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378, Emperor's health consultant

No matter how disgusted in his heart, the queen's face was full of spoils, "The problem is, wearing this thing is not beautiful." It seemed like a joke.

Gu Qianxue secretly gritted her teeth, "It's not pretty to pick it." Not only is it not pretty, but it has become the laughing stock of others.

The emperor said, "That's right, you will be in the palace this month. One is to accompany the concubine Qin, and the other is to recuperate. You can rest assured that here, I am not afraid of chaos."

Gu Qianxue couldn't help but pick his thumbs, "It's still the emperor's power! Long live the emperor, long live the long live!" This kind of thigh is really the most powerful thigh! There is a good saying, black cat and white cat, catching the mouse is a good cat! Thick legs and thin legs, as long as they can make Gong Lingfeng, they are good legs!

Gu Qianxue's words once again teased the three most honorable people of Nanyue Kingdom forward and backward, but the emperor said, "Long live long live long live, these words are fooling me, and who can really live long live?"

How can Gu Qianxue know this sentence? Almost immersed in the joy of holding his thighs, thought or not, "Although it can't be done forever, but if you take good care of your body, you can live a healthy and healthy life for decades."

"Oh? How do you do that?" The emperor asked along the lines.

The concubine Qin and the queen immediately shut up. Both knew that this was the emperor's most concerned topic. How dare they interject?

"Exercise!" Gu Qianxue said, "The aging of the human body is due to the aging of organs, which can also be called oxidation. If you want to maintain youth and longevity, you must slow down the aging process of organs, as long as people are healthy. Young people are naturally young."

"Exercise?" The emperor also heard this doctrine for the first time. If this question was asked to Tai Chi, he would have to prescribe many tonics and so on, but for the first time he heard that exercise was used to maintain youth. "What is oxidation again?"

Gu Qianxue lamented, is she going to give the emperor a junior high school chemistry class?

"Oxidation is troublesome to explain, but if a metaphor is used, the emperor will immediately understand its meaning," said Gu Qianxue, reaching for the fruit plate on the table between the emperor and the queen's seat. "I can ask for an apple, emperor. ?" Explained again, "I am not going to eat an apple, but for this example."

The emperor smiled and actually took an apple and threw it to Gu Qianxue. "It seems like I can't bear you to eat fruit."

There were no knives in the room. When Grandpa Kang just left, he put away all the knives to prevent Gu Qianxue from stabbing without protection.

Gu Qianxue broke apart the apple, revealing bright white flesh, "The emperor should know that the flesh of the apple will turn brown in the air for a long time, right? This is oxidation, and in order to keep the apple fresh, either keep the peel, or Use air-impermeable materials to stick to the surface of the pulp, in other words, to isolate the air. However, the anti-oxidation of the human body is the opposite of that of apples. It needs to increase the oxygen supply, and the most direct way to increase the oxygen supply Is exercise, aerobic exercise."

These words can be said to be groundbreaking, a doctrine that the emperor has never heard of, but when he saw Gu Qianxue with a serious face, the emperor had a certain trust in his heart, although this trust came inexplicably.

At this time, Gu Qianxue, with a stern expression and serious expression, exuded an irresistible persuasion. This temperament came from the confidence brought by his professionalism. Because of this self-confidence, even if Gu Qianxue's bright red kiss marks on the face, outsiders do not feel funny.

Therefore, everyone was convinced by Gu Qianxue's professional persuasion, and his appearance has long been ignored.

"I really don't understand what you said, but I believe you," the emperor said after a long delay, "you mean, as long as you keep what you say... what kind of sports can last forever Stay young?"

"Aerobic exercise," Gu Qianxue added, "reasonably arrange diet and exercise, let alone be fifty, it is one hundred years old, still walking like a strong man." The principle is like this.

The emperor nodded with a smile, "So, what exactly is aerobic exercise?"

The atmosphere in the room was less relaxed than before, and there was a kind of oppression.

Gu Qianxue suddenly realized that after a long time of trouble, the emperor asked her to be a "private health consultant". are you happy? No, not happy at all! Not only was she unhappy, Gu Qianxue also felt a deep sense of crisis, and she began to regret that she had just kept her mouth open.

Not to mention that the companion is like a tiger, now she is in trouble.

But when I thought about it, I had to take action to hug my thighs. At the time, she hugged Qin Fei's thighs, didn't it cost her the diagnosis?

"Aerobic exercise is a category rather than a certain exercise. Aerobic exercise must meet two points: first, the intensity is above medium; second, it lasts for a certain period of time, preferably more than the time of a joss stick." Gu Qianxue said It’s not like squeezing toothpaste, it’s all in one breath. "The best method of aerobic exercise is running, especially running at a balanced speed, and then there is swimming!"

"Swim?" the emperor asked.

"Yes, I don't know if the emperor can swim. The water not only has a certain buoyancy but also a certain resistance. Exercise in water has a multiplier effect, and when you need to change the air when swimming, it can be said that swimming is the best exercise to regulate cardiopulmonary function," Gu Qianxue Road, "And in the diet, meat and vegetables, eat more vegetarian dishes, drink a cup of cranberry juice every day."

Gu Qianxue said that orange juice is rich in vitamin C, which not only improves human immunity, but also is a good product for anti-oxidation. In Nanyue Kingdom, oranges are also called cranberries.

The emperor nodded, "I heard that you will heal me?"

"Go back to the emperor, the medicine is sincere, but I like to study these strange and easy-to-do medicine." Gu Qianxue replied.

The emperor smiled, "Let's take a look, my physical condition." He said, extending his arm.

Both the queen and the concubine knew that the emperor was moved!

The veins of the emperor are not generally qualified to be diagnosed. Even in the Tai Hospital, few Tai doctors have actually diagnosed the veins of the emperor. The emperor's initiative to let Gu Qianxue diagnose the pulse can only show his trust and expectations for Gu Qianxue.

The queen knew that she succeeded.

Concubine Qin lowered her eyes and sneered in her heart-Gu Qianxue was indeed introduced by the queen to the emperor, but what about it, Gu Qianxue was hers.

Gu Qianxue brought some items before entering the palace, among which was her medicine chest. Maybe it's a professional habit. I don't hold a medicine box, I always feel that I am missing something.

When Gu Qianxue entered the room, the emperor saw a large leather suitcase she carried, thinking that it was all clothing, but when she saw Gu Qianxue open, she saw that there was nothing but a dress and a pair of shoes inside. Is it a box, is there another mystery in the box?

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