Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

814, hijacking the emperor

Chu Yan summoned everyone back. They were very shocked when Gu Qianxue returned to Beijing to kidnap the emperor, and wanted to stop him. But Qian Xue's idea was decided, and as a subordinate, they could only listen unconditionally.

Gu Qianxue simply explained a few words, changed clothes and set off.

Although it was night, the gates of the Kanto city were in vain, giving the officers and soldiers some silver, and the officers and soldiers arrogantly sent a group of Blood Moon Tower killers out of the city.

A team of horses ran on the official road, considering the itinerary, Gu Qianxue was still riding with Lu Weilou.

Qian Xue thought to himself that if these silly X guardsmen and soldiers knew that their purpose was to kidnap their emperor, they would not be dumbfounded.

Lu Weilou suddenly whispered, "If you are tired, just sleep for a while."

Gu Qianxue sighed, "Too tan."

She was telling the truth, and she was so vomiting that it would be strange if she could fall asleep.

"Okay." Lu Weilou replied and stopped talking.

Gu Qianxue underestimated the body's adaptability-yes, she also fell asleep under such a bumpy situation.

When Gu Qianxue woke up, he found himself in bed, looking like an inn.

Suddenly sat up, it was already dawn.

She guessed that she was asleep and was taken to the inn, but what the **** was the man beside her?

That's right, the room is still luxurious, it should be the upper room of the inn.

The bed is also very large, even if two people lie flat, it is very spacious.

But is it bad for a man and a woman?

Lu Weilou was lying on the bed, and because he was wearing a mask, he could not find out whether he was asleep or awake.

The two were far apart, with thin quilts, and Gu Qianxue's clothes were also neat, and she thought that nothing should happen.

"Wake up?" He got up suddenly, startled Gu Qianxue.

Gu Qianxue nodded nervously, "...Yeah."

"Do you need an explanation?" he asked.

Gu Qianxue shook his head, "No."

What can be explained? If it didn't happen, it was frank; when it happened, the explanation was too late.

Furthermore, with the style of Xueyuelou, if the other party really wants, she thinks there should be no way to resist in a short time.

Lu Weilou was very satisfied with Gu Qianxue's response, "I stayed also to protect you, do you need to bathe?"

"No need." She had no cleanliness, and it was a critical moment, and she didn't need a hypocritical bath.

"Okay," Lu Weilou's voice once again revealed satisfaction, "Give you a meal after an hour, and we will start after an hour."

"That... can I ask a question?" Gu Qianxue was careful. "How long have I slept?"

"Twelve hours." Lu Weilou finished, and then got out of the room.

Twelve hours...not just twenty-four hours, a whole day?

She really can sleep...

At the same time, Gu Qianxue also knew that Xueyuelou had stopped, and was afraid to let her rest.

Her heart was full of gratitude, no matter how full of blood Yuelou was, she was very grateful.

An hour later, the horse team started again.

Lu Weilou took off his mask, but Gu Qianxue could see that he had changed his face.

There was a thin layer of skin on his face. Although he was obedient, he looked closely and could see that it was fake.

Gu Qianxue did not dare to ask, because she had a hunch that this was human skin!

Even with the Yi Rong mask, Lu Weilou still wears a drape hat outside, and it is precisely because of the veil of the drape hat that outsiders cannot see that Lu Weilou wears a mask.

The horse team drove all the way to Beijing.

Nanyue State Capital.

When entering the capital, no one entered the horse, and all the horses rested outside the city, waiting for them to come out.

Beijing is no different than Kanto, and bribes allow free travel.

In the capital, the soldiers were strictly guarded during the day, and the gates were closed at night.

Gu Qianxue was very sad when he was like a capital from the city gate.

This kind of sourness couldn't even explain the reason.

"It's still early, let's find an inn first, fill our stomachs, and prepare for action at night." Lu Weilou ordered.

Everyone took orders.

At this time, just after noon.

Everyone eats first and then finds an inn.

Gu Qianxue also wore a veiled hat, not to mention that her appearance had changed, and she could hardly recognize her when she met a stranger.

When booking a room, Gu Qianxue was extremely embarrassed, because Lu Weilou once again booked an upstairs room with her, because the two were in a foreign relationship, and the other killers were family members.

Despite the embarrassment, Gu Qianxue did not struggle with such details.

Compared with the kidnapping of a country's emperor, such a trivial matter of being alone with a man and a widow is really smaller than sesame and green beans.

That night.

Gu Qianxue was nervous, expectant, and afraid and worried.

But no matter what, at this point, she has no choice.

Gu Qianxue thought that the killers need to lead their own way, but found that this group of murderous guys are very familiar with the terrain of the palace, with high walls and low windows, like a flat ground.

Everyone turned up from the southwest corner of the palace. The houses in this direction are the places where people live, and the patrol and guard are relatively weak.

"Dark guard distribution map, do you all remember it?"

When everyone was hidden in the plain buildings, Lu Weilou lowered his voice.

"Go back to the Lord, the subordinates remember." The killers answered in a low voice.

"Okay, let's go." Because he put on the mask again, he couldn't see Lu Weilou's eyes clearly, but Gu Qianxue suddenly had a feeling. Lu Weilou had longed for this day. At this moment, he was more excited and looking forward than her.

Could it be that...

Following the crowds in the shadows, Gu Qianxue thought rubbing secretly-also understandable, all walks of life have pursuits, the killers are killing ordinary people, and want to change the gameplay, maybe she provides a landlord A new platform opens a new world.

Well, it must be.

The emperor is not as good as it is, but it is a little bit better-not addicted to women, and diligent in loving the people.

Today the emperor called for bedtime, and it was late at night, but he still worked in the imperial study.

The Yu Study is brightly lit and everything is quiet.

Grandpa Kang was waiting beside him, and said softly, "Emperor, it's getting late, it's time to rest, and the dragon's body is important."

But in the next moment, the lights in the room moved slightly, and it quickly appeared like a black man appeared out of thin air.

The people in the Blood Moon Tower are very routine in killing people. A few eyes clearly defined the division of labor, killing the maid and **** in the imperial study.

Taking the human life in the blink of an eye, the other party died silently without reaction time. Such a technique is only possessed by Xueyuelou.

Lu Weilou had already stepped forward and took control of the emperor, "If this Lu Weilou does not want to die, shut up."

The name of Lu Weilou, the world's elite, who doesn't know?

The emperor's face was all white, and he couldn't even dream of it, one day he provokes Blood Moon Tower.

The emperor knew better that if he shouted, Lu Weilou would definitely kill him.

"Landlord Lu has long admired his name," the emperor was not a waiter, and quickly calmed down, whispering, "I don't know what the wind is to attract the landlord today. I didn't go out to welcome, it was my negligence."

"Seriously, don't kill Grandpa Kang!" Gu Qianxue rushed in and yelled in a low voice.

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