Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

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Gu Qianxue was a little surprised that the emperor offered to watch the opening ceremony of the Yilan Temple. She originally thought she was going to exert pressure.

But I don't know what the emperor and Field Marshal Zhao said.

The second day.

Thousands of people are empty.

Almost all the people in the city ran to attend the opening ceremony.

The sun was shining brightly and the breeze was hotter than the hot weather was the atmosphere of the crowd.

Even in the daytime, the fireworks are still blooming. The smell of sulphur smoke in the air is mixed with colored paper. Like a stimulant, the brain is burned along the human sense of smell and vision. Everyone is very excited. The magnificent Kagura even makes the whole temple significantly sacred. Gu Qianxue, the atheist, couldn't help but respectfully.

The emperor was extremely dark, and it felt as if his territory had been invaded.

A crowd of people were in an abandoned teahouse diagonally opposite the temple. Gu Qianxue did not know that Lu Weilou had found the owner of the teahouse the day before and bought it at a high price, just for viewing convenience.

At the same time, another place.

There was a room full of tea and fragrance in a certain room in the shrine, but the prince sitting in front of the table and chairs didn't have any thoughts about tasting tea, just half eyes hanging, not knowing what to think.

The two entourages of the crown prince were close to each other, and Kuang Yingzhe said angrily, "His crown prince, the Chu Yan people are really decent. They took our money but were not satisfied. They threatened him to enter the city to teach and they agreed. They What is the reason for the ceremony to open the temple, and to call for your highness to participate?"

Liang Zhen also said, "His Royal Highness, now Zhang Shuwu and others have been suppressed by us, and Zhao Jiajun is almost torn apart, we don't need to be threatened by the Chu Yan people again?"

The prince slowly raised his head and smiled lightly, "If this palace is as calm as you two, the forces are afraid that they will be swallowed by Pei Xiang."

Kuang Yingzhe sighed and sighed in his heart. It’s really not easy. There are wolves right and tigers behind. There is a reliable queen queen next to her. Too.

The prince said, "Aren't you just attending the opening ceremony? You don't need to cede the land and don't need to pay a huge amount of silver. How about taking part? Besides..." As he said, thin lips raised, a mysterious smile, but he didn't go on.

Kuang Yingzhe and Liang Zhen knew the prince's plans, but what about the arrogance of Yilan? Now the prince does not take action because the goal is Zhao Jiajun, and after a few days, when the ambassador is completed, he closes the door and beats the dog.

All the Chu Yan nationals who entered the Kanto city have come and gone.

Not only did the Chu Yan people come and go, but all the forces of Pei Xiang and those who refused to surrender to the prince will also be eliminated.

The "chaos" in the Kanto city was deliberately done by the prince. If it is not chaotic, how can we take advantage of the opportunity to clear obstacles?

Only chaos can lead to a major cleansing, which will completely transform Kanto City into a princely land.

The prince slowly stood up, walked to the window and looked out, seeing the lively scene outside the window, and smiled, "If you let them have a carnival, you won't be able to laugh right away."

Kuang Yingzhe and Liang Zhen also flashed a sinister smile, no longer speaking.

The opening ceremony officially began.

First, the priest prayed, and the jubilant crowd calmed down instantly. A group of people followed the priest on stage and prayed together. The scene was solemn.

In the teahouse opposite the shrine, the emperor was tinged with blue, watching his subjects longing for foreigners, and he hated his teeth.

Immediately afterwards, it was the Holy Girl who stepped forward, followed by a choir to sing the Divine Songs, and there were even some priests who performed special sacrifices to perform **** dances and so on.

About half an hour before and after, finally, the highlight is coming.

The priest announced that His Royal Highness was in person to speak for everyone.

If it is said that some believers were forced to believe because of the pressure of their lives, it is completely determined to see the true body of His Royal Highness.

The door of the tea house on the first floor was locked, and many people were crowded outside the door. The conversation reached the second floor.

"His Royal Highness believes in Yilan Religion so much. When His Royal Highness is in the rank of Emperor, Yilan Religion is definitely the state religion."

Another humane said, "Yes, the true God loves more people, and when he is introduced to the interior, he will bless more people."

Then, the crowd couldn't help but start praying.

The emperor was almost spitting blood, "Yumin! These foolish people!"

One day, it went like this. It was a grand occasion for the people of Kanto City, but it was farce for Gu Qianxue.

At night, the emperor ran to the prison with wine, and Marshal Zhao was drunk with wine. The two drank a lot and were drunk, thinking about the prosperity and tranquility of the past, and then thinking about everything in Kanto City and the crisis-ridden capital, Thoughtful, crying and running, he said nothing.

Only Gu Qianxue was captured by Lu Weilou.

The huge moon is bright, the moonlight is bright, Gu Qianxue is like a chick caught by a eagle on a small hillside not far from the city gate.

There is a pavilion on the hillside, and there are many killers of Blood Moon Tower secretly guarding.

Not to mention people, even a bird cannot enter.

"Let me go!" Gu Qianxue was afraid.

Since the two had left Jinlin, Lu Weilou's temperament changed drastically, and his skin was thick, and she always ate her tofu.

Even if he is so gracious to her, it does not mean that she wants to promise her by her body!

Helpless, the small arm can't screw the thigh.

Gu Qianxue is really afraid, will this rogue leader give her someday...

Real injustice!

"Don't move, let me hold you for a while." He pressed her in his arms and lowered his head, feeling the softness and sweet fragrance of the woman in her arms.

"No, I won't let you hug! Let go!" Gu Qianxue recalled the kung fu taught by Chu Yan to her one by one, preparing to resist by force.

But as soon as I mentioned the internal force, I heard a low-pitched voice ringing next to my ears, "I like this woman most like you, do you know why?"

Qianxue shook it three times, "Because I am pretty?"

"Oh," he laughed with sarcasm, "because this seat is the most conquerable."

Gu Qianxue suddenly understood, and did not dare to struggle, because she felt the change of his body vaguely.

"Lord Lord, calm down, don't be impulsive, I don't struggle anymore, don't conquer," Gu Qianxue has a desire to cry. "Actually, there is nothing bad about going back and forth, rebellion is not a good enjoyment."

Lu Weilou laughed a few times after hearing it, but let her go, "As of today, the task of Xueyuelou is over."

Gu Qianxue was stunned and looked in surprise, "It's over...?"

Lu Weilou wears a human skin mask. Although he can't see his true face, he can see his expression.

He smiled faintly, if the sculpted hard lip line slightly ticked, "Why, reluctant?"

Gu Qianxue chuckled, "What's so reluctant? There is a banquet in the world, which will come sooner or later this day, but you really don't want to tell me, Lord Lu, who is the gold owner of this operation?"

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