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817, Lu Lou has a thick skin

"The emperor?" The emperor was surprised. "No matter whether the emperor issued any imperial edicts or oracles, there are historian records in the palace, and there are announcements outside the palace walls. Why didn't I hear that the emperor allowed admission to the city?"

"You old man is so much nonsense, although there is no imperial edict, but the entrance fee is requested by His Royal Highness, and His Royal Highness naturally represents the emperor." The officers and soldiers said, as they respected the direction of the palace.

The emperor suddenly remembered what Gu Qianxue said-no longer listen to what others say, but see for yourself and think for yourself.

These words are not good, but they seem to be... facts.

If it was not what he saw, but someone told him everything that happened here and now, he was afraid he would not believe it.

The emperor's face was black and white for a while, and he took a deep breath to calm himself, and turned to Gu Qianxue immediately, "Qianxue girl, how about borrowing one hundred and two silver dollars from the old man. When you go back, the old man will give you back a hundred times."

I did not use the claim of "I", but I did not use "I".

Gu Qianxue took advantage of Lu Weilou's failure to pay attention, one struggling to jump off the horse, pulled out a hundred or two silver tickets from his arms, "Here." Passed it.

In recent days, Lu Weilou, who has been so intrusive, raised his eyebrows and saw that the beauty broke free and jumped off the horse. He was also boring on his own horseback ride. With a long leg, he also dismounted and stood behind Gu Qianxue.

The two were very close, and he could smell the sweet fragrance on her hair.

Gu Qianxue turned around and glared glaringly.

Lu Weilou was unmoved with a mask on his face. In other words, Erpi's face was thicker than the city wall. Wherever Gu Qianxue went, he followed him, and the two always kept an ambiguous distance.

The emperor handed a hundred or two silver to the officers and men.

The officers and men were taken aback, and their attitudes were all right all at once. "Oh, Grandpa, I just couldn't bear it... The big water rushed to the Dragon King Temple, and the small one paid the grandpa. The grandpa has a lot of adults. Forgive me, my junior. Right." All of a sudden, the figure was much shorter.

Just when the soldiers were about to reach out for money, the emperor accepted it and took back the silver ticket.

"Wait slowly, you have to answer the old man's question. The answer is good, not to mention the hundred or two, how much is the reward."

There was a long line behind him. Some people couldn't wait any longer. They frequently probed, "Hey, the one in front, go quickly, we have to enter the city."

Some officers and men shouted, "What is the hurry, hurry to be reborn?"

The emperor reached out and pointed to the city gate. "Let's go there and say that, the same answer, and the reward will be doubled."

Not to mention the soldiers, two soldiers ran and nodded their heads, as if they were waiting for their ancestors, "Please, here is the table and chairs, my grandfather. It's too hard to rush on this hot day. The old man drinks some tea." Extremely diligent.

The emperor's face was sullen, and he passed by, not wanting to delay others entering the city.

There are tables and chairs in the corner of the city wall, which are prepared for the officials of the city, and soldiers who occasionally change their posts can also rest and drink tea here.

"Senior man, sit and sit." For a time, the diligent soldier's ruff was like the second shopkeeper.

The emperor sat down, but thought of something again, turned around, "Qianxue girl, you come too."

"Yes." Gu Qianxue walked a few steps quickly, came to the emperor, and sat on a bench beside him.

She did this to get rid of Lu Weilou.

Unexpectedly, someone with a two-faced face gave the reins to the subordinate behind him, and came to Gu Qianxue's side, and sat down next to Gu Qianxue.

Bingpi was curious, "Master, what are these?" asked Gu Qianxue and the identities of others.

Due to the reason of covering his face, although Gu Qianxue did not bring a hood, he brought a face towel and hung it on his ear from left to right, covering his mouth and nose, leaving only a pair of smart eyes.

Beautiful, beautiful.

A group of soldiers are a little foolish.

They seldom see this kind of big money, that temperament is slightly different from the city girl.

As the emperor was about to speak, Lu Weilou said coldly, "Daughter and son-in-law."

Gu Qianxue looked at Lu Weilou in surprise and lowered his voice. "Lord Master, have you taken the wrong medicine these two days? You were not like this before."

Lu Weilou's dark eyes glanced at her with a smile, and also lowered her voice, "I have found you better these days, can't I?"

"..." Gu Qianxue wanted to refute, but this time was not a time for flirting and glaring at him, and he focused on the emperor.

But I have to say that such an explanation is quite appropriate.

The emperor is a pedantic scholar, with his daughter and son-in-law, and the killer around the Blood Moon Tower is the accompanying family.

Very cleverly explained the identity of everyone.

These soldiers don't really want to make money for the money. They just got arrogant. When they saw the money, they were drinking tea and refreshments.

"Don't be busy, the old man just asks you questions." The emperor waved his hand.

The Ninth Five-Year Venerable is not a fame, and it is with dignity that is hard to ignore.

A few soldiers gathered around, and the one who first embarrassed the emperor stood next to the emperor, and he waited diligently for the question and answer.

The emperor asked, "The old man asks you, was the order from the Crown Prince issued to you?"

"Yeah, really!" Bingpi replied, "If we didn't explain it above, we wouldn't dare to eat bear heart leopard."

The emperor's heart sank fiercely, "Where are the officers and soldiers who were originally from Kanto City, or were they transferred from other cities?"

"We are all transferred from Ruiyang City." Someone rushed to answer.

Ruiyang City is not far from Kanto City, it is not a big city.

"Don't Kanto City have enough troops, why use the soldiers of Ruiyang City instead of the soldiers of Kanto City?" the emperor asked.

On this issue, a few soldiers talked a bunch of irrelevant words, but they were not convincing.

A commoner couldn't help but intervene, "Is this old man coming from a field? Our soldiers in Guandong City are deeply influenced by Field Marshal Zhao, how could they do these things that squeeze the people and do good things for the good?"

Bingpi immediately became unhappy, "Go and use your trouble?"

The people did not dare to fight against the officials. They summoned the courage to say a word, but they did not have the courage to say a second sentence.

The emperor thought deeply and looked at Gu Qianxue.

Gu Qianxue didn't respond and simply bowed his head.

At this time, she stayed out of the business. The Kanto Castle was the emperor's and not her Gu Qianxue. If the emperor wanted to save, she would save it in the face of her grandfather. If the emperor didn't want to save, then she would be fine.

"What's the matter with these buildings?" The emperor pointed to the hall that was about to shut down.

Bingpi said, "Oh, these are the churches of the Yilan Church. His Royal Highness Ende is magnificent. When the price of the Kanto City is high and the people do not talk about life, the Yilan Church is allowed to enter the city to save the lives. Thanks to the great Yilan Church, the great God, the people in the Kanto city are redeemed, and they get free food and clothing, these are the grace of the crown prince."

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