Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

910, the message returns

Yan Zisong seemed to be awake, but that feeling only floated in his mind, and he couldn't grasp the specifics for a while.

"Don't stop, continue!"

"Ruzi can be taught too," Qian Xue smiled and continued. "It's not easy for a lady to go out. She often wants to buy everything she needs at once, since she entered the door of your makeup store in Yanjia. , Why let them out? Goose plucking hair is the standard for the sale of goods, your Yanjia shops are so scattered, let’s not say that the lady will go to your Yanjia jewelry store when she leaves the Yanjia makeup store. Door, if she passed by someone else’s jewelry store halfway through, she bought it as soon as she was hot? Won’t your jewelry money not make?”

"Yes!" Yan Zisong agrees very much, "please continue!"

"If I were you, I would sell the things used by the woman together, not only the makeup, but also the clothing, jewelry, needle thread and brain, so to speak, as long as the things the woman needs are sold together, the clerk flickers. It wouldn’t be a fool, wouldn’t it be nice for customers to buy it together?"

"Miao!" Yan Zisong was not stingy with praise. "But there is a problem. The store is too small to hold more products. What should I do?"

"Expansion," Qian Xuedao said, "I remember the Yanjia makeup shop is next to the Yanjia ready-to-wear point. It can be opened directly between the two houses, and you can buy the shop on the other side of the two makeup shops. If they don't sell, you can change it. ! Use your other shop to change it, it's a big deal to add some silver, rest assured that they will definitely change it."

"Yeah, there are some makeup shops, ready-to-wear shops and cloth shops next to the Yanjia makeup shop. There are my Yanjia makeup shop and the national color side. Their shops are afraid they can’t sell things. At this time I add some money and He will change shops or simply buy, they will be willing." Yan Zisong narrowed his eyes and began to crack his abacus in his heart.

"If they are not upset, you can add it. The existing shops are usually on the first floor, and the second floor is the warehouse and lounge. You can compress it, set the second floor as a shop, or cover the third floor. , The third floor is also a shop, isn’t that enough?"

"Yes, just do it!" Yan Zisong was about to move, "Goose plucking hair! Not bad! Not bad!"

Yan Zisong is a wise man. Gu Qianxue put forward the idea. The specific implementation will not need to be explained. He has done it well and has made a lot of difference.

He gradually expanded this "modern" marketing method to other fields, and finally formed a business kingdom, which is also a later story.

At this moment, Yan Zisong almost wanted to replace the God of Wealth at home with the statue of Qianxue County. He would later offer it to Qianxue County Master.

Gu Qianxue explained some methods and concepts of modern business for him. Because Yan Zisong was very eager to learn, Qian Xue couldn't help but talk about it.

When Gu Qianxue could not speak anymore and his throat was hoarse, it was already night and Baizhenlou was about to close.

The next day.

The carriage was driving on the way to the suburbs of Beijing. Gu Qianxue hummed a little song, but the lips of the first smoke were all lightly smiled, and the silver tickets in the arms were hot.

A total of eleven sets were sold before and after, excluding the cost of each set of fifty-two and the sales was drawn into thirty-two, each set made a net profit of 922, and the eleven sets were 10,122 silver.

At the beginning, Yan thought that the master would make money, but now he thinks that when it comes to making money, Qianxue County master says second, and there is no first in the world.

When the carriage stopped and the two were about to get off, they saw that Yao Zhen rushed out hurriedly, "Sovereign, Chuyan, you are probably here."

Qian Xue was startled, "Did something happen to the nursery school?"

Yao Zhen said, "No, it's Zuogang they are back!"

"Zuo Gang?" Zuo Gang and Xu Guangxuan were sent by Gu Qianxue to Bei Liguo to find the whereabouts of Su Lingxiao, and they flew for nearly a month.

Gu Qianxue's heart fell sharply. Although Yao Zhen didn't say the result, she had guessed it, and the result was definitely not found.

If Su Lingxiao is found, Yao Zhen can't wait to tell them the good news. And if unfortunately, Su Lingxiao has died of illness, they will say the first time.

Qian Xue sighed and smiled bitterly, "No news is good news, where are they? Take me over."

Soon, everyone went to the courtyard where the dark guards lived.

When I first entered the door, I saw that the dusty servants Zuo Gang and Xu Guangxuan didn't even change their clothes. They were telling others about Bei Liguo's experience. The two faces were blacker than the other, not only because of dust, but also their complexion.

When Gu Qianxue was seen, the two's voices slammed in silence.

Qianxue tried hard to hook her lower lip to ease the awkward atmosphere. "Did you not find it?"

The two nodded hard.

"Unexpectedly, if Su Gongzi is easily found by you, it will not be Su Gongzi," Gu Qianxue calmly said, his sharp eyes with helplessness, "The royal family of the Northern Li Kingdom does not know the movement of Su Gongzi?"

Zuo Gang and Xu Guangxuan stunned for a moment, and said, "We have already told Master Qianxuejun the identity of Master."

Gu Qianxue said, "Actually, if you don't say it, I can guess some, or many people can guess. This country and country rarely intermarry, especially the country with a unique appearance like Bei Li and Chu Yan, even It’s intermarriage, and it’s often a noble, and being a noble, it’s easy to have a relationship with the royal family, but you can rest assured that since I chose Prince Su, I won’t betray him.”

Zuo Gang and Xu Guangxuan calmly felt guilty for their narrowness.

"Sister, what shall we do next?" Yao Zhen asked.

Gu Qianxue glanced at everyone and sighed, "I hope you will find it. I’m afraid it’s unrealistic. We have too few people. We need to find too much. In addition, Su Gongzi deliberately hides. The way is to find through some kind of relationship network."

Everyone held their breath and waited for the instructions of Qianxue County Master.

"How many organizations are there like Hao Lan Academy?" Gu Qianxue asked Chu Yan.

"Going back to the lord of the county, the precautions between countries are very strict, and each country has enemies, so there are very few organizations spread all over the world, it is a multinational power, and most of them are two or three countries. There are only two." Chu Yandao.

Qianxue nodded, "Hao Lan Academy is one, what is the other?"

"Blood Moon Tower." Chu Yan said.

Hearing the name, all Dark Guards are silent and extremely complicated.

If you say hate, Blood Moon Tower helped them a lot in the later period; if you don’t hate, Blood Moon Tower also killed many of their brothers, even they themselves almost died.

Gu Qianxue also knows the relationship between Xueyuelou and the Dark Guards.

Silai wanted to go and struggled, "I know you hate Blood Moon Tower, but in order to find Su Gongzi, let's put down the hatred for the time being?" said Xiang Xiangyan, "How do people in Blood Moon Tower contact?"

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