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818, the truth of Kanto city

The emperor became more confused and confused, but at this time, he walked through a team of high-nosed, white-eyed priests, and the emperor was shocked. "The Chu Yan people?"

There is a warrior saying, "Yes, Yilanism is the Chu Yan Kingdom, but religion knows no borders, and God can bless the world."

The emperor was almost unable to sit still and sneered. "You all seem to worship the **** of Yilan, then you talk about what is good for Yilan." My heart is getting colder, and I am more and more disappointed with the prince. .

The emperor did not know whether Marshal Zhao really betrayed the country, but the prince was a real betrayal!

Bingpi suddenly lowered his voice mysteriously, "Master, you must keep it secret. Although His Royal Highness allows the people to believe in Yilan, it does not allow officers and soldiers to believe. We also secretly. Yilan teaches well, help the people for free. Healing illnesses and making money, although our officers and men were able to get rice noodles in the court, they didn't have any money, but Yilan Jiao gave us money. This white one, you said, okay?"

The emperor snorted, "Bailai? How can Bailai have the kindness in this world!"

Bingpi immediately became unhappy, "Senior man said this wrong. If it is not kindness, why does Yilan teach you to work and pick up?"

The emperor was so angry that he almost scolded, "Then answer the old man, where did all this money come from?"

"Naturally is Yilan." Answer.

"Where does Yilanjiao's money come from?"

"..." Bingpi was a little difficult to answer. "It should be the leader."

"Where does the leader's money come from?"

Bingpi's voice came to a halt, "It should have been his..."

There was a touch of sarcasm in the voice of the emperor, "He already had it? How many of him? He can be rich against the country? As you know, this is our treasury in Nanyue. The same is true of the National Treasury, not to mention a small leader."

"That's what God gave!" Bing Rong shouted excitedly, but then found himself answering this funny.

"Poof." Gu Qianxue smiled inadvertently.

The emperor is indeed the emperor, even if selfish and arrogant, but its strength is still higher than ordinary people.

These seemingly reasonable fallacies actually can't help but scrutinize. The best way to deal with them is to get to the bottom of the question and slowly break through.

"Senior man, then you say, why did Yilan teach you to do good things in Guandongcheng?" Bingpi still didn't give up.

The emperor's face gradually sank, and his eyes stared at the shrine that was about to be completed. "The Chu Yan Kingdom is a national religion, supplemented by a national religion. The court and the national religion are both antagonistic and dependent, and whoever has a small sect It is our state-owned Buddhism in Nanyue, at most, it is occasionally punishable by Boon, without that strength to continue to send money. And Yi Lanjiao...... Oh, I am afraid that it is the incarnation of Chuyan State Religion, not so much to teach. It was said that Chu Yanguo was the pioneer of the invasion of Nanyue Kingdom."

With that, the emperor stretched his finger to the Chu Yan countryman with high nose and big eyes walking on the road, "Look, the country gate is already open."

The soldiers were faintly aware of the seriousness of the problem, "Is the old man too pessimistic? Maybe Chu Yanguo doesn't want to invade, it's just...a good thing."

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" The emperor laughed, the laughter was shocked, and suddenly came to an abrupt end, "Good thing? We Nanyue have to charge their own city entrance fees, you expect foreigners to come to do good things? Why, the world People are just as clever as you, and others are so stupid as to spread their money around? The relationship between countries seems complicated, and what is the difference between that family and households? After all, their own wealth is their own, and they are occasionally kind and courteous. Just for benefit."

For a time, the soldiers were refuted speechless.

Gu Qianxue almost applauded the emperor.

Yes, a few simple sentences will analyze what seems to be complicated.

Yilanjiao and Mingjiao were the pioneers of Chu Yanguo, and they were a malicious invasion.

The emperor can become the emperor and has its own strength. Unfortunately, the emperor of the feudal imperial society has too much power and too little responsibility, so the emperor is arrogant to expose the common shortcomings of human nature.

Lu Weilou also looked deeply at the emperor. Because he did not wear a mask but a human skin mask, his eyes were captured by Gu Qianxue.

The emperor threw the silver ticket over, and a group of soldiers with great gratitude began to scramble in front of Gu Qianxue and others.

"Don't worry, the old man has another problem." The emperor's eyes flashed shrewdly.

"Master, you ask." A group of people answered.

"When did Yilanjiao enter the city, before or after the arrival of the prince?" The emperor's voice was slightly cold and angry.

It is a pity that the soldiers with brains full of silver were not found, "Of course it was after the prince. The former Guandong City was guarded by Zhao Jiajun, and the copper walls and iron walls were ordinary. Not to mention Yilan, even a foreigner was questioned for a long time after entering the city. Some people are secretly stalking, not to mention teaching?"

The emperor knew it and stood up, his complexion worsening.

A group of soldiers saw that the rich, lousy old man didn't ask questions, and was a little disappointed. After all, asking some questions about whether he could get some money.

In the farewell of the soldiers, a group of people went to the Ivy House.

The emperor was speechless all the way, I didn't know what to think, and no one was tied, Gu Qianxue knew that the emperor would no longer run.

The emperor is very dangerous in the Kanto city. The prince is already a traitor. If the prince knows that the emperor knows more about the inside of the city, he is the father and the son. The prince is afraid of killing him.

The emperor naturally thought of everything, because if the emperor was in the position of the prince himself, it would be the same.

At this moment, Gu Qianxue let the emperor go, and the emperor will not go.

Qingteng House is still calm.

The big mansion is simple but clean, like a harbor in this troubled world.

Gu Qianxue knocked on the door, and soon, the door opened, it was the first smoke.

"Sovereign, you are finally back!" Chu Yan worried.

Gu Qianxue nodded, advanced the door, and then flashed to the side, "The house is simple, the emperor is wronged." He said, making a "please" gesture.

Yao Zhen and others who were staying in the house rushed out and were dumbfounded when they saw the emperor.

Qianxue County Lord she... really tied the emperor of Nanyue Kingdom!

Nowadays, who says that the first strange person in the world is their master, they don't believe it. The first strange person in the world, the first fierce woman, is obviously the master of Qianxue County!

The emperor saw several people dumbfounded and waved his hand, "You don't need to talk about rudeness when you go out, no need to kneel."

"..." everyone.

Gu Qianxue was cold and sweaty, because there was no Nanyue nationality except the whole house.

These people, either Su Lingxiao or Lu Weilou, are stateless people, and naturally they will not bow down to the emperor of a certain country. Of course, she did not say it, but just concealed it in good faith.

Moreover, if she is investigated, she is not from Nanyue. She came to Nanyue just over a year ago. She is Chinese.

This emperor, who believes that he is high, is actually looked at by a group of foreigners as if he were a monkey. It is really... pitiful.

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