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Chapter 1127 Chapter 1127, Assassination

The mute smiled happily, "Okay, okay, the mute likes Luke." Then the voice paused. "But referring to Qianxue, what is the Lord's plan to take Qianxue back? When will it start? "

Gong Lingan sighed, "Mute slave, as you used to be, even if you don't have to use your brain, but now you become Princess Mel. Whether you talk or do things, it's best to use your brain and say it after you think about it."

The mute quickly covered her pink lips, "Lord, the mute is wrong."

Gong Ling'an was also helpless, "Do you still remember that there is a cycle of Soul Exchange? You can't do it again immediately after failure. Taking medicine for ten consecutive days will cause great harm to the human body. If you don't cultivate for a while, it will hurt your mind greatly. Before waiting for the second 10-day medication cycle, he has become a living dead person."

The dumb suddenly realized, "Lord, the dumb remembered!"

Gong Lingan said, "According to the principle, as long as you rest for more than a month, you will see Qianxue's situation before. She was already distracted. Other people took the medicine for ten days. She only took it for five days. Successful, but... in a short time, I don’t dare to let him take the medicine again, at least let him cultivate for half a year."

The dumb nodded like rubbing garlic, "then grab Qian Qian back to cultivate for half a year."

Gong Ling'an was helpless, "Now that Gu Qianxue is in the capital, don't the people of Nanyue State look for it after he gets back? Does Li Wang not look everywhere? There are no impenetrable walls in the world, I'm afraid I will find here sooner or later, so Gu Qianxue is I want to receive it, but not now, but half a year later, it will be exchanged immediately."

Then the dumb suddenly realized, "The Lord is right, the dumb really wants to use his brain."

Gong Ling'an looked amazed, "You dumb slave, remember, from now on, you can't speak more than four words at a time in front of anyone, except talking to this seat alone."

"No more than four words? to say?" Dumb slave embarrassed.

"Oh, that's your own business." Gong Lingan felt a little regret in her heart. The dumb innocence was innocent, and she was involved in this conspiracy of deception.

"Master, what about Antana? Antana's **** turned out to poison Princess Mer, and the Lord always said that the dumb silly, but Antana is even more silly!" of.

Gong Ling'an laughed, "No, you are stupid, she is stupid, you two can't compare with each other."

"..." Dumb.

Gong Lingan had a slight pause, and her beautiful cheeks suddenly froze. "Antana is the virgin chosen by Gu Qianxue. I originally wanted to give Antana's body to Gu Qianxue, but the soul change failed. Does that mean , The two minds are not integrated and cannot be changed?"

The dumb immediately surprised, "The Lord means you can kill Antana? That's great, so good! The dumb just wanted to kill her. Let the dumb kill him?"

Gong Lingan smiled, "Okay. There is another person, you make the decision."

The dumb blinked, "Who?"

"Princess Mel, that is, your body."

In an instant, the dumb froze.

Although she looks ugly, she is also somehow, saying that she is willing to be fake.

The mute was a bit entangled, "Lord, the body of the mute...can't it really stay?"

"Do you want to keep Princess Mel?" Gong Lingan asked back.

In the end, the dumb sighed, "...I see, Lord, but... my body, I won't do it myself, I'm afraid I won't go."

"Okay, there's a man in Princess Mel's place."

Who would have thought that two people will be sentenced to death in the Chamber of Secrets.

For a whole day, Gu Qianxue was restless, and a certain feeling became more intense, as if she had just taken the soul change medicine two days ago.

Others do not know how effective this medicine is for her, but she knows it herself.

Maybe she was just a wandering soul, so these frequent body changes also began to eat up.

After using lunch, Gu Qianxue went to sleep.

She slept so deeply that she couldn't wake up, but she could feel her body cold and her forehead covered with cold sweat.

She could hear the conversation of the maidservants around, but she could not move for the first half of the time. If she had not heard Lisi say she was sweating constantly, she had to think that she had become stiff.

Finally, near midnight, she woke up, feeling as if the ghost press was over, and she was completely out of control.

The maids were sleeping soundly, and the whole room was silent.

Suddenly, a dark shadow rushed in like lightning.

Gu Qianxue was startled, and when thinking about whether to shout, the humane said, "Miss, it's a villain."

It turned out to be the confidante of Neam.

Through the moonlight, Gu Qianxue saw the young man's face, and then he was relieved and nodded, "Abba looking for me?" Surprised, today is not the appointed meeting day.

The bodyguard nodded quickly, and then picked up Gu Qianxue around the waist, leaving with light effort.

Next month.

The figure of the bodyguard, like a night swallow, flew into the sky, and finally landed in a remote loft.

After setting, he bent down and put Gu Qianxue down.

Gu Qianxue only felt that his whole body was cold and cold. When he was sleeping, he was cold and sweaty. He was brought before changing clothes.

Seeing that Gu Qianxue was pale and shivering all around, Priest Nahamm immediately took off his big fashionable cloak and covered it. "Nal, Dad took you to tell you that your doubts are true. , This evening, someone was burning something in tortoiseshell."

"What is burning?" Gu Qianxue asked.

Moonlight was cold and cold on the face of the inner priest, making his darkened cheeks and cheeks look like ghosts, "the body of a dumb slave."

Gu Qianxue's heart tightened fiercely.

Although she knew that the mute was already Princess Mer, the body was not a real mute, but it was still very sad to think that the mute's joyful eyes were closed forever.

Because something even more bizarre happened, she had no energy to mourn the memory of Su Gongzi, but Su Lingxiao's death had already caused an indelible scar in her heart. At this moment Rao is familiar with life and death, Gu Qianxue, and he is terrified of death.

She is not afraid of dying herself, but she is afraid of those around her.

Thinking of the people around her leaving one after another, she could only wish to die herself.

"...It was still killed." Gu Qianxue reached out and rubbed her eyes. Princess Mel died, but she encountered another problem-she lacked the opportunity.

"No! She's not dead!" Neam priest anxiously said, "Dad's people rescued her. Although she was seriously injured and lost too much blood, but Dad hung her life with the most precious medicine, you I can't guess what happened." Speaking of which, Rao was Neam's priest, and his voice shook slightly.

"What?" Gu Qianxue asked knowingly.

"The dumb is not really a dumb at all, it is actually Princess Mayer," Neam said severely.

Gu Qianxue pretended to be surprised, "What? Dad, what the **** is going on?"

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