Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

827, Zuofu waits to speak

After breakfast, the two groups were separated outside the city.

The emperor escorted by Wu Fei and Hou Yuntian.

Luo Xiong and Hou Yunfei were the first to break into Zhao Jiajun. Among them, Luo Xiong was appreciated by Zhang Shuwu. With his left and right, he obtained the first-hand information inside Zhao Jiajun.

Now that he has been delegated other tasks, Hou Yunfei simply took the opportunity to leave his military status and became a free body. He escorted the emperor, three horses, three horses, and fast horses with Wu Fei, who was responsible for intercepting and searching for correspondence.

The emperor is also a good player in riding and shooting. After saying goodbye, the three quickly disappeared at the end of the official road, leaving only Qian Xue and Chu Yan in mind.

Looking at the backs of the three people, Qianxue sighed with a confused expression.

Chu Yandao, "Sister, are you embarrassed because you have to face Li Wang?"

Qianxue nodded honestly, "I am, will you be angry?"

Chu Yan was surprised, "Why do slaves get angry?"

Gu Qianxue turned his head and shrugged, "It's nothing, let's go, you can lead the way."

"Good." Chu Yan knew the way.

Immediately afterwards, the two men quickly whip and disappear to the other end.

Guandong City is the eastmost place in Nanyue Kingdom, and as a prince's fief, he will never be in the border.

King Li’s enclave was in the hinterland of Nanyue Kingdom, not far from the capital. It was Gu Qianxue’s poor riding, and the three-day period arrived.

How hard three days is is not to say, which is very different from the three days in modern travel.

"How are you, the lord? Or shall we rest again?" Chu Yan glanced sideways at pale pale Qian Qianxue.

Gu Qianxue shook her head. Fortunately, the horse could follow the first smoke horse by herself. She couldn't even see the direction. "It doesn't matter, how far can I get?"

As soon as Chu Yan raised his head, he was surprised, "Here it is! Master, please look, we have seen the city walls!"

Qian Xue also busy looking up, mixed with mixed feelings.

Fortunately, I really saw the city.

Worryingly, I only saw such a dark shadow. As the saying goes, Wangshan runs a dead horse, but I don't know whether it takes one hour or two hours to chase this shadow.

Chu Yan was still worried, "Sovereign, otherwise we will take a break, and the slave-servant can't stand you."

Gu Qianxue nodded, "Okay."

After the two stopped the horse, they turned over and dismounted, and Gu Qianxue ran aside just after dismounting, grieving miserably.

Pinglincheng, under the management of competent officials carefully selected by Li Wang, settled down and prospered, and the school was prosperous.

The streets in the city are clean and tidy, the roads are in order and the people live and work in peace and contentment. From time to time, majestic government patrols are seen, and the public security is excellent.

The luxurious style of the king's mansion in the city is the residence of his king, Li Wang.

At this time, Li Wang's study was overcrowded.

Because in the past more than half a month, the prince avoided seeing guests and refused to deal with official duties, so many official duties have been accumulated to this day. Li Wang began to deal with official duties. A group of officials immediately swarmed in, and sharpened his head to get into the study. The matter at hand has been resolved. Who knows when the lord will not take care of business anymore?

Everyone dared not to speak, but had to be accompanied by a smiley face, who made their head boss the most terrifying person in Nanyue Kingdom.

Of course, to say that it is terrible is because of its killing methods and outside rumors. As its subordinates, everyone has no fear of Li Wangfei, only respect.

Seeing that the order was in chaos again, Junan hurriedly shouted, "Line up, line up, line up!"

A group of people, old or young, or dressed in a military commander's costume or a bureaucrat's robe, hurriedly waited in line.

But after a while, the team was disrupted again, and a group of people squeezed in again.

No way, according to this processing speed, even a few days, it can't be finished. However, it is a mistake for the job to put pressure on the hands, and everyone can't feel at ease.

Jun An thought about it and thought of a ghost idea, he said with a loud voice, "Everyone is anxious, the team is so long, the prince is tired and you are tired, and the rest will go home and rest first. The prince is not only dealing with official duties today. I will deal with it every day."

No matter when the prince is still capricious, the officials will be fooled.

In fact, is Li Wang really wayward and closed the door? Only Jun An and Shao Gonggong knew that the prince was out and went out in secret.

The prince’s secrets were not told to them, and they didn’t hear or ask.

They all know the secrets of the prince. If the prince did not have these "secrets", he would have been swallowed up by those in Beijing!

Junan’s words appeased the crowd. However, the officials hadn’t thought of whether to stay or not, so they listened to the faint words from the study, “We have to wait for two days, and after two days, the king will travel.”


Suddenly the crowd was boiling.

Whoever queued or refused to queue up, squeezed desperately with documents.

"..." Junan on the side screamed.

Grandpa Shao smiled and carried the freshly cooked ginseng soup, intending to replenish the body of the prince who had just returned, but when he saw the study room surrounded by water, he was instantly dumbfounded.

Junan immediately stepped forward, "Duke Shao, don't squeeze them, don't let this group of old men with no power, be so strong."

Grandpa Shao looked at the officials who squeezed their necks and blushed, and shrunk their necks. "Our family didn't squeeze with them, it stinks." He paused and said, "Juan An, you can't control Well, what if our lord is exhausted?"

Jun An broke his face, "Why? How to do it? The lord said he would travel a few days later."


Grandpa Shao, who was holding the soup, sighed, "Hey, the prince is trapped by love, and it is also good to travel and relax."

But at this time, again a faint voice came from the study. "This king is about to take the emperor's words, not to relax."

The voice is not loud, but because of a little internal force, outsiders can hear clearly.

Grandpa Shao immediately turned white, "How did the prince hear?"

Jun An also frowned and shook his head, poking his index finger over his mouth, making a silence gesture.

However, Jun An and Grandpa Shao were puzzled. Will the prince receive an utterance from the emperor? Isn't the emperor's handwriting when Wang Ye left Beijing to the fief? Does the emperor have other arrangements?

The two doubted in their hearts, but dared not say anything.

In this way, Li Wang was busy for a whole day, at noon, and casually nibbled a few bites.

In the afternoon, King Li didn't wait for the emperor to speak, but unexpectedly waited for someone.

The courtyard where the study is located.

Looking at the officials who are like the crowds of the market market women buying bargains, Grandpa Shao and Jun An have been very calm. The two of them, sitting on a stone bench under the shade of the trees, make a pot of tea and chat while drinking tea.

Grandpa Shao sighed, "Hey, squeeze like this, how can we let our family go in and wait... These people are really."

The dim sum for lunch is also passed in through the window.

Suddenly, a bodyguard quickly entered the courtyard, glanced at the crowded study, and then walked to Grandpa Shao, "Grandpa Shao, someone outside the Wang Mansion begged."

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