Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

909, who laughed last

Yan Zisong was stunned for a while, and then it became clear that the narrow and long Danfeng eyes were also shrewd.

"If I don't know the identity of the master of the county, I really can't imagine that you are born in a high position. The master of the county is so talented. It's a violent thing not to be a businessman!" This praise was praised by him sincerely.

Gu Qianxue shook his head, "Don't be so exaggerated, in fact, you understand the truth."

This phenomenon may have been consciously known by Nanyue merchants, but some did not notice it.

In this era of Nanyueguo, business has not been valued or refined, and there is no science called "business", and the people who do business rely on their own experience and the teaching of their elders.

It is very unreliable for the elders to teach this kind of thing. The elders said it when they remembered it. It may not be remembered if they said it.

What's more, all the church apprentices starved to death, and they came out of their families. Few people imparted business experience to others, and more depended on personal perception.

In modern times, courses are set up in sales, sales psychology, business management, etc., and there are business soul chicken soup books such as Carnegie, etc., without learning related disciplines, more or less can understand some fur.

Gu Qianxue is like that.

She can confuse the Nanyue people in a daze, but if a sales elite really comes, she can compare her.

Fortunately, apart from her, there are no more people crossing.

Yan Zisong said, "If I am right, the plan of Qianxue County is as follows: First, a small amount of goods will be launched at one time, which will attract people to grab, and the second peddler will deliberately buy it. I will try my best to brag about it, and I have publicly promoted the national color side. Because there is enough oil and water, it will attract more second-hand sellers, and then a buying frenzy will form, whether it is a real buyer or a second-hand seller. , Will be swarming, this time, the county master is gradually increasing the supply of goods.

After more second-hand sellers get more goods, in addition to selling them in Beijing, they will also sell them to other ladies in other places. This is a free promotion and has become a scout for the subsequent nationwide sales of the country. With the supply of batches, the number of national color parties is also increasing. With the popularity of national color parties and the opening of popularity, the profits of the second sellers are also decreasing. When a certain critical point is reached , Erdaomen disappeared naturally, but at this time, the country has become famous, right? "

Gu Qianxue nodded, "Yes. This sale will not cause waste of resources, and we do not need to spend our time promoting and publicizing. It is the best way to target the national formula. Otherwise, a thousand or two such expensive makeup products, the store staff will try their best. Promotion, not just amazing experience, but picking bones in eggs."

Yan Zisong increasingly thinks that Qianxue County Master is a commercial wizard.

"Right by the lord, we still have unsigned documents," Yan Zisong said with a smile. "Last time, I would get 10% of the profit every time I sold a set of national formulas, right?"

Qianxue raised her eyebrows, "When did I say that?"

Yan Zisong froze, "This is what the lord said, do you forget?"

Gu Qianxue spread his hands, "I really forgot, when I said it, I have no impression at all."

The first smoke behind Qian Xue almost smiled, and she likes to see such a decent scene of the master of the county.

But this situation really relieves hatred! Thinking of the shrewdness of this surname Yan, the master of the county proposed to sign the document. He pushed three obstacles and four. He was afraid that Guo Sefang could not sell it. He took responsibility and waited to see the sales of Guo Sefang before finalizing the document. The Lord turned away and denied the account.

Yan Zisong naturally knew why Qianxue County Lord had changed his mind, but it was strange. At first, he tried to calculate the County Lord, but he didn't expect it to be calculated, but was calculated.

I thought, quickly stood up from my seat, and bowed deeply to Gu Qianxue, "The county master is on, the villain Yan Zisong knows the wrong! I won't dare to do this again! I must be honest with the county master from now on. Points, never stealing and slipping!"

Why is Yan Zisong so afraid? Because Gu Qianxue was repenting at this time, it would be unreasonable for him not to make a national appearance in Yan Jia makeup shop.

Gu Qianxue sneered, "Since then, selling a national formula, will give you a commission of thirty-two silver, you can not raise the price or hoard the goods, if you agree, I will give you the document."

Yan Zisong was miserable.

Gu Qianxue withdrew his sneered expression, his voice suddenly softened, and he taught in general, "Don’t worry, Master Yan, if I’m you, sell the national formula, I won’t give me money. I want to sell it too. Do you know why? ?"

Yan Zisong froze, raised his head, "Why?"

"In the next few months, Guosefang will still be hungry marketing. If you have five sets of Guosefang and ten buyers in front of you, what should you do?" Qian Xue asked.

"Naturally is to give priority to the sale of patrons." Yan Zisong replied, needless to say, any businessman will be like this.

"What if these ten buyers are all your patrons?"


This time, Yan Zisong completely stumped.

If the same patrons are sold to one but not to another, would it offend customers? Thinking about it this way, I feel that Guo Sefang is almost hot.

Yan Zisong looked at Gu Qianxue, but saw that his exquisite alluring cheeks were filled with a smile of interest, "The master of the county must have a countermeasure! Please also enlighten the master of the county." Said, once again worshipped him.

Gu Qianxue pulled out a delicate card from his bag, "Member Card!"

"Ah?" How did the ancient people who grew up know what membership cards are? I received the "member card" from Gu Qianxue in a mess, but I saw that the card was made of thin iron sheet, gold-plated, engraved with patterns at the four corners, with a pattern of flowers in the middle, and at the bottom, there were numbers.

Although this number is a Chinese character-zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero one.

Gu Qianxue said, "This card can only be purchased by spending two thousand and two silvers at a time. After that, every time one or two silvers are spent, one point is earned. The point rule is that all makeup shop products except the national color side. This point can be used for many small activities. For example, discounts, such as how many points can be earned when buying other goods, of course, the most intuitive effect is that when launching the national color party, all buyers use the number of points to determine the priority purchase qualification."

Yan Zisong frowned, "The method is good, but it is difficult to implement."

"Where is it difficult?" Qian Xue asked.

"Let’s talk about other things first, only talking about spending two thousand two silver at a time to get a card, and it must be a product other than the national color. The problem is that the entire makeup shop is to buy all the products from beginning to end. These two thousand and two silvers are uneven."

Two thousand two silvers is a large number.

Qian Xue chuckled, "Are you not good at selling others?" He said, blinking playfully, but the shrewdness in his eyes flashed, "Yang Gongzi think about it carefully, the ladies go out shopping once, no Will you only buy makeup, maybe clothes? Jewelry?"

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