Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

820, why is this happening?

Ancient and modern military systems have similarities, such as military service in different places.

Although a part of Zhao Jiajun in the Kanto city was a young man who was absorbed in the vicinity of the city in the later period, a large part of them followed the marshal Zhao's southern battle to the north and recruited local soldiers.

The price is rising, the military rates have not changed, the soldiers can’t afford rice noodles, and Zhao Jiajun’s military supplies are only enough for short-term consumption. Zhang Shuwu appealed to the surrounding city for help. However, the farm's vegetable prices have already been raised.

In addition to allowing the soldiers to leave, Zhang Shuwu had no choice but to watch the soldiers starve to death.

Starvation is impossible, at most it is rebellion.

Zhang Shuwu didn't dare, how could he have such great courage?

Zhang Shuwu Tiantian urged Xue Xufeng to report the situation to the emperor, and let the emperor decide that Xue Xufeng had three swords on both sides. While coaxing Zhang Shuwu, he was still painting the peace in Beijing. .

No matter whether it was Pei Chengxiang or Zhang Shuwu dreaming, Xue Xufeng had already turned to the prince.

Along the way, Gu Qianxue spoke slowly, with a steady tone, as if describing the story, without asking the emperor to be convinced, or forcing the emperor to make any decision immediately.

The emperor looked at the messy city outside the car, listening to these words, thinking about what had happened in the past few months, if he could not understand it, he was really faint.

"Qianxue girl," the emperor's voice was sullen, "you are right, I did listen too much, and see too little."

Qian Xuedao, "Please do not blame the emperor, this is determined by social productivity, you have done a good job."

The emperor asked, "Qianxue girl, I know that you have the most idea, what can you do to solve the matter of Kanto city? Or, can you completely solve this deceptive behavior."

Sitting in Lu Weilou on the side of the carriage, the pupils under the hood slammed and looked at Gu Qianxue alertly.

Qianxue said, "Back to the Emperor, I also... don't know." He said, and sighed slightly.

The emperor did not give up, "Think about Qianxue girl, this is not for me, but for the people. After all, no matter how many people are in power and what is their identity, and finally suffers and suffers. People."

Qian Xue was even more helpless, "Sorry, Qian Xue really didn't know."

Lu Weilou retreated his eyes at ease, his cold lips slightly raised.

He was afraid that the stupid girl would really say a bunch of things. The water in the royal family was sufficiently muddy, so Gu Qianxue wouldn't let it flow. The bigger the target, the greater the danger, and Qianxue was even more dangerous.

Gu Qianxue acted very sincerely. The emperor saw that she was not kidding, so she gave up.

The emperor also felt that he had just been too funny, and the king of a country could not solve the problem, but he expected a girl.

However, the emperor was still angry when he thought that he had been exiled to Guandong City, but at this time, he could not attack.

When you return to Beijing, you must punish anyone who changes punishment, including Gu Qianxue.

The group arrived at the barracks of Zhao Jiajun.

The former barracks were patrolled far away, and there were more majestic soldiers guarding the gates of the barracks, but nowadays, it is very depressed, everyone is listless, and the large barracks are few people.

The crowd got out of the carriage and walked towards the barracks.

The emperor with the veiled hat was shocked beyond compare. "This is Zhao Jiajun? Zhao Jiajun is clearly a disciplined tiger and wolf!"

Gu Qianxue said, "Although the tiger is fierce and the wolf is ruthless, how can it be brave if it has no head?"

The emperor was speechless.

Qianxue continued, "The emperor always wanted this team, now Zhao Jiajun is at his fingertips, do you still want it?"

The emperor shivered with rage, "Why...what would happen?"

Not your good son yet? Gu Qianxue only thought about it in her heart and didn't say it, but even if she didn't say it, she thought the emperor could understand it.

Then, a group of people entered the barracks in such a stately manner that one of them came up to investigate, "Stop, who are you?"

The emperor took off his veil, revealing his face, "We are from Beijing, and we have come here." In fact, there is something to say.

Seeing that the emperor was the appearance of the Nanyue people, he also felt relieved and sighed helplessly, "Well, there are too many people who admire the prestige of the Zhao Jiajun. You can walk as you please and visit it." , Listless.

"Wait!" The emperor called him.

"What else?" The soldier stopped.

"Why don't you keep the barracks? Why can't you see the whole barracks? Military discipline?" The emperor questioned with anger.

The soldier was not angry, just helpless, "What can you do, hungry man, hungry? Don't tell you, I haven't eaten for a day, I want to find something to eat." The voice paused. "We do not leave the barracks, it is the biggest military discipline. Do you want to watch us starve to death?"

The emperor chuckled for a time.

The young soldier's lips were chapped, and his gaunt face looked to the south. "I don't know if the Marshal is hungry. The Crown Prince must not treat the Marshal seriously. After all, the Marshal is an old man."

Everyone was shocked.

Gu Qianxue was moved, and suddenly remembered that there was half a piece of dry food in the bag she took with her, and quickly took it out. "Brother, there is a piece of dry food here. It will harden for a long time. If you don't want to give up, just eat it."

The soldier was stunned. At this time, Guanyin soil was to be eaten, not to mention dry food, hesitating.

Gu Qianxue put it in his hand, "It's not a good thing, just eat it."

The soldier nodded and took it in his hand.

The emperor saw, "Would you like to talk to the old man about the barracks?"

The soldier's eyes were immediately alert, "Is the situation in the barracks outsiders want to inquire if they want to inquire?" Then he turned and left.

The emperor was angry, but he was also emotional. In this situation, he remained vigilant. One can imagine how strict the military discipline of Zhao Jiajun would be in the heyday.


Gu Qianxue looked at the back of the soldiers away, and said nothing.

In this way, the emperor walked around the barracks again, and Gu Qianxue and others followed silently.

When it was back to the starting point, it was more than an hour, and the emperor stood in front of the majestic but desolate barracks barracks and sighed, "How could this be? Why is this?"

Gu Qianxue remained silent.

The emperor turned sharply, "Qianxue, why do you say this?"

Lu Weilou didn't want her to talk more. Just as he was walking, he whispered a reminder, but Gu Qianxue had to say it.

"Emperor, your biggest mistake is too suspicious. You don't trust anyone except yourself," Gu Qianxue said in a deep voice. "Whether it's King Li or Prince, including the second prince who runs away, because you don't trust them , So they don’t trust you! Can you gain real loyalty?"

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