The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 908: , Gu Qianxue's business experience

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908, Gu Qianxue's business experience

Yan Zisong has never been so shocked in his life.

He is also regarded as a giant businessman in the eastern part of Nanyue Kingdom. Now that his business has successfully entered Beijing, he can be described as the first merchant in Nanyue Kingdom, and even the richest man in Beijing and the richest man in Nanyue Kingdom.

The wind and waves were more frequent, but he repeatedly turned his boat in front of the master of Qianxue County.

"Cough..." Because of the shock, Yan Zisong was choked with saliva, coughed and flushed quickly.

Gu Qianxue explained to him, "The emperor did give me marriage to the second prince. At that time, I did not refuse for some reason, but in fact, I and the second prince could not succeed at all. I and Su Lingxiao, the son of Su... are destined. , Now he left for some childish reason, I want to find him."

After a while, Yan Zisong finally drank from the water and breathed out. "Destiny is destined?" Shouldn't they be happy?

Qianxue nodded.

Yan Zisong finally knew the gap between the two! I used to think that it was reasonable to marry a lady with the wealth of the Yan family, but now I find that the master of Qianxue County is not an ordinary lady, but a lady among the ladies.

The marriage partner of Qianxue County Lord is a prince of a country and a wise man who is famous all over the world. Compared with these people, the ordinary person of his business background is indeed not worthy.

Fortunately, although Yan Zisong was emotional, he could not talk about how to fall in love. Hurry up and take his place.

"Yeah, destined." Qian Xue smiled slightly.

Yan Zisong understood, "Okay, the master of the county is at ease. I will post the news to the Yan Family and the caravan. No matter in which country or region, the first thing is to inquire about the whereabouts of Ling Xiao. "

"Thank you!" Gu Qianxue sincerely said.

"Pappapa" is Yan Zisong's heartbreaking voice, a crystal glass heart, although it turns into a powder.

However, the businessman has a characteristic that he never gives up. Although he knows that he has no chance, he will not give up. Maybe one day God will let him run into a fart?

After a slow meeting, Gu Qianxue also calmed down and said, "The topic is a bit far away, let's continue to talk about business."

"Okay," Yan Zisong also quickly picked up the broken heart and glued it back, calming down. "Since the county master wants to make money, he doesn't raise the price to 12,000. It's okay to mention it a little bit. For example, one Thousand and two hundred. One thousand two can be afforded by many ladies, but wouldn’t top ladies like the harem ladies be treated like ordinary people?

Gu Qianxue shook his head, "No, I can't mention it anymore. This is already the highest price, because I will sell more sophisticated cosmetics in the future. Those cosmetics are aimed at consumers at the level of the harem."

Yan Zisong suddenly realized, "I seem to understand the way of the county master. You want to launch a thousand or two but limit the quantity of sales. When the quantity is slowly expanded, new quality will be introduced, and some ladies will always be at the cutting edge. right?"

Gu Qianxue was also amazed in his heart. Yan Gongzi deserved to be from a business background.

These sales methods can be described as endless in modern times, but in the age of Nanyue Kingdom, there are still no.

People are no different from others, the gap lies in vision, and those who have vision have the world!

The foundation of the vision is the ability to accept, with Yan Zisong's ability to accept and incisive reaction ability, it is no wonder that among the four major commercial homes, the Yan family stands out from the crowd and beats the crowd!

Later, the two discussed some details again, until the night was late.

Afterwards, Gu Qianxue once again borrowed the Yusheng Residence of Li Wangfu, and made ten raw materials of the national color formula in one go.

As long as Gu Qianxue was in Li Wang Mansion, Li Wang would not go anywhere.

Gu Qianxue had counted the days of the dynasty, and Li Wang knew that Gu Qianxue was coming. He didn't even go to the early dynasty. He ordered people to ask for sick leave.

If another official asks for leave, the emperor is definitely going to send a doctor to say that it is a diagnosis, but in fact it is to check whether it is pretending to be sick.

In the case of King Li, the emperor did not send a doctor, in other words, he closed his eyes.

Throughout the day, Li Wang sent people to serve tea and pour water, and the desserts of Guangyu Dining Room were sent many times. However, Gu Qianxue did not appreciate it, nor faced head-on confrontation, but just kept it in the laboratory.

Shifen Guosefang made it and immediately sent it to Yanjia makeup shop, which was sold out almost instantly.

Baizhen Building.

Gu Qianxue and Yan Zisong once again met secretly, choosing from one to another, and only the elegant restaurants like Baizhenlou are more suitable.

"Sovereign, regarding Erdaomen, shall we take measures?" Yan Zisong was worried.

Because of the 10 sets of national colors that were sent back, in addition to three sets sent to the harem, one set was bought by the lady who happened to meet, and the other six sets were bought by two sellers, and once they changed hands, they were sold for 32,000 silver. .

The second seller is the ox.

In fact, for Qiandao Xue, Gu Qianxue had expected it beforehand, and gave it to Yan Zisong in advance. The delivery to the harem was three sets at a time. The harem ladies took turns to buy. If there were other ladies who wanted to buy, they sent people to the store, but no matter how rich they were Otherwise, a group of people can only buy one set at a time, and many don't sell.

The harem lady is naturally unwilling, but although the queen is still a supporter of the fall wilderness, she also likes the country. There are queens who depend on the mountains, but these ladies didn’t get them, and they could only swallow their voices and wait for the next turn to buy or send someone to the store to buy.

As for the queen wanting to buy a few more sets, Yan Zisong explained this: the national effect is better if it is fresh. It will expire after a long time, and the first one will be given to the queen every time it is shipped.

"Measures have been taken," Qian Xue raised his eyebrows, and the corner of his mouth squeezed out a dimple. "Last time, he told the makeup shop that a group of people can only buy one set at a time, which is the measure."

"But it can't prevent the second seller." Yan Zisong said.

"Why should I guard?" Qian Xue disagreed.

"..." Yan Zisong didn't understand, "The master of the county sold a gross profit of one thousand and two, but the yellow cattle changed hands and sold it for three thousand two. The net profit in the middle was two thousand two. Is the master willing to be willing?"

"Why not be reconciled? That's the goods that people have arrived, let alone sell three thousand two, or thirty thousand two. I can't say anything, and I will praise them for selling well."

"..." Neither Yan Zisong nor Chu Yan could understand Gu Qianxue's approach.

Qianxue knocked on the table, "Do you really think I can only produce ten sets of products at a time? If I don't make it day and night, I can produce ten sets a day! But what? I have ten sets in five days, why?"

Yan Zisong contemplates, "Is the purpose to raise the price?"

Qianxue snapped his fingers, "Smart is to raise the price, but I cannot mention it when the second vendor mentions it. Do you know why?"

Yan Zisong shook his head.

Qian Xue's eyes are bright, "Remember, the goods sold can be thrown away, can no longer be produced, can be reduced, but they must not be reduced in price. People will always buy up and not buy compensation."

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