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879, no visitors at night

Chu Yan hesitated. "Okay, Zuo Gang, you and Xu Guangxuan went to Beili. Remember, you can only secretly inquire and never be alarmed. Any wind and grass will come back to discuss it immediately." To others, "A few of you Go to the inn for a break for a while." Then, she took out the silver ticket from her arms.

Chu Yan looked at the only four silver tickets in his hand, each with a face value of five hundred and two, sighed deeply, and took out one to Yao Zhen. "If the master is not there, the money can be saved."

Several people immediately said, "The first smoke girl is no longer needed, we have silver on us."

Chu Yan shook his head, "Hold it."

Although the Guardian is also paid, but in the end is private property.

"Master Zi should give up you, according to the rules, you are already free," Chu Yan looked at a few people, his expression dignified, "If you want to leave, go, hide the martial arts deeper, buy an identity with silver, Live a normal day."

Everyone hurriedly said, "If you don't leave, the key is very important at this time. If we leave, what will the lord do?"

Everyone knew that the master gave up not only them but also the first smoke, in other words, all of them were free.

"Here is the master, and me." Chu Yandao.

"We won't go!" The crowd said one after another.

Chu Yan was slightly moved, "Okay, not much hypocrisy. Since we stay, we will all be brothers. We are now the masters of the county, but we can’t go to Shang Shufu for the time being, we can do more by keeping our free body. Things. Looking for a hotel tonight, tomorrow I will find a yard to buy. When we settle in, I have a hunch that the master will need us to do a lot."

After the matter of Kanto City, everyone had affirmed the decision-making ability of Qianxue County Master.

"Okay," everyone answered.

"The first smoke girl, how about you?" Wu Fei asked.

Chu Yan was eye-catching, looking in the direction of Li Wangfu, "I'm going to a place, I'll tell you later."

Gu Shangshufu.

Listen to the snow court.

Gu Qianxue rolled around in bed, how could he fall asleep?

But afraid of Chu Yan's worry, she still refrained from getting up.

The bright moonlight penetrated into the room through the window paper, and she raised her white and slender hands and broke her fingers--

One, where is Su Gongzi, where is Yulian Yucui, how to find Su Gongzi?

Second, how to make money in the nursery, should we use Zhao's dowry? Even if it is used, can the money support the child to grow up? Can't afford to throw it away?

Third, the emperor granted the title of Marshal Zhao, is it a compensation? Even if it is compensation, why is it a knighthood, is that old fox really aimless? Why is there a faint sense of unrest, is she all the soldiers, or the emperor has ulterior motives?

Fourth, she and the Blood Moon Tower robbed the emperor from the Imperial Academy to Kanto City. Is this the case? Even if she is kind, but according to the emperor's urination, she will never give up at this time.

Fifth, the second prince once returned to Nanyueguo capital. Although there was not much time to go back and forth, but in terms of her understanding of the second prince, he would never just come to see what he had done. Kill Ying Fei? It is unlikely that, firstly, because there was no wind in the palace, and secondly, if the sorrows were killed directly and happily, it might not be the style of the second prince.

Sixth, Marshal Zhao originally got a fake son, Zhao Situ, as a shield, but now he has been given a knighthood. Who will inherit the knighthood in the future? Will it cause trouble again?

A pile of questions, big or small, thick or thin, hit Gu Qianxue's mind and fall asleep, which is really strange!

The body is very tired, but the brain is nervous and excited, and sleepless all night.

Li Wang Mansion, guarded strictly.

There are patrols and guards everywhere, and there are dark guards in the dark.

Early smoke dived in, because he was unfamiliar with the terrain, he was found a few times, and he was very confused.

Above a big tree in the sky, Chu Yan stood on the top of the tree and tried to find the residence where Li Wang lived.

Li Wang Mansion is a bit terrible. It doesn’t have a lot of space, but there are very few houses in it. This empty house can’t hide, and it is more dangerous after diving in.

Just when Chu Yan decided on his route and prepared to jump to the house two feet ahead, a silver bell suddenly sounded under his feet.

Silver ringtones are getting bigger and bigger, as if to wake up more silver ringtones.

Is a trap.

"Damn it!" Chu Yan cursed secretly, but had to jump into the yard and dive in.


"There are assassins!"

"Catch the Assassin!"

The silver bell alarmed the guard and the dark guard hidden in the dark, the whole area almost boiled, and soon the fire was skyrocketing.

Lying on the courtyard wall, trying to integrate himself into the shadows, the first smoke was heartbeat, and the curse was endless. "What a ghost place is Li Wangfu, the bells are hanging on the tree, and the wind is blowing, so you are not afraid of being mistaken as an assassin?"

There were more and more people outside, and at the beginning of the smoke, there was an impulse to rush out directly. She did not come to kill Li Wang, but wanted to ask Li Wang some questions.

At this moment, the door of the small courtyard opened, and a cold light rushed out and went straight towards the first smoke.

Early smoke draws a dagger and fights.

The man shouted, "Hah, how long has it been since the assassin's palace? Master Ben is worried and bored, and I will play with you today."

For a moment, she knew her voice.

Then Moonlight and the looming fire outside the courtyard, Chu Yan saw the face of the person in front of her. She pulled the face mask off, "Jun An, it's me."

When Junan heard the cold female voice, he suddenly froze, and the enrolled students withdrew to take it back. He was so shocked, "The first smoke girl?"

"Yes." Chu Yan withdrew the dagger and stood there to show that he was not hostile.

In the moonlight, Jun An saw this woman with a cold face standing still, like a ice lotus under the moon, mysterious and cold, and she was overjoyed, "Miss Smoke Girl, are you looking for me?"

Chu Yan's eyes suppressed the contempt as much as possible, "No, it's looking for Li Wang."

Junan was very lost, but still not bored and thought that Chu Yan had a leg with the prince, "Is the master of Qianxue County back to Beijing? Is the lord looking for the lord? What is the matter?"

Chu Yan didn't have the patience to polish on Jun'an. "It has nothing to do with the master of the county. I personally want to see King Li."

"This..." Jun An looked embarrassed. "It's so late, will you see you tomorrow?"

"No!" Chu Yan didn't want to refuse, "I see the King Li and keep it secret from the master."

Junan hesitated, "It's a rule that Li Wang doesn't see guests at night, even if we don't get permission in advance at night, we won't even see..."

"I want to see Li Wang." Chu Yan interrupted him calmly.

"..." If you change someone, Jun An would have refused the past, but he faced the first smoke girl who admired and admired him very much. Explore the way."

"No, let's go together." Chu Yandao.

Junan had no choice but to say, "Well, let's go together, but let's say in advance, if the lord is really hot, it will be very serious later."

"Good." Since coming, Chu Yan made the worst plan.

It is indeed a matter of not seeing guests late in the night, but even Grandpa Shao and Jun An are no exceptions for their own reasons.

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