Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

883, house arrest

After lunch, people started to renovate the new anonymous residence.

The site in the new Wumingju Courtyard is very flat. After a little leveling, the foundation will be laid and the children's outdoor toys will be installed.

Originally, the only male employee in the nursery was Pan Xiaopeng, and the others were half widowed and half-worked old widows. Now that Pan Xiaopeng has become a teacher, he will happily drive back to pick up his old mother, and the task of installing toys falls on the dark guards. Their bodies.

Including Gu Qianxue, there were a lot of people around the yard who had nowhere to go.

The dark guards are good at practicing martial arts, but when it comes to carpenter work, they have never touched it.

Chu Yandao, "Sovereign, otherwise we will find a carpenter."

"No," Qian Xue refused without thinking. "Now the nursery school has just'disappeared'. The people in the city must be looking everywhere. We hired carpenters, didn't we send out the news ourselves? You can only find it after the nursery school has completely subsided."

"Then how to install these appliances?" Chu Yan asked.

Qianxue reached out and nodded a confusion of dark guards, and then ordered Chu Yan and himself.

Chu Yan was a little surprised, "The master of the county means that we depend on ourselves, can we...?"

"What the carpenter can do, we can also do it." As he said, he pulled Chuyan and walked over.

But I saw that Yao Zhen, Luo Xiong, Wu Fei and Hou Yuntian squatted on the ground, playing with parts, and the children were running around. This scene was funny.

"What, do you have a clue?" Qian Xue asked.

The four stood up quickly, "Go back to the county master, and probably know how to install it."

Qian Xue smiled and stretched his fingers to the four people, turning his head to the first flue. "Look, repair is a man's nature. If you don't learn, they will."

"..." Chu Yan.

Gu Qianxue smiled and "educated" the four of them, "Although your previous occupation... uh, something special, there is always a day when you retire. After retiring, you get married and have children, you are just ordinary husbands and fathers, martial arts are high and no eggs Use it, learn from it, and use it to make up for it."

"..." Four people, "Yes, the subordinates obey the orders of the governor."

At this time, the children gathered around and looked at these adults curiously.

"So, let's start work," Qian Xue clapped his hands. "Whatever the hatred of the country, the family and the hatred are pushed back, the children's affairs are the real big thing! We strive to work overtime today and work hard to get the yard finished."

"Yes, the master!" The four answered in unison.

The grandmothers pulled the children aside, fearing that they might delay the work of the dark guards, or that they might get injured.

Yao Zhen and others used a shovel and started to dig up the foundation.

Chu Yan said softly, "Sovereign, you haven't slept overnight, otherwise you have to sleep for a while."

"Aren't you still asleep? Don't worry, I'm still young and can bear it. Oh yeah, I think of a problem," Qianxue pulled the first cigarette aside, "The purchase of this house and the moving fee shared 720 silver. If you look back, you have to buy some furniture and buy rice. I have more than 4,000 in hand, and you have 1,520 in there, a total of 5,500. Although they can support it for a while, they can’t It's wasted, so I...I think..."

At first sight, Qian Xue hesitated and said, "What do the masters have to ask for it?"

Qianxue was slightly guilty, "Don't Yao Zhen buy their house first? There's a lot of land and many houses here, and they have two yards for them, and they can protect the children."

What Chu Yan thought was a big thing, but now it sounds like a small thing that can't be smaller.

"The lord is worried, they are not demanding, as long as there is a place to stay."

That being said, Qianxue is still very guilty, "I was so hot and spicy with Su Gongzi before, but now with me, I want to live in a broken house, and I feel sad."

Chu Yan just wanted to comfort, but saw Qian Xue's expression change, "Otherwise I think of a way to solve their personal problems? There are still some beautiful little girls in our house, how about being a wife to them?"

"..." Chu Yan.

Looking at the center of the courtyard, the four stopped.

After all, it is not to build a house, but to install toys, and the foundation need not be particularly large.

Qian Xue and Chu Yan talked about the kung fu. The four had already dug and started to discuss and put together the carousel.

First, place the large disc on the foundation pit, mark the position of the small pillar, and then bury the pillar.

Before filling the soil, we also compared the orientation of the wooden post with a disc to ensure that the soil was filled.

After the soil was compacted, the pillars buried in the soil were extremely strong, and then the disc was put down like a wooden stick from above.

After the foundation is handled, the rest is simple. Less than an hour later, the carousel is installed, and by the way, the slide and swing are also installed.

When the huge toys were installed, even Yao Zhen and others were extremely excited and full of accomplishment.

They have experienced countless tasks, but the sense of accomplishment of installing toys is comparable to that of completing tasks.

When the children saw the toys installed, a swarm of bees rushed over and cheered excitedly.

Four tall men looked down at a group of children who could not reach their waists. They felt weird and itchy in their hearts. The feeling was beyond description, but they were extremely happy and sweet. This is something they haven’t experienced before, and now it’s good to be here to guard this group of children.

After the toys are installed, the next step is to adjust the furnishings in the room.

In this way, the work was completed until the night.

In the corner of Anonymous, Qian Xue packed up a large yard as a place where the dark guards lived.

After everything was handled, this and Chuyan returned to Shangshufu.

Gu Qianxue did not expect that there were two people who had been waiting for him.

Listen to the snow court.

The returning Yulian and Yucui shuddered with excitement when they saw Gu Qianxue.

"The slave-servant has seen the governor, and God bless, we can see the governor again." Yulian cried.

Yu Cui also said, "Yeah, we thought we would never see the county master again. We are not afraid of death, but we are afraid of not seeing the county master."

Qianxue was also surprised, "Hurry up."

He lifted the two from the ground and looked up and down for a long time. They were relieved to see that they were intact except for a little thinner. "What the **** happened, you tell me, and you know the whereabouts of Su Gongzi."

The two shook their heads frequently.

Yulian said, "The Lord, this is the case. When we went out of town with Su Gongzi, you and Su Gongzi had a carriage, and we had a carriage with Xiangju Xiangju and Xiangqi. Later we drank the water sent by the guard. I passed out and woke up to a closed yard. I was watched by the guards. I brought meals three times a day, and I brought clothes at intervals. The yard was fully equipped. Everything was fine except for freedom. At that time, we were Know, we are afraid that we are under house arrest."

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