, and the air-conditioning was quickly overwhelmed.

"Are you awake?" Gong Lingan asked the dumb slave beside the bed in a hurry.

The dumb man held the silver needle in his hand, and then put the silver needle in his pocket. "Muslim, she didn't wake up. I've buried needles in some big holes you taught me, but what if you don't wake up?"

Gong Ling'an frowned, "Well, I can wake up sooner or later, you go with this seat." Then he turned and left.

The dumb hurriedly threw down the needle, and told the maid to watch it, and then left Gong Lingan.

The master and servant walked out of the Roland Palace all the way to the Mankin Palace. A group of priests dressed in dresses followed, solemn.

There is very little snow in Chu Yanguo, but this year's snow has not been melted, because of this snow, there is a feeling of withering and misery outside the palace.

What puzzled everyone was that the leader ordered that the snow should not be cleared, so the white snow remained in the palace, making the whole palace dreamlike.

Inside the Mankin Palace.

Entering the official hall, Gong Lingan sent all the clergymen out, leaving only dumb slaves.

Seeing that there were only two people in the whole room, the dumb man understood that the master had something important to tell her.

Gong Lingan was sitting on the chair with his hands on the table, and his pair of delicate and deep eyes were full of cold smiles. "Don't you say before, would you like to change your face or body?"

The dumb boy froze for a moment, then nodded, "Yeah, but Qian Xue's business hasn't been finished yet. The leader doesn't need to do anything for me."

Dumb slaves are simple in mind and do not play tricks, especially being loyal to Gong Lingan, which is why Gong Lingan cannot trust anyone but only dumb slaves.

"Do you want to be a princess?" Gong Lingan said slowly and slowly, the voice was calm but with a trace of sarcasm.

The dumb startled.

"You heard it right, just want you to be a princess, Princess Mel of Chu Yanguo." Gong Ling'an's eyes are infested.

The dumb dumbfounded and stuttered for a long time. "Is... is the only daughter of the prince, Princess Mel? Princess Mel is so beautiful, but... isn't it?"

Gong Lingan smiled coldly, "This palace says it's okay."

The dumb boy was suddenly stunned. "Does the master want to exchange my soul with Princess Mayer? But even if it is a soul change, it will reveal the stuff, I..."

"No filling," Gong Lingan interrupted slowly. "If the monarch and queen die, Princess Mel is hit and loses her memory. How do you reveal the filling?"

The dumb guy completely understood what the master wanted to do. If he was surprised at the moment before, and after the task was determined, his eyes burst into bloodthirsty light, "Master wants to kill the monarch? That's great, those two pretentious guys have long been Damn, kill them!"

Gong Lingan was stunned, and then he laughed, "Dumb slave, you are really an interesting girl."

The mute tilted his head, "Interesting, where am I interesting?" His eyes were full of innocents.

Gong Lingan smiled, "You dumb slave remember, as long as you are loyal to this seat, this seat will never treat you wrong, as long as you do not betray this seat, this seat will never harm you, remember this sentence is enough Now."

The mute hurriedly knelt and knelt, "Yes, the mute knows. The mute never thought of betraying his master before, and never thought of it afterwards."

At this time, Gong Lingan spread out the paper and began to write letters. "Get up, go to Shengjing for a while and send a letter to Mel for this seat."

The mute raised his head in surprise, "Deliver a letter?"

Gong Lingan wrote, her lips twitched cruelly, "In Shengjing a few days ago, Mel has been wrapped around this seat. Shouldn't this seat also express love for the honorable princess? Do you send this love letter? Go and invite Princess Mayer to come." Then, a short letterhead was freshly released, even without folding, and if it was trash, it was generally thrown to the dumb slave.

The dumb man on his knees hurriedly took a few steps to pick up the letterhead, held it in both hands, looked down at the words on it, and immediately closed his eyes—oops, spicy eyes.

Gong Lingan saw the expression of the dumb, smiling like a smile, "Send it, don't rush back at this time, stay with Meyer first to get acquainted with her work schedule and habits, when she decides to come to Dongsheng City, Just follow."

The dumb man was puzzled, "Huh? Hasn't Princess Mel been entangled with the master, and it should be reasonable to like the master, wouldn't it just come over as soon as I received the letter?"

Gong Lingan laughed softly, "Mute slave, don't think that people in this world are as careless as you are. A woman with a high self-esteem like Mel does not like to come here immediately, and I will pose a copy and ask for her appearance." He said, sneering a few times, "When you see it, you will know, go."

"Yes, Master." The dumb immediately cautiously held the love letter with both hands and turned to leave, but came back just a few steps away. "But what about Qianxue? Who is in charge of Qianxue when I'm not here?"

Gong Ling's eyes were cold, "Let her die on her own. If Gu Qianxue would do everything, if Antana...hehe, just look back at Qianxue."

Seeing the promise of the master, the dumb boy became happy at once. "Okay, the master is working hard. Qianxue must be caught. I'm gone." Then he left happily.

When the dumb left, Gong Lingan slowly closed his eyes, thinking that Gu Qianxue had been robbed by Xueyuelou, but he squeezed his fist with hatred.

Mankin Palace.

Antana woke up long ago.

Actually, it was not Antana but Gu Qianxue.

In this way, she has been awake for two days, but she still coma.

Fortunately, when she woke up for the first time at night, Gong Lingan and the dumb were not there, only the maidservant who was secretly dozing off. I was almost killed compared to the last crossing. This “crossing” was very gentle, even giving her enough time to gather information and think of countermeasures.

From the information collected, I learned that the soul-changing technique was successful. Another important message is that neither the dumb nor Gong Lingan knew whether the soul-changing technique was successful.

There are only three reasons.

First, Antana in the body of "Gu Qianxue" has not yet awakened.

Secondly, "Gu Qianxue" has suffered unexpectedly.

Third, "Gu Qianxue" is no longer in Chu Yanguo.

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