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826, Emperor's Trust

Unlike the panic of the previous two days, today's emperor has accepted all reality, how to decide, and also has plans.

The emperor sat calmly at the dining table, and Ren Gu Qianxue and Chu Yan brought the simple dishes together.

"Girl Qianxue, sit down and eat with me."

In the past few days, the emperor has been eating alone, and Gu Qianxue is on the sidelines. After all, the emperor is a tiger. The Gu Qianxue is embarrassed to be a dog, and he still pays more respect to it.

Qianxue guessed what the emperor was going to say to her, so she was not polite and sat down directly.

The emperor smiled, "Qianxue girl, when are you going to let me go?" It was actually a joke.

Gu Qianxue said, "Now the emperor has witnessed the current situation of Kanto City, and also knows the situation of his grandfather. In the case of the Kanto City, the emperor has already decided, and indeed he should no longer be forced to leave the emperor to pay a private visit in the Kanto City micro service."

Oh, micro-service private visit? It's really nice to say, it was obviously taken captive.

The emperor said, "In other words, can I leave at any time?"

Qianxue Road, "The sooner the better." After all, the large Nanyue Kingdom, as early as possible, would not be able to leave the emperor.

Gu Qianxue, Kang's skill, did not doubt that she pushed Zhang Jieyu out.

Zhang Jieyu is very clever. Maybe she comes from a family of inferior readers. The biggest difference from other girls who are full of poetry books is that Zhang Jieyu has spent many wild novels and has many ghost ideas. Some of the little cleverness of other maidens is generally used in the backyard to fight for jealousy.

But even so, the emperor should not be left too long. Even if it departs today, it will take three days for the fast horse to whip back, plus the time when it comes and the three days to stay in Kanto City, it will be ten days.

The emperor of the Ten Heavens didn't make an early dynasty, this matter can be big or small.

The emperor was naturally anxious to go back, "Well, then I will start after finishing breakfast, but this escort... Do you still use the blood moon floor? The blood moon floor is notorious, Qian Xue is sure to be reliable?"

Gu Qianxue said, "Returning to the Emperor, it is reliable now, and I can't pass the exam anymore.

The emperor was surprised, "Leave?" and then added the sentence, "Your order?"

Qian Xue chuckled, "The emperor is too high to see me, how can I use the word command? Blood Moon Tower is beside me, not because of my face but the face of a mysterious person, the mysterious person spent a lot of money to hire blood Yuelou protects me."

"Mysterious person? Is it the son of Ling Xiao?" the emperor asked.

Qianxue shook his head, "I don't know."

The emperor did not know whether it was a blessing or a disappointment. He remembered the ambiguity of Gu Qianxue and Lu Weilou when he entered the city that day.

The emperor looked at Gu Qianxue's face indifferently, but found that the girl did not know when she was, and she was so beautiful. It was no different from her mother. No wonder the famous Lu Weilou could also fall down Under the skirt.

It's a pity that only a talented woman is afraid of becoming a scourge.

The emperor hid worries and contempt in his eyes, leaving only love on the surface. "Well, let me go back to Beijing by myself, and try to ride a thousand miles?"

Qianxue Road, "This is not necessary. I will separate two people here to **** the emperor back to Beijing. They are strong in martial arts, and they are also secret guards. They will be able to protect the emperor last week."

The emperor assured, "Okay."

After that, he began to eat, while the emperor fell into thought again.

Gu Qianxue didn't use chopsticks, she felt that the emperor was going to let her do something.

Sure enough, after a while, the emperor put down his chopsticks, "Qianxue girl, I have something I want you to do."

Qianxue Road, "please command the emperor."

"I ordered you to go to Pinglin County."

"Pinglin County?" Qian Xue was very familiar with this place name, and he couldn't remember where he had heard it for a while.

"Go to find a child." The emperor's voice was heavy.

Gu Qianxue suddenly realized that Pinglin County is not the territory of King Li?

The territory of King Li has four places, Pinglin County, Wu'an County, Dingjiang County, and Mingfeng County. Among them, Pinglin County is the largest. If these four places are regarded as one province, Pinglin County can be said to be the provincial capital.

When King Li went out of the palace and established the palace to seal the king, he would have a territory. However, the emperor was very heavy and he left it in the capital. Therefore, King Li was always busy and needed to complete all the sharp tasks assigned by the emperor at any time. Taking time to deal with land closures, she once lived in Li Wang's yard temporarily to understand his daily life.

沨儿......Gong Lingtuo......Li Wang.

The name suddenly became familiar and strange.

Hearing this name, Gu Qianxue, who was still calm the moment before, Xiumei couldn't help wrinkling and wrinkling, but then found clues, "How did King Li go to the territory? Did something happen?"

The emperor's face was embarrassed, "This... It's a long story. I ordered the crown prince to come to Guandongcheng to deal with your grandfather's case, and after you traveled with the son of Ling Xiao, you wouldn't be able to close the door. Angrily... he was sent to the territory and he was not allowed to return to the capital."

Gu Qianxue was surprised, "Why is he like this?"

The emperor thought of Gu Qianxue snuggling in Lu Weilou's arms, sighed, and was worthless for his son, "For you."

"..." Gu Qianxue didn't believe it intuitively, but besides this reason, how could there be others?

For a time, the two at the table were relatively speechless.

For a long while, the emperor asked, "Qianxue girl, are you sad?"

Gu Qianxue slowly raised his head and said seriously, "No, it's a surprise."

Her eyes are bright and clear, "I don't believe that he doesn't think about food for my sake, he was the one who provoked me first, he was the first to break through the bottom line, he was deliberately ambiguous in front of people, but he finally gave up It’s also him. No matter how I am with Su Gongzi, I have a clear conscience for Gong Lingyun."

"..." The Emperor was stunned, and it sounded very reasonable. When he thought about it carefully, it seemed to be the case.

Because of the mention of Li Wang, Gu Qianxue's mood fluctuated, and the atmosphere was not as calm as before.

The emperor gave the girl in front of him a light look, and said, though it seemed calm and watery, it actually had a whirlpool.

She had him in her heart, but she suppressed it with reason.

The emperor lowered his eyes, knowing what he should do.

"Why, Qianxue, would you like to help me with this?" The attitude was more kind and loving. "At this time, except for you, I don't know who to give this matter to. It matters a lot. I don't want to see the expedition and get injured again." "

Expedition is Zhao Yuanzheng.

Gu Qianxue immediately hit the chicken blood, "Emperor, leave this matter to me. You will return to Beijing later, and I will go to Pinglin County with Chu Yan, but do you have anything to do with the emperor?"

The emperor said, "There is only one carry-on token. If it is for you, I'm afraid it will take some trouble to return to the palace. If you need it, take the token."

Qianxue thought of the heavily guarded palace, "Forget it, you should take the token with me, I will figure it out myself."

Any ideas? Brush your face.

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