The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 813: , Qian Xue's shocking decision

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813, Qian Xue's shocking decision

Lu Weilou said nothing, and the group thought of Qingteng House and left.

The whole city is in chaos, no one is in business, no one is selling, there are choirs everywhere, singing God everywhere.

Gu Qianxue discovered that some choirs began to distribute items after singing, some were food and some were clothes.

These are all cult routines. Gu Qianxue, who knows China's five thousand years of history, is very commonplace.

She closed her eyes and couldn't bear to look again.

"Tired, just lie on me to rest for a while." Lu Weilou's voice was still low and hoarse, but with a faint gentleness.

"Thank you." Gu Qianxue couldn't care about the difference between men and women, leaning his decadent self against his chest, this inexplicable sense of security was enough for her to escape reality.

Soon, Ivy House, arrived.

Before knocking on the door, the deadly man flew into the house with light power to see if anyone was inside.

Soon, there was a fight.

"Stop, it's us, Qianxue County Lord is back." Jue shouted.

If it weren't for hearing the name of Qianxue County Master, Chu Yan really wanted to kill the thieves of Blood Moon Tower in one go.

She glared fiercely and stepped forward to open the door, very anxious.

The door opened, but Gu Qianxue looked haggard. "How about my grandpa, how did my grandfather turn into this look in the city?" anxiously asked.

Chu Yan sighed and helped Gu Qianxue in. "The master of the county should not worry. Marshal Zhao is still acting stupid, and no one has paid attention to Marshal Zhao for a while, so his old man is very safe, but it is Kanto... …” Sighing again, “Now it’s almost becoming Yilan City.”

"Yi Lan City?" Qian Xue wondered.

Chu Yan nodded, "Yes, that is the Yilan Religion, after colluding with the prince, he was allowed to enter the city to preach missions. The price of the Kanto city was driven up, and the people could not afford food, so they could only get food by faith. Then, the Yilan religion was also very powerful. After a while, the people were brainwashed."

Gu Qianxue said, "Brainwashing is not terrible. What I am most afraid of is drug control. Have these people been fed drugs?"

"Very few, most don't." Chu Yan replied.

Gu Qianxue knew, "That's good, the medicine is very precious, and not everyone can take it." What is medicine is the blood of the leader.

Although the situation in Kanto Castle was very tense, Chu Yan felt reassured when he saw Gu Qianxue returning. "Qianxue County Master, how have you been in Chu Yan Kingdom during this period of time and have you encountered any danger? Now that you are back, What about poisoning?"

Qianxue smiled, "Don't worry, everything is fine in Chu Yanguo, and the poison has been relieved."

Chu Yan was completely relieved, "It is also a blessing due to misfortune."

When he heard the dialogue between the two, Lu Weilou looked in the direction of the two—blessed by misfortune and spoke easily.

Gu Qianxue hinted at Lu Weilou not to tell her what happened in Dongsheng City. The latter nodded slightly and agreed.

Afterwards, the two entered the main hall, and Lu Weilou also came in. At first, Yan Yan felt displeased, but when Gu Qianxue didn't stop it, it was hard to say anything.

Jue has sent people to the restaurant to buy wine, and the first smoke is a detailed description of everything that happened in the city, Gu Qianxue's brows are getting tighter.

Half an hour later, the people in Xueyuelou bought wine and vegetables, but in fact, these wine and vegetables are also very difficult to find.

After all, the price in the city is exaggerated, and the restaurant's dishes also have costs. Nowadays, going to the restaurant is definitely a luxury consumption. A good table of dishes can even set up a house in a remote place in Kanto City.

Gu Qianxue learned from Chu Yan’s mouth that Qingtengzhai was not worried about food and clothing. Although the prince allowed Yilan to teach in the city, he explicitly prohibited people from the government to believe in religion. If public officials and immediate family members were found to be religious, Dismiss from office immediately.

At the same time, people in the government can receive free food and vegetables.

Qianxue was relieved, and Gong Lingyao was not crazy enough.

After the dishes were put on, Gu Qianxue was also hungry, and everyone used dinner.

"Sovereign, what should we do next?" Chu Yan couldn't help asking.

Gu Qianxue, who had just finished his dinner, thought a little, but did not directly answer Chu Yan, but asked Lu Weilou, "Lord Lord, I need your help, please make a price."

"..." Silent, this county lord really thought that their Blood Moon Tower was the one who saw Qian Yan open?

"What is your mission first?" Lu Weilou replied, directly hitting the face of the mortal.

"I hope the landlord Lu will accompany me back to the capital, and I want to enter the palace." Qianxue said.

Lu Weilou naturally does not think that Gu Qianxue is simply afraid of death and needs their protection. After all, if she simply returns to Beijing, she walks alone or is accompanied by Chu Yan, which is much safer than Xueyuelou.

Blood Moon Tower is the public enemy of the whole world, not only in Nanyue Kingdom, but also in all countries.

Everyone in Xueyuelou chased and killed, not only the martial arts but also the right way.

If anyone knows that Gu Qianxue and Xueyuelou are co-contaminated, no matter what the reason, Gu Qianxue will spend his life in the chase. "What to do in the palace?"

No one knows that the eyes of Lu Weilou under the mask jump like flames, full of expectation.

Gu Qianxue paused, then with the most serious expression, "Enter the palace, hijack the emperor."


Everyone was in an uproar!

Hijack the emperor? Not to mention that this is the great sin of beheading, but also the great sin of exterminating the nine races!

Lu Weilou smiled, icy thin lips raised, with interest and blood, but covered by a mask, "You can think about the consequences."

"Think of it," Gu Qianxue said, his voice still calm. "I want the emperor to take a good look, this is what his prince did, this is the consequence of his faithfulness, this is the heyday he expected. If he is a Mingjun, I would like to understand my pains, if he insists To destroy my Nine Clan, ah... I promise that this Nanyue Kingdom will change its dynasty!"

"Okay," Lu Weilou's voice sounded very excited. "If you want to rebel, this seat will help you and let Nanyue Guo surname Gu."

Qianxue shook his head, "If there is such a day... forget it, let's talk about it."

The abyss on the side almost couldn't help but roll his eyes-really a bragging woman, and let the Nanyue Kingdom change its place? I really don't know how high it is.

What I do not know is that Gu Qianxue, as a modern man, has a powerful weapon in his hand-gunpowder!

If she was really forced to this point, she would make gunpowder. By that time, it would not be war, but slaughter.

Gu Qianxue did not want to make gunpowder, because she did not want to bring hot weapons to the cold weapon era ahead of time, because the change of the times is bound to trigger a world war. Although she is also a virgin, she knows that with the development of society, the world war is inevitable, but she I only hope that in her lifetime, she will not see this scene of war.

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