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884, the emperor summoned

Yucui thinks Yulian speaks slowly and grabs the topic.

"In the first month, Xiang Ju Xiang Qi was locked with us. At first, the two maidens kept the rules. Later, they started talking nonsense, saying that the governor you betrayed the emperor, running away with Su Gongzi, and shouting to let the guards let them go. It’s very arrogant to say that if you catch them, you are against the emperor."

Qianxue frowned, "What about later?"

"Later, the guards couldn't stand it, so they sent the two elsewhere, but we don't know where to send them."

Hearing Yucui's words, Qianxue had a bad hunch in her heart. Xiang Ju and Xiang Qi were afraid that they would be more fierce.

"How do the guards treat you both?" Qian Xue asked.

Yulian said, "Don't worry, the guards are very kind to us. Except not talking to us, everything is responsive."

"That's good," Qian Xue was a little relieved, but her heart was also cold, "That is to say, have you not been with Su Gongzi in these months? Where are you under house arrest?"

The two shook their heads. "The yard's walls are very high and we can't see the outside. A few days ago, when we were sent back, we were fed medicine and were in a coma, so..."

Gu Qianxue smiled bitterly, "I'm also a childish child. How can I leave clues with Su Gongzi's rigor?"

Yulian and Yucui looked at each other and didn't understand very much, "What does the county master mean? Didn't the county master and Su Gongzi be together during this time?"

Qian Xue nodded helplessly, "I was dealing with grandfather's affairs in Kanto City during this time, Su Gongzi left, and I didn't even know where he went." The voice paused and sighed, "But no matter where he goes , I will find him!"

Chu Yan didn't say a word in the corner, his expression dignified and complicated.

"It's good to come back. You have a good rest. You will be busy tomorrow." Qian Xue said, looking back, she saw the first smoke.

"What are you thinking about Chuyan?" Qian Xue asked, looking at his complexion.

Chu Yan's thoughts were interrupted and slightly flustered, "Nothing, the slave-servant didn't think about anything."

Gu Qianxue was suspicious. "Something must be said, don’t hold it in your heart. Just, you’re tired if you want to come. Rest early, and say something tomorrow."

What Chu Yan was struggling with was naturally due to the letter Su Lingxiao left her.

Early the next morning, after having breakfast, Qianxue took Chuyan and Yulian and Yucui, and the four of them took a carriage to the new anonymous residence in the suburbs of Beijing.

Pan Xiaopeng really picked up his old mother. Not only did people come, but almost the entire family moved over.

Fortunately, this house used to be a factory, not an ordinary yard, and many houses. Gu Qianxue chose an independent house for Pan Xiaopeng.

Mother Pan was very excited when she saw the life-saving benefactor Qianxue County Master. She almost fell on her knees and vowed to stay in Anonymous for a lifetime as a cow and horse in return for her life-saving grace.

The widows and wives also wiped tears. They were all poor people who lost their children by natural disasters and man-made disasters. Without the nursery school and the master of Qianxue County, they did not know what to do if they were old.

There are many problems at present, for example, the education direction of the nursery school, such as how to solve the funding for the nursery school in the future, but there is still an urgent matter.

A group of people gathered in the hall of a courtyard.

"You mean, Su Gongzi has a relationship with Bei Li, even the royal family?"

In the room, apart from Gu Qianxue, only Chu Yan and Yao Zhen, among others, Yulian and Yucui were also excluded.

Chu Yan followed Su Lingxiao, knowing many secrets, it goes without saying that the dark guards who could be assigned to Gu Qianxue were also one of the best in the world. They were the core of the dark guard team.

If this is not the case, they will not tell Gu Qianxue about this big secret.

"Yes." Chu Yan said in a deep voice.

Although it was a little unexpected, but after experiencing incredible things like crossing, Gu Qianxue's heart was extremely strong, and the impact was not painful for her.

"That is to say, Su Gongzi may be in Beili now?" Qian Xue asked, "Isn't Zuo Gang and Xu Guangxuan going to Beili now? Can you find it?"

"I don't know slaves," Chu Yan said.

Gu Qianxue got up from the chair and walked back and forth in the center of the hall a few times. "You said, will Su Gongzi seek medical treatment with a name?"

Luo Xiong said, "The magical doctor in this world is none other than the master of the county. If other so-called famous doctors are effective, the master will not be so sick."

Gu Qianxue suddenly remembered Zhou Rongqiu outside the capital, and the Zhou family was also regarded as a family of famous doctors. Zhou Rongqiu and Su Lingxiao had contacts, and frequent exchanges. Since she met Su Lingxiao, the interaction between the two had decreased.

Gu Qianxue didn't know how many times he sighed.

This world should only be known to her Western medicine. The root of Su Lingxiao's heart disease can only be maintained by drug conditioning, and there is no possibility of recovery.

"What next?" Yao Zhen asked.

Gu Qianxue thought for a while and thought, "Since Zuo Gang and Xu Guang have declared back to Bei Li Kingdom, we will wait for their news first. Don't worry about Su Gongzi in advance." There is no way to worry about it.

Chu Yandao, "I also agree with the opinion of the master, not to mention that the master is also in trouble."

Hearing Chu Yan's words, Qian Xue's face was almost black for a moment, "Yeah."

Luo Xiongdao said, "From now on, in addition to the master, we will also be loyal to the lord. If the lord has any order, he will complete it."

Qian Xue was grateful, "Thank you for staying with me, but for the time being, it hasn't happened yet. During this period of time, you were wronged and lived in Anonymous. When you look back and have ample money, I will buy you a house."

Everyone refused again and again.

With Yao Zhen and others staying in Anonymous, Gu Qianxue can rest assured.

Chu Yan, the master, was still very dedicated. When Gu Qianxue arranged the affairs, he took a time to teach Pan Xiaopeng the basic skills, and even handed over the task of guidance to several other people. Then he left with Gu Qianxue.

In a flash, the day passed.

There were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the street, the ears were full of closing stalls, and the carriage was galloping.

Gu Qianxue sighed constantly in the carriage, but the first smoke was a serious matter. Both Yulian and Yucui looked at this and that, and they didn't know how to speak.

Soon, the carriage arrived at Gu Shangshufu.

Just after Gu Qianxue got off the bus, the servants of Gu Shangshu's mansion rushed up. "The villain has seen the lord, you can come back, the father-in-law in the palace is waiting for a day!"

Qian Xue was stunned, "Princess in the palace?"

The heart is like a mirror-she is so rude to the emperor, the emperor will not let her go, delayed for two days, the emperor is also very patient.

"Where is the father-in-law?" Qian Xue asked.

"In the main hall, the housekeeper accompanied me for a day." Xia Ren said.

Gu Qianxue didn't change his clothes, so he hurried to the hospital hall of Gu Shangshufu.

As soon as I entered, I was shocked, but I saw the housekeeper accompanied me carefully. The father-in-law didn't say a word with a black face, and the whole hall was awkward.

The father-in-law was no one else, but it was the general manager of the emperor, Father Kang.

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