Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

819, what are you going to do?

Although the main hall is simple, it is still spacious. The emperor sits on his own, and Gu Qianxue finds a place under the emperor.

I thought Lu Weilou would sit on the chair opposite her, but found that this fellow was sitting next to her, and Qian Xue was shocked.

"Hey, Lu Weilou, you... this will ruin people." She lowered her voice helplessly.

"People shoot?" Lu Weilou could not understand.

Gu Qianxue didn't explain it. In other words, she said it just to vomit, and didn't expect him to understand or find out conscience.

The emperor's face was deep, and he sat on the chair without a word.

Qianxue said, "In this way, the emperor and the landlord will rest first. Me and Chuyan will prepare lunch. We will go to Zhaojiajun's barracks after lunch." He said, and got up.

The emperor was puzzled, "Ma'am Qianxue, are you preparing lunch? What about the majesty?"

Gu Qianxue smiled, "Going back to the emperor, Kanto City is too dangerous to take the maidservant, everyone here has martial arts." In fact, she ran out of herself, how to treat the maidservant?

"That won't let you cook, just go to the restaurant and buy it." The emperor said.

Chu Yan finally couldn't help but coldly said, "Now the price of Kanto City is being spurred by the people of Yilanjiao, and some people have blocked the goods exchange between Kanto City and several other cities and are left alone. The rice noodles are already dozens of silver a catty, There are hundreds of vegetables, and meat is even more difficult to meet. In such a case, which restaurant can still be opened? It is really a business. Who can spend hundreds or even thousands of silver for a meal?"

Later, Chu Yan explained to Gu Qianxue, "Does the lord still remember a few days ago, did we buy a lunch restaurant for 320 yuan?" The voice was much softer.

Qianxue nodded and sighed helplessly, "Remember, it is estimated that the restaurant is also closed?"

The first smoky eyes flashed murderously, "If it's just a collapse, it's a fire! Overnight, the entire restaurant was burned completely, but there were no casualties."

Gu Qianxue paused for a moment, and a sudden anger rose from the bottom of his heart, squeezing out a few words from his teeth, "Have you checked?"

Yao Zhendao on the side, "Go back to the lord of the county and have checked it. It is a person who teaches according to Lan."

The emperor did not ask any questions, but from this dialogue, he could also hear what was going on.

To Yilanjiao and Chu Yanguo clenched his teeth, suddenly a strong desire rose-he wanted to personally tread Chu Yanguo!

Gu Qianxue took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and squeezed out a smile, "Lord Lord, help me accompany the emperor, I will go as soon as I go."

"Okay." Lu Weilou to the veil nodded his head, and under the tulle, the hard lip line slightly evoked an imperceptible arc.

Gu Qianxue and Chu Yan left, Yao Zhen didn't want to stay, and took the opportunity to slip away.

In the main hall, only the Emperor and Lu Weilou are left, and there is the Blood Moon Tower killer standing like a ghost.

Lu Weilou served tea and placed it under the veil of the draped hat, tasting it slowly, it was very pleasant.

The sorrow in the side is still resentful-Gu Qianxue's woman is really too much, and she must be intimate! He even closed his mouth to call the Lord, and also let the Hallmaster accompany the **** emperor to accompany this faint monarch.

But what about anger? He didn't know that his master was happy because of Gu Qianxue's call.

The emperor bowed his head silently, his face blue, his eyes glared.

All the reports he had received about Kanto City in the past two months passed through his mind once again, combined with the misery of Kanto City.

His thoughts gradually returned to a few months ago, he felt more and more that Zhao Yuanzheng was wronged.

If time returns, he must... Hey... Unfortunately, time cannot return, and Zhao Yuanzheng is crazy.

Perhaps the most wrong thing he did was to hand this case to the prince. How could he try to use the prince to squeeze the prince because he was afraid of the power? Wrong, he is wrong! Paoer has followed him for so long, and has never had a desire for power. He should believe that Paoer is.

When guilt appeared, it was like a **** that was about to be damaged. The cracks were getting bigger and deeper, and finally the whole line collapsed.

The emperor sighed, and as soon as he looked up, he saw Lu Weilou with a black curtain.

Lu Weilou’s sight has never been put on the emperor, but the emperor shuddered. As long as Lu Weilou is there, there will be a feeling of yin and cao, and Lu Weilou is the cold judge, if he let anyone die, that person will live. But half a day.

The emperor's fear of death is naturally afraid of Lu Weilou.

If someone is needed to protect him at this time, the emperor has no choice but to choose his great prince Li Wang.

"Mu'er, it's me...I'm sorry for you...I shouldn't doubt you..."

Perhaps the psychological pressure was too great, and the emperor accidentally murmured.

Unknown to everyone, under the black hood, Lu Weilou's lips faintly uttered a chuckle.

Because there are too many people in the Ivy House who "eat the royal food", there is no shortage of food.

After an hour, Gu Qianxue and Chu Yan prepared many meals.

Although it is a home-cooked dish, it is considered delicious in Kanto Town.

After eating the dry cake for two consecutive days, the emperor ate this home-cooked food and thought it was delicious on earth.

After lunch was used up, the plate was carried by the first smoke, and Gu Qianxue found a set of earth-colored robes and draped caps of the same color for the emperor.

"Emperor, we will be in the city for a while, in case the partition wall has ears, how about we change the name?" Gu Qianxue said.

The emperor hesitated, "Ma'am Qianxue, do you think that it is absolutely necessary for the Zhao family army barracks to go on this trip? You said, I believe it."

Gu Qianxue knew that the emperor was aware of the danger and dared not to go out. "If you listen to Qianxue, the emperor will still go and see it with your own eyes. Did the emperor forget what I said? You have listened too much and need to read it now."

The emperor was reluctant, but he was helpless, "Well, what you say is nothing."

Gu Qianxue brought the clothes, "Okay, when we went out, everyone called the emperor Huang Huang. This is clothes and hats. Please change them. We will leave in a quarter of an hour."

It looks like a guest of honor. In fact, the emperor who is a prisoner in the ranks has no room to resist. He can only take his clothes, and without a waiter, he changed his clothes.

A group of people walked out of the Qingteng Mansion and took a carriage to the south of the city.

"When I first came to Guandong City, the crown prince and Zhao Jiajun were evenly matched. The dividing line between the two forces was in the prison, which is the location of the Qingteng House, but now, almost the entire city is a prince."

Because the believers playing chicken blood were everywhere on the road, the carriage was moving very slowly, and Gu Qianxue explained it slowly in the car.

The emperor kept meditating and nodded, but did not speak.

"Now the number of Zhao Jiajun is less than 40% of the former, and the government distributes food, but Zhao Jiajun does not. There are only two options for soldiers. Either believe in Yilan, become a traitor, and exchange loyalty and dignity for food. Or, With the permission of Crown Prince and General Zhang Shuwu, leave the army and leave Dongcheng."

The emperor finally was overwhelmed with panic, "Divorced from military status? What on earth are these **** doing?"

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