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377, Li Wangzhen can play

The emperor has seen countless wonderful people in his life, but people like Gu Qianxue who don't do things according to common sense are really rare.

The emperor was not a funny person, or his character was too calm, but looking at the woman with a turban in front of her, she couldn't help but laugh again and again. "Gu Qianxue, seeing people without a face is just a metaphor. Can you see someone by covering your face?"

The emperor's words made the queen and concubine laugh.

Gu Qianxue sighed, "You have misunderstood the emperor, I am not a faceless person in my mind, but a faceless person in my body." Don't even think about it, the emperor is afraid of being crooked.

"The faceless person sees people?" The emperor is puzzled. "Hah, then you say, how can the bodyless person see people?"

Under the mask, Gu Qianxue bit his lip and his face was flushed, "Emperor, Qianxue really has no face to see people and can't let you see."

The emperor laughed, "Nothing can hide me from this world, dare you hide a secret in front of me?"

Gu Qianxue was crying anxiously, his eyes flushed, "It's not a secret, it really can't be seen by outsiders, if it spreads, I...I...I will go to hang!"

Princess Qin was also confused, "Qianxue, you are the righteous daughter of Princess Yong'an. If you talk about it, you can call the uncle of the emperor. What can't you see in front of your loved ones? Can you laugh at your little girl?" On the one hand, Gu Qianxue solved the dilemma, on the other hand, he helped Gu Qianxue climb.

Gu Qianxue understood Qin Fei's meaning-it was enough to hang his appetite. The emperor was no better than ordinary people.

Gu Qianxue was helpless, what is her appetite?

"Emperor, Qianxue lets you look at the secret, but the people around you can't leave it. This secret is for no one but the three of you." The girl's tone was deliberately added. Anyway, this body is only 14 years old. Innate advantage, not in vain.

The emperor's curiosity has long been hung high, "Well, you all go down."

Kang Quan hurriedly dispatched all his servants, and then respectfully stood behind the emperor.

"They all went down, why didn't you say it?" the queen asked.

Gu Qianxue glanced embarrassedly at Kang Quan behind the emperor, "Grandpa Kang hasn't left yet."

Kang Quan was stunned. He was as old as the emperor. He had a lean figure, and his eyes were full of shrewdness. Although he was an eunuch, he was regarded as a majestic figure in the palace, but now he pointed to his nose. On weekdays, there is no room for the emperor." On the one hand, it is waiting, on the other hand, it is protection.

Qin Fei also said, "Qian Xue, Grandpa Kang is not an outsider."

Gu Qianxue hesitated, she was really afraid of this incident spreading.

"Kang Quan, let's go down," the emperor said.

Kang Quan was helpless in the end and could only salute the nobles, leaving. He never wanted to admit that he also wanted to know the secret of Qianxue County Lord.

Finally, everyone left, and Gu Qianxue ran to close the door himself, to see if there was anyone next to the door, and what screen was hidden behind the house, no one was hiding in the corner of the room. And slowly walked in front of the emperor and others.

"The emperor, the empress queen, the empress lady Qin, I let you see, you have to promise, one can't joke me, the other can't pass on the matter."

The queen smiled, "You child, do you know the identity of the three of us? Just use our identity to chew the tongue?"

Gu Qianxue shook his head, "Going back to the empress queen, Qianxue is not afraid of chewing your tongue, but just afraid that you will tell me a joke.'s useless, you will know if you look at it." First take off the five-finger gloves on your hands.

But I saw that the back of the snow-white slender hand was full of red and bright traces.

The emperor and others were naturally surprised to see how the trace came from.

"I...I...I am innocent, I rebelled." Gu Qianxue lowered his head, really did not want to show these things to others.

The emperor was dumbfounded. If he changed a person, he might have been kicked out for crimes because of frivolous inspection. But in Gu Qianxue, there was only innocence and pity and... funny.

That's right, it's funny.

The man is to love another woman. It is justifiable to make the traces of love in love, but there is no kiss left in the hand. The only explanation is that men are making fun of women.

Saying that, Gu Qianxue pulled the sleeves up again, but I saw that the snow-white zirconium wrist was also a bright red kiss mark.

Qin Fei immediately guessed who these masterpieces were, while secretly angry, on the other hand, she felt distressed Gu Qianxue.

The queen's complexion had long risen. If it was not the military power of Gu Qianxue's grandfather, she was afraid that she would be the first to drag Gu Qianxue out and beat him to death. Like a man before he gets married, it's more than just not checking, it's just frivolous and lustful!

The emperor was also stunned for a while, "Who made these...?"

"Li Wang." Gu Qianxue gritted his teeth.

The emperor nodded, "This kind of thing, I am afraid that only Kun'er can do it." Pointing at Gu Qianxue's hand, he smiled at Qin Fei, how could he be angry. Pamper! Only the word connivance can be described.

Gu Qianxue sighed, knowing that the emperor would not help her to do justice.

"If so, it would be nice to wear gloves, and what to do with this strange hat, don't..." The queen seemed to guess what.

Gu Qianxue sighed and took off the remaining four sets of shame.

Immediately afterwards, the Emperor’s thunderous laughter came from the room. The hahaha’s laughter was very cheerful. The Queen hated and the Qin Fei felt ashamed, but the two of them dared to laugh with the Emperor.

Outside the door, Kang Quan was surprised to hear the emperor's laughter in the room. After all, the emperor was not the kind of person who was easily amused. He became more and more curious about Gu Qianxue's "seeing no one" reason.

Gu Qianxue lowered his head and sighed helplessly.

After a long laugh, the Emperor gasped for breath. The so serious and domineering man even smiled with red eyes. "Don't worry, this mark will disappear after two days."

Gu Qianxue shook his head, "I can't do it, Gong Ling... He not only got it, but also forced me to wipe a strange ointment. I think that the principle of the ointment is to solidify the blood. This trace is not only not within a month. Will disappear, but the color will be more vivid."

The emperor could not help but admire, his son really can play.

"Then you plan to wear these things for a month?" The queen reached out and pointed to the four-piece suit.

Gu Qianxue nodded honestly, "Return to the Queen Mother, as long as this trace does not disappear, Qianxue will wear it forever."

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