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880, Letter from Su Lingxiao

Jun An and Chu Yan never thought that Li Wang's bedroom was still lit.

As soon as the two arrived at the door, Li Wang came out of the bedroom and had a well-dressed dress. "Ben Wang expects you to come and know what you want to ask in recent days. There is a letter here," he said, and took out a letterhead. Ling Xiao left it to you."

At this time, the palace was quiet, Junan sent the guards and secret guards, and explained the misunderstanding.

Wan Lai is quiet.

The neatly dressed Li Wang, in the darkness, carried a mysterious and strange.

Chu Yan was surprised, "Is the master left for me?"

Li Wang raised his eyebrows and flicked his fingers. The soft letterhead flew to the first smoke like a dark weapon. The first smoker's eyes flicked and caught his hand.

Junan immediately stayed away from Chu Yan and avoided voyeurism.

Chu Yan almost shivered and unfolded the letter, clearly excited, but inexplicably uneasy.

In just a few lines, Chu Yan repeated it many times over and over again, but it still seemed to be incomprehensible. His white cheeks were pale, and his eyes were confused, "Master... what does it mean."

Li Wangjian frowned, "What did the letter say?"

Su Lingxiao's letterhead is no different than others. Whether it is letter paper or an envelope, including the slurry of that letter, is unique. No one can imitate it. If someone peeks privately, no one can seal it as it was.

Chu Yan knew that King Li hadn’t peeked. She pinched the letter in her hand and said coldly, "His Royal Highness, you also have a letter from the Master."

"Yes." Li Wang replied.

"Excuse me, Master Zhu's letter to His Royal Highness... what is it?" Chu Yan asked with a trembling voice.

For a time, Li Wang was speechless.

The night is quiet and there are bugs from time to time.

If the moonlight is like water, it will sprinkle the earth and inlay silver for everything.

A few people were standing still, and no one spoke for a long time.

After such a trouble, Grandpa Shao was also awake, and the guards and others came to check the situation. The prince and Junan Chuyan stood as if they were talking about something.

Yi Xiangxiang's time passed, and Li Wang and Chu Yan still said nothing.

Both of them looked extremely bad, Li Wang's tightly frowned eyebrows never let go, and the first smoke was unwilling.

Finally, Jun An couldn't help it, and said cautiously, "What exactly did the letter from Prince Lingxiao's son say?" Seeing that the two remained motionless, they added a whisper, "The two of you stood like this... This is not the case."

Finally, Li Wangdao said, "This letter was sent by Ling Xiao a month ago. Even if it was said that Ling Xiao had expected everything that might have happened a month ago, it was arranged better."

Jun An was surprised, "The prince means, a month ago, the young Master Ling Xiao guessed that Marshal Zhao would be wronged, and he would add Marshal Zhao to the lord?" What happened in the Chaotang, as a close follower of Li Wang, Naturally, I also knew the news as soon as possible.

King Li nodded his head and explained to Jun An, "Ling Xiao has long since Prince and Pei Xiang will be in conflict because of Zhao Jiajun's attribution, and then break up, Pei Xiang will go to the emperor, and the Prince will break the boat. No matter what the result of this matter is, balance All have been broken, this is the result that the emperor did not want. To restore balance, we must refocus on the king and use the king to fight against the prince. The prince cooperates with the Qiu family, although the strength of the Qiuhouye is not the same as that of Zhao Yuan On the same level, but it has a knighthood and is more influential than Marshal Zhao in the influence of North Korea, and if the king's influence is equivalent to that of the prince, he must rely on a military officer with the same ability and influence as the Qiu family. Except for the Zhao family , Nothing else."

Although Jun'an followed Li Wang, he was a martial arts man who learned martial arts. What kind of dynasty forces balance this kind of Taoism can be heard in the clouds.

Chu Yan's voice trembled, "So...whether it's a letter from the master to King Li or a letter to me, are you asking Master Qianxue to marry you?"

Li Wang froze, then nodded heavily.

Chu Yan's expression panicked, "No... Impossible... Master likes the governor like that, absolutely impossible..."

Li Wang raised his eyes and looked like a killing figure, but he was bleak for a while.

"Ling Xiao he..." The following words could not be said.

Chu Yan raised his head violently, "How is the attitude of His Highness King Li?"

Li Wang still did not answer, at this moment even he himself was very contradictory.

Everyone is selfish.

The two stalemate again.

Li Wang thought that it was only one step away from the woman with her favorite, as long as he succumbed and selfishness!

But when I thought of Gu Qianxue and Su Lingxiao, I still sighed, "Wait, wait again, this time, this king will also send people to find Ling Xiao, maybe... there are other ways."

At the beginning of the smoke for a long while, he nodded, "Okay." After that, he turned and left.

Why did Master Ling Xiao want the master of Qianxue County to marry the prince, Jun An didn't understand, but he was secretly happy. If Qianxue County lord and the prince became a family, wouldn't he be the first to get close to the water tower?

In this tragic situation, Jun An dared not express his heart. He could only bow his head fiercely. When Chu Yan left, he hurried to leave Li Wang and followed him.

When the first smoke goes fast, Jun'an also goes fast. The first smoke uses light power, and Jun'an also uses it.

The two went out of the Li Wang Mansion.

"Wait, don't run away," Jun An finally shouted, unable to hold back.

At the beginning, Yan didn't pay any attention. The difference between the two people in light work was very big, and soon they opened the distance.

Originally Junan wanted some comfort from the hero to save the beauty, but when people saw that they were gone, they could only do it.

Li Wang Mansion.

When Chu Yan and Jun An leave, King Li still stands on the spot, looking at the moonless night sky.

Grandpa Shao stepped forward quickly and respectfully said, "It's not too early, please take a rest early."

King Li withdrew his eyes, "Duke Shao, what should this King do?"

Grandpa Shao was taken aback. Although he had been serving Li Wang for more than ten years, Li Wang, who was a young boy more than a decade ago, never consulted with others. Now that Li Wang has become a hero, how can he ask his opinion?

"Which... what is the prince referring to?" Grandpa Shao is willing to help Li Wangpai solve problems, if he has the ability.

It’s good to be able to listen if you don’t have a plan.

"Private, a person's selfishness," Li Wang closed his eyes slowly, a flash of beauty flashed in front of him, "Whether one should submit to selfishness."

Grandpa Shao still doesn't understand what happened, but he naturally knows how to answer, pointing his orchid finger, "Go back to the lord, and then obey selfishness! Why is it that you are unhappy when you are alive for only a hundred years? Besides, the lord is tall and above. Qualification and power obey selfishness." No matter what happens, as long as the prince is happy, it is right.

"You all withdraw, let Ben Wang be quiet."

Shao Gongzheng wanted to say something, but he saw that Li Wang's expression was painful, and his old eyes rolled back, so he retreated and laid off his people.

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