The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 844: , Please don't do this to me

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844, please don't do this to me

"Qianxue, you sit down first." Li Wang got up and asked Gu Qianxue to sit aside.

"No, I don't want to sit, you answer my question first." Qian Xue shook her head, very excited.

Li Wang smiled secretly in his heart, but he liked to see her panic and excitement. "Be calm and remember that no matter what decisions you make, you must make them calmly, otherwise emotional fluctuations will be biased."

Gu Qianxue also understands this truth. If his emotions are too excited or depressed, the decisions he makes will not be accurate.

"Drink some tea." He said, turning around to find a cup, trying to pour tea for her.

When he found the cup and turned around, he was surprised to find that... Gu Qianxue had finished drinking tea, and used the quilt before him. Because his mind was stimulated, he didn't even realize it.

King Li hooked his lips and returned the teacup to his original position.

"I am much calmer, you say it." Qianxue put down the empty tea bowl.

King Li also calmed his pride on his face, and said seriously, "Zhao Situ, the Prince, will never find him at random. Maybe you don’t understand the Prince, who is exquisite in all aspects. Although he behaves elegantly and honestly, in fact, his style of work is incomparable. In other words, Zhao Situ is the most suitable figure to be a puppet. Although this king is not seen, we can bet that Zhao Situ is timid and fearless, has no ideas, and is more greedy."

Gu Qianxue had met Zhao Situ. Although he hadn't dealt with it, from the face, it was indeed the case.

She nodded. "But since the prince can control him, it means that the prince has control over him."

King Li smiled arrogantly, "You don't have to worry about this, this king wants to take this handle, the prince he can't resist."

Gu Qianxue was still terrified, "Really... is it ok? Why do I think this step is very dangerous?"

"Yes, it's a dangerous move," said Li Wangdao. "But in this world, risk and benefit always complement each other. With a puppet, it's like having a shield. When attacked, it blocks the offensive; at the same time, if the offensive cannot be If you block, you will abandon the shield and you will be able to gain some time and leeway."

Gu Qianxue nodded, his eyes still with a little panic.

King Li walked to Gu Qianxue, put his hand gently on her shoulder, and whispered, "Don't worry, only Ben Wang is here, and I will protect you and Field Marshal Zhao."

Although the voice is light, it is extremely heavy, like a promise.

I don't know whether it was because of his pledge or this soothing beat, but Qian Xue's heart calmed down as if she turned the dark clouds to see the moon.

"Thank you," she said.

How did they think that at some time in the future, Zhao Situ's puppet played the most crucial and decisive role in a major event that determined the destiny of all people. This is something to say.

Gu Qianxue calmed down completely, and also accepted Li Wang's dislike, turning the puppet of the prince into his own puppet.

"What do you think about Yilanjiao," she asked.

Li Wang's tone was relaxed, "Aren't they already gone? Having left, they passed away."

"...Can you really care?" Gong Lanan's handwriting about Yilanjiao was Gu Qianxue's guess after all, but even so, she was the only one who knew the inside story, why Li Wang didn't care ? "Do you know what's inside?" she asked suddenly.

Wang Li glanced at her, "What does it matter to know or not?"

"..." For a while, she didn't know how to answer, "Do you know anything about Chu Yanguo?"

Li Wang nodded slightly and answered.

"What way did you know?" Qian Xue asked.

"Naturally, there is this king's own way." He answered.

"..." After a long delay, Gu Qianxue calmed down again.

Compared with people in this time and space, she feels very happy to live in modern China. After all, she doesn't need to be so brain-burning. "Forget it, if you say the past is over, then I will ask you the next question."

Li Wang raised his eyebrows, his expression was relaxed, and he looked forward to it, as if the topic of the two was just chatting after tea and dinner.

Contrary to King Li, Qianxue looked dignified, "What if the prince tries again?"

"This doesn't need you to worry about, the next question." Li Wang said with a word.

"...Okay, your brothers should have fought many times in the past, it's my concern." Gu Qianxue said, she looked out of the door, the sun was west, the red sunset was falling, the courtyard seemed to be burning, "My last One question, why do you want me to live in Fuya, I can continue to stay in Qingteng House."

"Do you want to continue to hide your identity?" Li Wang did not answer questions. "Don't you want to see your grandfather openly and protect your grandfather openly, you don't want to participate in the progress of the whole case?"

Gu Qianxue of course thought, "Is this... alright?"

"If there is a king, just do it." Li Wangdao said.

Gu Qianxue slowly raised his head and looked at the tall man in front of him, "Please don't treat me like this, okay?"

Suddenly, Li Wang hurriedly put away his leisure, "How?"

"Why do you tease me and hurt me again and again? Is there no other fun in your life besides making me suffer?" Gu Qianxue lost her voice. "When I first met you, you restricted my personal freedom. If I had The slightest resistance, you do it to me. Now, you take the initiative to give up, we should have been like a stranger, but you have come to all kinds of promises to me, yes, you succeeded, my heart is like a water, and my heart is once again guilty. Are you happy?

Li Wangjian's eyebrows were tightly locked, and he sighed, "Qianxue, Ben Wang said to you before, many things are not as simple as you think..."

"Since it's complicated, I don't want to."

Before waiting for his words, she interrupted fiercely, "I know you guys are attacking your mind, your city is deep, no matter you or Su Gongzi, or the prince, the second prince, on the intrigue, I It’s not as good as you, but you are fighting, can I not fight? I can’t take the initiative to admit defeat? Is it necessary for me to die before you let me go?”

Li Wang looked anxious, and he stretched out her arms to hold her arms, "Qianxue, you calm down, everything in the past is indeed the fault of the king, as long as you say a condition, the king is willing to compensate, or you want to punish the king. .. From now on, this king vows not to make you suffer again, will you?"

"Oh," Qian Xue threw his hand away and sneered, "What then?"

"Then?" Li Wang asked.

"You acknowledged your past mistakes and promised not to cause me pain in the future, and then? What is your purpose? You Gong Ling did these aimlessly? Is it my crippled letter, do you believe it yourself?" Qian Xue retreated. Try to distance himself from Li Wang.

"Whether you believe it or not, this king has no other purpose," he said seriously.

Gu Qianxue looked at him and confirmed that he had no signs of lying.

The flames were burning in her eyes, but the flames were just about to move, and she was strangled by her again, a pair of bright eyes, still like water.

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