Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

843, puppet

What is Li Wang waiting for?

Naturally, he was waiting for Gu Qianxue to be called helplessly called "Xiang Gong".

Regarding this title, Gu Qianxue would not agree, even if she went to call Li Wang "father" or "ancestor", only this "relative father" could not.

Not principle, but heartbreak.

The relationship between the two was a wound in Gu Qianxue's heart.

She didn't seem to care, but she just didn't want to show it.

He was the first man she came to contact with Nanyue Kingdom, and the first man to contact deeply.

The two had been in the same fire, she mocked and mocked him many times, but he started to clean her up;

The two were also very harmonious. She healed his mother concubine. He rescued her when she was bitten by a snake, and came forward when she was suspected by everyone.

It is not true to say that the heart movement is false. It is not because of how handsome he is, how much power and wealth he possesses, how much he loves her, but a kind of moist matter, a kind of dripping stone, and a long-lasting passion.

From the initial confrontation between the two to the later ambiguous, and finally to Li Wang vaguely clarified the relationship and was out of control.

Although the two are no longer possible, although she is already with Su Lingxiao, something in her heart is sacred and inviolable.

What she protects is not the memories of the two, the past of the two, but a part of her life.

She stood quietly in the study, facing him without a word.

The two stalemate for a while, and finally, Li Wang sighed, "Well, don't tease you, this king will not kill them, but the investigation still needs to be investigated."

Qian Xue froze, looked up at him in surprise.

His cold face still can't see the emotions, "The king can pretend to be invisible, no matter how he stands in the team, which side he joins, but no matter who he is, once he is a criminal, don't blame the king for cutting the roots." , Bloody.

Gu Qianxue's mood was not yet happy, and then fell again, "Don't... I don't care how you kill the corrupt official, but his family is innocent!"

Li Wang’s anger rushed up, "Gu..." But when he saw the pale face and red eyes of the woman in front of him, the fire was inexplicably disappearing without a trace, "it is not to kill his family, copy the family But it must be indispensable. Unjust money must be collected from the treasury and used by the people."

Qian Xue was surprised and nodded fiercely, "You are right!"

The two finally reached a consensus.

Qian Xue didn't notice that today's Li Wang repeatedly gave in, never even thought about why Li Wang gave in.

"Next, what are you going to do?" Gu Qianxue asked enthusiastically.

Li Wang stretched out his hand, Qian Xuexin grasped the experience, and returned the file back to him.

"Do you have any good suggestions?" Li Wang asked.

Qianxue thought very seriously for a moment, and said, "...No." She can cure the disease, but not the city.

Steady turbulence and suppression of chaos, but Li Wang's special skill.

"This king’s plan is to thoroughly investigate the words and deeds of all officials in the Kanto city for a few months. Those who deceive the people and embezzle them will be severely punished. Those who abide by the law will be scared. Then, all the officials transferred from other cities will be scared. All were sent back, and the former officials of Kanto City were recalled to perform their duties. Then, it was the case of Marshal Zhao."

"What about the people in Kanto City? Now that prices are driving up and chaos is caused by the teachings of Lan, what should I do?" Qian Xue asked. Although Grandpa matters, but now Wang Li and Marshal Zhao are safe, she is more worried about the stability in the city.

Wang Li said, "The price hike is due to the interruption of traffic and material exchanges. The 30,000 soldiers brought by this king are not vegetarian. Anyone who dares to intercept will directly cut his head. The price is stable quickly. Before that, First use the grain stored in the Yamen warehouse and collect some grain from farmers outside the city to calm the people's emotions."

"Farmers outside are afraid that the grain will not be collected, and the grain storage in Yamen warehouse is not enough for the whole city." Qian Xue said again. "You can't use the army to force farmers to pay?"

"This is very easy to handle," Li Wangdao said. "If you sell grain at market prices within three days, you can exempt some of the taxes and grains for the coming year according to the ratio. There is only a three-day limit and it will not expire."

Qian Xue was surprised, "Good way." Heartfelt admiration. "After three days, Kanto Town can transport grain from other places."

When it comes to this, Gu Qianxue once again found a problem, "But... will other cities take the opportunity to increase prices?"

"It also depends on whether they have the courage," Li Wang's tone is still leisurely, "The king does not need their team to support the king, but also to see, who dares to offend the king in this world?"

"..." Gu Qianxue nodded approvingly, "You are right, benevolence and power complement each other. If a person who pursues love for the people is only counterproductive, it should be used when power is used."

Li Wang looked at Gu Qianxue with a little surprise and a little praise in his eyes. He originally thought that she would jump up and refute him again.

One by one, Gu Qianxue seemed very difficult to do complicated things, but in the hands of Li Wang, it seemed to be solved easily. Although she didn't say it, she felt admired. "What do you think about the grandfather case?"

"I don't think much, how to try and how to try, if Marshal Zhao is wronged, the king will give him innocence." He answered.

"What about that illegitimate child?" Qian Xue said, "That person is definitely not the grandson of grandfather, I believe grandpa!"

Li Wang nodded slightly, "You mean, the so-called Zhao Situ?"

"Yes." Gu Qianxue nodded, his expression dignified.

When referring to Marshal Zhao’s fake son, Li Wang placed the dossier on the table case, crossed his fingers on the table, and leaned forward slightly. "On this matter, Ben Wang has a proposal, maybe you will object."

"What proposal?" She was curious.

"Recognize this fake son."

Qian Xue was taken aback, "Are you crazy, recognize what he does?"

Li Wangwei replied for the first time and paused for a long while, "Now our opponent is not just a prince, but also Pei Xiang. Even though the father emperor dispelled Zhao Jiajun’s idea, Pei Xiang did not dispel, in other words, Zhao Jiajun Ruo If there is no clear heir, it will always be a piece of fat and be missed. Zhang Shuwu is Pei Xiang’s puppet, and Zhao Situ is a prince’s puppet.

Gu Qianxue was taken aback, "Let's train puppets ourselves."

Li Wang smiled with a smile, and the cool and handsome cheeks with an excited smile, "Yes."

Cultivating puppets is a method Gu Qianxue had never thought of before. At first glance, it seems unreliable, but when you think about it in detail, you can do it once and for all.

Marshal Zhao has no son, and Zhao Jiajun does not have a clear heir. It is a difficult situation before him. What will happen next?


Since it is impossible to defend, then take the offensive!

"But... what if Zhao Situ is under control or Zhao Situ himself has greed?" This question must also be faced.

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