Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the Evil King Concubine: Doctor Hand Covering Sky

825, so is the killer?

Lu Weilou frowned and looked displeased. "Gu Qianxue, don't you feel the same?"

Qian Xue spread his hands, "What's wrong with this? You are so high in the price of Xueyuelou, I can't afford it."

"..." Lu Weilou.

"The landlord is assured that after I return to Beijing, I will make a good profit. When I have saved enough money, I will ask you to spend it again," Qian Xue blinked. "Otherwise, if you give me a service price list, I have a goal? "

"..." Lu Weilou.

Gu Qianxue saw that Lu Weilou did not speak, and raised an eyebrow, "Otherwise, can the landlord Lu look at our friendship, how many free services does Xueyuelou provide me?"

"No." Lu Weilou cut the nail.

Qianxue shrugged, "So, the kind guests who talk to Qinglou women are fools, they are thinking of white flowers and silver, one sentence is reluctant...Oh, worth a few dollars."

In the grass, someone fell down with a thud, and it was absolutely dead.

Cruel and grieving—This **** woman compares their Blood Moon Tower to a Green Tower, hateful.

Several other Yueyuelou killers who were lucky enough to hear the conversation were also helpless to sigh. Once upon a time, they were full of evil, and outsiders were frightened by the wind, but now they are treated like Qinglou?

Lu Weilou stared at her coldly for a while, and then suddenly smiled, "Gu Qianxue, he is so brave."

Qianxue laughed, and then walked to the corner of the gazebo, looking at the moon in the sky, "You're not the first to say that I am brave."

"Oh?" Lu Weilou was interested, "Who is the first one?"

"What are you doing?" Qian Xue asked.

"Kill him." Lu Weilou's tone was murderous.

"What do you do to kill him?" Qian Xue puzzled.

Lu Weilou also approached her, "This way, this seat is the first."

Gu Qianxue glanced secretly, but he didn't dare to tear his face in person, who knew where the opponent's bottom line was. "I forgot to tell you, there are more than one person in front of you, many."

"One, kill one; one hundred, kill one hundred; one thousand, kill one thousand."


Gu Qianxue rolled his eyes, really... a lunatic.

The silver moonlight is quiet, and all the surroundings are quiet.

Ningming Mountain is quieter, but now Ningming Forest is quieter.

"Lord Lord, if I said, I have always had a sense of familiarity with you, would you think I was close to it?" Gu Qianxue's voice was low and slow, but it was like the gentle moonlight.


"..." Gu Qianxue, "Well, then I will take it back."

The two did not speak again.

Just standing quietly, thinking about each other.

After a period of xiangxiang, Gu Qianxue sighed a long time, "No matter how much money the gold master has given you, but the landlord, you don’t fear the danger, and you will break into the tortoiseshell to save me. This feeling is what I owe you, to be useful. When you got on me, go to the capital to find me."

Lu Weilou suddenly turned his head, "How do you repay your gratitude?"

"I will heal." Qianxue calmly said.

"You don't need your doctor, you have to agree with your body." Lu Weilou's voice was serious, no joke.

"Okay." Qianxue nodded.

Lu Weilou was a little surprised, "Really?"

"He is dead, I will remarry you." Gu Qianxue's voice was a joke.

The identity of "he", the two knew.

Lu Weilou was stunned, and suddenly he laughed, "Gu Qianxue, do you know what kind of life it will be to follow this seat?"

"I'm not afraid of rebellion, I'm afraid of being chased? Huh." Qianxue raised her eyebrows, "I'm afraid of myself even if I'm so cruel, I want to see who can kill me."

Lu Weilou gave her a deep look, "Do you want to live for the sake of gratitude forever?"

Whether to Su Lingxiao or to him.

"Otherwise?" Gu Qianxue withdrew his eyes and looked at the tall man of the healer next to him, with bright eyes in a joke, "Why am I living?"

"Don't you have other pursuits?" Lu Weilou asked.

"Pursue?" Qian Xue thought for a moment, and shook his head. "No, I can't think of pursuing. Wealth can't attract me, and power is not rare, nor ambitious. Eat? Wear? Use? Because I have seen better Yes, so I don’t think about everything in this world."

With a voice, Gu Qianxue suddenly changed his tone, "If you have to talk about dreams, there really is one."

"What?" Lu Weilou asked.

Gu Qianxue said, "Let's save the world."

"..." Lu Weilou.

Qian Xue laughed, "Your pursuit is to kill more people, and my pursuit is to save more people. Although the roads are different, it is also a fate."

"Have you ever thought about stopping practicing medicine?" he asked.

Qianxue replied, "Have you ever thought about killing people anymore?"

"Yes." He answered.

Qian Xue was surprised, "Really? When?"

"Everyone who is about to kill this place will be killed." Lu Weilou said calmly, as if tonight's full moon, without any emotion.

"Probably... how many people?" Qian Xue asked.

"I don't know." Answer.

"Identity? Do you know the identity of those people?" Qian Xue asked again.

"I don't know." When asked by Gu Qianxue, Lu Weilou also suddenly thought that he was also a person without a goal.

Yeah, what are you pursuing?

Subsequently, the two fell into hard thinking again.

This night, Lu Weilou left, along with the mortal and other people, and no one in Xueyuelou stayed.

When Gu Qianxue woke up the next morning, he saw Chu Yan when he went out and dragged it to his side.

"Sister, is there something wrong?" Chu Yan was cooking rice, waiting for Gu Qianxue to wake up.

Qianxue asked mysteriously, "Can you find the people in the Blood Moon Tower? Where are they hiding?" Chu Yan not only understands the killer's routines, but also has the ability of the dark guard. It can be said that the anti-detection ability is powerful. Lurking nearby, almost the first smoke can be found.

"They're gone," Chu Yan replied. "Wu Jianlou is not there on weekdays, and there are three or two killers hiding in the dark, but this morning the slaves looked around and couldn't find half of the figure."

"Really... gone." Qian Xue's voice was slightly lost.

"The master of the county has something to do with them?" Chu Yan asked.

Qianxue hurriedly covered her gaffe and smiled, "It's nothing. You will send all these ingredients to the kitchen. I'll cook in a minute."

"Okay." Chu Yan took the order and left, and Gu Qianxue ran back to the room.

Seeing no one around, he reached for the dark whistle hanging from the red rope on his neck, but he was shocked when he touched it.

Because the red string was empty, and there was no familiar golden stick.

Gu Qianxue pinched the red string around his neck, his mind was blank, the whole heart was empty, and no reason could be found.

At the time of the most crisis, the dark whistle was like a driftwood in the slim sea. It was Gu Qianxue's expectation day and night, but... lost?

wrong! Not lost!

Gu Qianxue suddenly remembered that Lu Weilou put her in her arms the night before on the hillside pavilion. She thought he was only taking advantage, but now she knows that it was... picking a whistle.

Everyone says that the playless ruthless **** is not righteous, so the killer is the same.

Shaking his head, ignoring the empty feeling in his heart, Gu Qianxue hummed Xiaoqu to go cooking, but did not expect a life or death, soon, she would see "him".

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