Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the evil king princess: doctor hand cover the sky!

927, stunning debut

"What did Su Lingxiao do? Why did he provoke Qianxue if he knew he was not in good health? Is he healthy when he provokes Qianxue? Even if he likes it, he runs together if he provokes? He is afraid of Qianxue being a widow, Isn’t he afraid that Qianxue will wait for his life to stay alive? Don’t he know Qianxue’s temperament?"

A series of doubts roared from Marshal Zhao's mouth.

Chu Yan could not answer.

During this time, getting along with Gu Qianxue was instilled with a lot of outlooks on life and love. Chu Yan knew that no one other than Zhao Yuanshuai in the whole world was qualified to say these things.

Marshal Zhao is the real man in charge!

By taking responsibility for this, the Master is indeed wrong.

Even if it was Chu Yan, I wanted to tell the master to listen to her thoughts, and wanted to tell him that true love does not need to be waited for a lifetime, as long as you cherish each day together and have a clear conscience, fate is destined, but It is not always necessary to have a fate in one's life. Fate should be actively coped with when fate comes, and frankly accepted when fate separates.

However, there was no chance for her to persuade her master.

Where is the master, no one can find.

"For the first smoke, is Su Lingxiao a jerk!" Field Marshal Zhao was still furious. "What the world's first wise man, what is famous in the world, is obviously a coward, and he is clearly an irresponsible guilty man!"

Finally, Chu Yan couldn't help it, "No! Master is not a negative heart, Master is not a coward! Master has left a secret letter to me!"

Marshal Zhao was stunned, "Secret letter?"

For the secret letter, Chu Yan didn't want to say it, but he shouted it impulsively, and now it's too late to regret.

"What secret letter, can you say it?" Marshal Zhao's voice was strict, "If you think you are responsible for Qian Xue."

Chu Yan lowered his head and pondered for a while, finally unable to bear the huge burden, "The content of the master's secret letter is for the county master to marry Li Wang, saying that Li Wang is her destination."

Marshal Zhao was taken aback, "Really?"

Chu Yan nodded, "The Master's secret letter was not only given to me, but also to King Li. The Master tried his best to persuade King Li to accept the Lord and persuade the Lord. The Master was kind to the King Li and threatened him with this kindness. Force Li Wang to stay loyal to the governor all his life."

For a time, there was silence in the room.

Field Marshal Zhao's eyes flashed, and it took him a while to find his voice.

"I... take back what I just insulted.

After telling everything, Chu Yan also breathed a sigh of relief. "The master requested that the county master should not be informed of this matter. I have also been troubled, I don't know what to do."

Zhao Yuanshuai narrowed her eyes, "I don't know what to do? First smoke girl, even if the coach doesn't say, you should know how to do it, or you have a plan in your heart."

At the beginning, Yan Yan was stunned, and finally nodded helplessly, "Yes."

"Tell me about it." Marshal Zhao's face smiled more.

Chu Yan slowly raised his head, "The slave-servant listened to the marshal and tried to find a way for the county master to become Princess Li."

Grand Marshal Zhao nodded happily and nodded, "Well, that's how it should be. After the event is completed, the coach will be rewarded. Whatever you want to mention."

Chu Yan sneered, "Although the slave-servant is not upright, but also a person with a bottom line, the bottom line of the slave-servant is the happiness of the county master."

"Okay, the coach took it back," Zhao Yuanshuai said. "That girl is clever, but it has flaws."

Chu Yan looked over with doubt.

Marshal Zhao laughed again, "If the coach can't even handle a little girl, can command thousands of troops? The battle between borders is not as simple as you think."

Chu Yan immediately said, "Yes, Chu Yan listened to Marshal.

Zhao Yuanshuai's eyes burst out shrewdly, "That girl's advantage is cleverness, and the disadvantage is that she is too clever. It is because there are so many ghost ideas that she will not be able to meet difficulties and will only open up shortcuts. Next, we will do this." , He will say it.

Chu Yan was shocked and admired Marshal Zhao in his heart.

When the time for a cup of tea, Marshal Zhao told her one by one, Chu Yan quit and she should return to the county master in time to dispel her doubts.

When walking out of the study room of Zhengdeyuan, Chu Yan couldn't help but think about a problem.

If she chose a future husband, what would she choose.

If she wants to come, she will also choose someone who is as unyielding as Marshal Zhao and who protects her life for love!

Suddenly she thought she was ridiculous, how could she marry someone? Even if she wants to marry, no one will accept her, after all, she is a crippled person.

When Gu Qianxue got the roast duck well, he found that Marshal Zhao had fallen asleep.

Qianxue didn't get used to it. He dragged the old man from the bed and ate the roast duck.

Marshal Zhao’s closing ceremony was extremely grand. Not only was there a grand ceremony in the daytime, but also a banquet for entertaining civil and military officials.

And this time, the Zhao family also attended the event.

Although Zheng is extremely reluctant, why is there any reason to stop it? That was the registration ceremony of his father, not to mention that the former Field Marshal Zhao could not afford to provoke, and the future Zhao Jue dare not to provoke anymore.

To this end, Gu Qianxue set aside his business and spent a whole day training Zhao.

Naturally, it is not a matter of treating others, or any official etiquette. For the mind like Zhao, he simply cannot accept too many and too complicated requirements. Gu Qianxue will directly compile a few passwords for Zhao to implement.

The Zhao family is naturally reluctant to practice, but Gu Qianxue threatens that if the Zhao family makes a mistake, the emperor will detain the Zhao family in the palace, and will never see Marshal Zhao or Gu Shangshu in the future. To her and Gu Qianyi.

Zhao was terrified, Huarong lost his color, and he worked hard.

Night is coming, and the carriage outside the north gate of the palace is full of officials' families.

A large number of maidens guided the family members to the designated location, and entered the palace together after the hour.

The eunuchs guided each carriage to the parking position. The carriages were not parked at random, but were arranged according to official rank.

The guards also waited seriously, if any evil people suddenly appeared to hurt their families, they could not blame them.

Three women and one play, besides, there are more than three hundred women waiting outside the palace.

These official women can't show their heads and stay at home all day. Although they spend time playing piano, painting, calligraphy and painting, they are also very bored.

The biggest fun is the opportunity to get together and compare with each other. By the way, chew the roots of the tongue and talk about the shortness of the East and West. Although they have a beautiful language and soft tone, but aside from the gorgeous performance, its essence and the long tongue woman on the street It makes no difference.

The unchanging eternal topic in the capital is naturally Zhao, the wife of the Lishu Shangshufu. Let me not say that it is a fool, but only say that having a splashing woman drove the backyard aunts out, is it not the news?

Suddenly, a cry of excitement came from the end of the crowd.

"It's so beautiful! Who is this lady?"

"That's not the case with Tianxianxiafan, she is surrounded by the two daughters-in-law of Qianxue County and Gu's family. Isn't it Gu's beautiful concubine?"

"The woman is very similar to Princess Ceylon. Is there also Chu Yan Guo blood?"

The Zhao family appeared in front of the women in such a stunning way!

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