Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

842, can't kill

When Grandpa Shao came back to see the people who had taken care of Qianxue, he immediately greeted him with a smile.

Gu Qianxue took a small package with clothes changing inside, but refused the bodyguard who came to help. He took it in his hands.

"In the study." Grandpa Shao answered.

Qianxue did not dare to neglect. "Troubled by Grandpa Shao, I will see him immediately."

"Okay, okay, come with our family." Then, Xizizi led the way.

Gu Qianxue walked in front, followed by Chu Yan, and behind him, he followed the gray-faced Junan.

The backyard of Fuya was not large. After passing through the two courtyards, he reached the study.

"Sovereign, the study is here." Grandpa Shao respectfully said.

Qianxue looked at the neat and exquisite house, snow-white walls, dark wooden eaves, and blue tiles. Under the half-open window, two red clay flower pots were placed, with green leaves and red flowers in the pots, lush.

Although the yard is small, it is chic and artistic.

The slate path is more green with heavy moss marks, and the grass color is green.

Gu Qianxue handed the package to Chu Yan behind him, went up the stairs himself, and entered the study.

Junan stepped forward, "The first smoke girl, help next..."

Before you finished speaking, the word "You" was glared coldly by Chu Yan, and the words behind were swallowed back.

Grandpa Shao dragged Junan to the side, "Master Jun, why are you disgraced, what happened on the road?"

Junan's eyes dodge, " just had another discussion with Chuyan Girl."

Grandpa Shao looked at the cold and indifferent first smoke, his hair was meticulous, and his whole body was spotless. What did he look like?

How to look, Junan seems to be beaten unilaterally.

"I said, Master Son, are you dealing with Chu Yan...?" Grandpa Shao didn't say anything, but the tone had already expressed what he wanted to express.

Junan’s face turned red, and he shook his head desperately, "No, no, Grandpa Shao, you misunderstood, and now you simply appreciate the young smoke girl. After all, women with good martial arts in the world...especially women with such superb skills Unexpected encounter."

Subsequently, Jun An also sighed abnormally, "the women in the world are superficial, or pursue the beauty of the face, or the favor of the husband, but everyone knows that the face is easy to grow old and the love is easy to die. Only martial arts can follow his life." Squeezed his fist hard.

"..." Grandpa Shao rolled his eyes and was too lazy to listen to Jun An's skewed words. "Then you should appreciate the early smoke girl." Then, holding the orchid finger, she turned and walked away, muttering while walking, "Jun The Lord is right, Junan has a tendency to be abused."

The two talked into the ear of the first smoke, but she didn't even move her eyebrows, but kept quietly outside the study door, waiting for Gu Qianxue.

Inside the study.

When Qianxue entered, he saw Li Wang sitting at the table, holding a tea bowl in one hand and a file in the other, watching the room full of tea fragrance.

He was expressionless and could not see the emotion, but Gu Qianxue could feel the vicious murderousness indoors.

"Li Wang?" he whispered softly.

Wang Li discovered Gu Qianxue's arrival long ago. He put down the tea bowl and handed the file forward.

Gu Qianxue stepped forward and received the dossier, but found that each page of the dossier had ten names, and his birth place, position and simple resume were recorded in detail behind the names.

"These are..." Qianxue's voice hesitated for a moment and continued softly, "List of officials who surrendered to the prince?"

King Li nodded, "According to the previous style of this king, he threw a crime at will and killed without amnesty."

Gu Qianxue looked pale, "No!"

Li Wang raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

Gu Qianxue took a deep breath and pressed down her heart and anxiety, "Let’s analyze from two ways. The first one is that it is not easy for officials to climb to the present position, not to mention how much money and resources the family has invested. It is the country that has invested a lot. They are just standing in line and not a crime. They just kill it directly. The financial and material resources that the country has invested in will be lost. This is a pros and cons of simple interests.

Second, from an emotional perspective, they did nothing wrong. You know the officialdom better than me. If you go against the current and go in a boat, you will retreat. When the prince sends troops to the city, they are defenseless. How can they resist? Fortunately, just as the former officials of the Kanto city can sue the old people, but not lucky? You can throw a crime to kill them at will, or the prince, they have no choice. "

The room was quiet, only Qian Xue's methodical voice, tone of voice anxious.

Li Wang did not answer the first time, but he seemed hesitant and thinking.

Gu Qianxue continued, "Although you are not the emperor, but you are the prince! The people of the entire Nanyue Kingdom, whether officials or ordinary people, they are first and foremost the people of your palace family. Even your family members do not love the people themselves, but also count on Who will take care of it? I won’t say much about the topic that water can carry a boat and can overturn it. I’m not afraid to say that you are not rare. To obtain it, use them as your domestic animals, and use the selfish selfishness of human nature as a starting point, and you should treat them well!"

Li Wang lowered his eyes and covered his eyes.

"Gong Lingtuo, they are your people, not enemies!" Gu Qianxue was reluctant to add another sentence.

Li Wang suddenly raised his eyes, his eyes narrowed, "They are dead or alive, go or stay, it depends on your performance."

"Ah?" Gu Qianxue was stunned. What did she mean by looking at her performance? Let her beg him?

As a doctor, in order to save a person's life, it may be necessary to sleep for a long time, and may need to be continuously treated for several years or even decades, but it is too easy to kill.

If pleading can save so many lives, she is willing to plead with King Li.

"Outside the city, you forgot what this king said?" Li Wang's lips twitched a playful smile.

Gu Qianxue suddenly remembered, and then dumbfounded, "No!" refused without thinking.

Li Wang Jianmei picked it up, "Ben Wang has given you the opportunity, don't cherish it, then don't blame Ben Wang for being cruel."

Qian Xue was furious, "Gong Lingyun, are you a neuropathy? What should and should not be said, I have made it clear, do you still not understand?"

Gu Qianxue shouted this sentence, and Fu Ya was not very big. With such a voice, most people in and around Fu Ya heard it.

The people subconsciously put their hands down, and dumbstruck their ears up, continuing to listen.

His Highness Li was scolded, and the sun came out west.

After being scolded, King Li was still not angry, shrugging, "This King gives you another chance, whether they are dead or alive, just look at your performance."

Gu Qianxue knew that he was not kidding.

I also know that if she does not follow his wishes, he will really kill these people.

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