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Chapter 1128 Chapter 1128, Change Back

Afterwards, the priest Neamu spoke out what happened today.

Since listening to Gu Qianxue's words the day before, he sent someone to sneak into the Mankin Palace and carefully observe the trends of the leader, Princess Mer, and the slave. Although Princess Mer was occasionally out of the room, the slave was always in the room. Can't close the door, and finally in the evening, someone lifted a huge cloth bag from the dumb room, and the eyeliner immediately went secretly, but found that the bottom of the cloth bag was bleeding.

After careful follow-up all the way, he arrived at Xilin. Several guards seemed to burn the cloth bags, and then made every effort to remove the bags. The master guards burned fake cloth bags, and the real cloth bags were smuggled out of the palace and arrived in Nahamm. In the hands of the priest.

Inside the cloth bag is a person, a man who is almost dying, is actually a dumb slave.

The priest of Naham tried his best to save the "dumb slave". When the dumb woke up, he actually said that he was Princess Mayer, and the teacher mainly harmed her.

The priest Naeme did not dare to delay, and sent someone to pick up Gu Qianxue late at night.

Gu Qianxue smiled secretly in his heart, but there was a surprised expression on his face, "Abba, my daughter has some confidential words to say, so I don't know if Abba believes it."

The priest Naeme hurriedly said, "Naher, it's natural to say that Dad believes, you say it."

"Because the daughter is in the position of saint, she sees many things you can't see, for example, the leader can manipulate the corpse."

The Neam priest was taken aback, "What? Manipulation of corpses? Is it a corpse puppet puppetry technique?? This is impossible. This kind of poisoning technique is only available in legends, and is impossible at all!"

Gu Qianxue said, "Abba, because of this strange fact, the daughter didn't say it. The teacher can manipulate the corpse to be seen by the daughter. Not only the daughter saw it, but also the goddess of the Roland Palace. Dad can ask someone to ask."

Gu Qianxue said so, and the priest Neham had to believe.

He fell into a chair beside him, his eyes wide open, his face pale, "The strength of the leader is so fascinating?"

Gu Qianxue's eyes flickered, "Abba, you said, why did Princess Mel and the slaves exchange their bodies, would they also be the leader?"

The priest Neamu gazed into the distance and nodded slowly. "For the father, this matter must be a conspiracy of the leader."

Gu Qianxue smiled inwardly, almost invisible, and his lips evoked a strange arc, "Abba, you said, if you **** Princess Mel back to Shengjing, will the prince let go of the leader? Now Abba knows the medicine, the priest Not only can we get the antidote from the leader, but also from the father, and if the monarch is on the father’s side, who do you think will be the leader of the next generation?”

Officer Nehamm only felt that the blood of the animal in his heart was boiling, thinking of the unreachable location and the supremacy of power. Officer Nehamm could not bear the desire to declare war immediately.

"Naba's meaning, Dad understands," Neam princes endured excitement, "At the moment, Dad can't pick Naal away, but the people who have placed Dad near the Roland Palace can keep you safe, Naer and a little Wait, Dad will avenge you with hatred."

Gu Qianxue nodded, not knowing whether it was too anxious to stand up or something else.

She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes to relieve the dizziness. "My good dad, you are the biggest hero in the world. Her daughter has a strong hunch that dad will succeed."

At the same time, another location.

Antana felt dizzy for a while, and the black body softened before her eyes.

But she did not fall to the ground, but fell into a person's arms. "what happened to you?"

Antana opened her eyes, the eyes were peachy eyes, "His Royal Highness, I... just a little dizzy." Then, leaving the prince's arms at home, it wasn't about refusing to welcome her, Rao was she wanted to be a prince , But was angry even after being played.

Prince said, "Qianxue, you are in a bad mood today, did someone offend you."

Antana snorted, "offended? I am really in a bad mood, but I dare not say that the person offended, you are the high crown prince, I am just a woman, you can play whatever you want, but as a grand hall In the case of a prince, the prince openly promised that the prince would be too ridiculous? His Royal Highness is bullying me for amnesia?"

Speaking of which, Antana's face was extremely red, and her heart was resentful and resentful.

When the prince heard it, he chuckled, "This palace is a prince. Since he said a word, he will realize what he said, and the position of your concubine will be given to you, but it is not now. This palace still has a mound. At home, is it so publicly abandoning the Crown Princess Qiu Anran?"

Antana didn't believe it. "His Royal Highness, don't lie to me. You are a prince. Who do you want to be a prince? It's not your freedom? Do you want to marry a woman with a conscience in order to attract a minister?"

The prince looked coldly at Antana, "This palace doubts, are you really Gu Qianxue."

Antana was shocked, "Who am I not Gu Qianxue? Although I said anger before, but since His Highness the Prince thinks that I am not Gu Qianxue, then right when I am not good, all the things that happened in the past I don’t I know, but I can see who really loves you and Li Wang."

The prince raised her eyebrows, "Oh? Who really loves you more?"

"Naturally is King Li," although Antana does not understand any tricks, but she intuitively sees good and evil, "King Li really loves me, but you are not, you are a possessive!"

The prince was stunned for a while, then chuckled, "You are not stupid."

Antana swelled, "You are stupid!"

The crown prince reached out and hugged Antana into his arms, "Fool, this palace naturally likes you, but it is not as good as Li Wangshen. If you only choose by the depth of love, you can choose him. But he can only give up at most. If you are a princess, this palace can give you the position of a princess, even...the position of a queen."

"Really?" Antana asked suspiciously when she heard that she was still a princess.

The prince just nodded slightly as if smiling, but did not promise.

Then his eyes flickered, "But... Since His Highness the Prince loves me, why does he know that he is not as good as Li Wang, but he doesn't have to be deeper?"

The prince chuckled for a long time, "Do you know how many people think about the position of the prince of this palace? If this palace likes you wholeheartedly and is taken away by the prince, the position of your prince will disappear."

Antana realized, suddenly nodded, "His Royal Highness, Qian Xue understands."

Later, the prince said patiently with Antana and sent someone to look back at the house.

It was Kuang Yingzhe who sent Antana away, but Liang Zhen stayed. "Master, the forgiveness of his subordinates is outspoken, don't you think that Master Qianxue is strange? It is amnesia, which is too ridiculous, it seems to have changed. personal."

The prince looked at the direction of the carriage's departure.

"Change back?" Liang Zhen suddenly realized, "Master means that Qianxue County Master has changed back to Qian Qianxue before, pushing Gu Qianxue before the king launched into the water?"

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