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928, heavy news

Among the people, under the service of the court ladies and their own maidservants, a beautiful woman nodded her eyebrows and slowly walked over.

Her thick dark hair was combed into a cloud high bun, combined with some hairpins of sheep fat jade, the hairpins were arranged in a row from large to small, and as the size gradually decreased, they were finally half-covered between the hairs, but it seemed A group of egrets hid into the green mountains. There are two strands of hair hanging from the temples, and a knot at the end of the hair, which is decorated with pearls, cleverly matches the white yarn and scarlet satin skirt.

Vermilion is dark, and is generally used by older women, calm and rich.

But if the thin layer of cicada-like clothes outside the vermilion silk long skirt is shrouded in mist, it looks like a famous mountain pan cloud with a kind of fairy spirit.

If you dress like a woman of ordinary appearance in this way, there is a sense of sensation. However, when you look at the woman's face, compared with the beauty of this prosperous age, you can't think that the gorgeous decoration can match the small face of the slap.

But I saw that the skin was blown and delicate like a blow, and a small nose was slender and tall, very heroic. But her eyes were extremely charming, her eyelashes were so thick that she could barely see the eyes inside, a mysterious feeling emerged spontaneously, but when she lifted her eyes, the mysterious feeling disappeared suddenly, replaced by a kind of ignorance and innocence.

The pink lips were slightly upturned, and although they were not happy, they laughed first.

The fox spirits that the lady ladies once recognized in their hearts were Gu Qianxue, but compared with this woman, Gu Qianxue was still too immature. The talent in front of him was the fox spirit among fox spirits.

Some of the guards who had the luck of seeing the woman's face almost forgot the work in their hands, and even the eunuchs looked straight.

This woman is no one else, it is Zhao, Zhao Laolan.

Although the last time Zhao Laolan came to the palace, except for a few ministers, no family members appeared, so these family members also saw the beauty of the Zhao family for the first time.

Although some power ministers were shocked last time, they could not go home as wives and concubines to say how beautiful Mrs. Gu Shangshu was, otherwise they would not say that they were scolded by their wives and concubines and they lost their identity.

This time, the women were completely shocked.

Accompanied by Gu Qianxue, Zhao's eyes were only lowered, and his lips were lightly smiling, and he walked forward. If he accidentally looked at the man, he nodded calmly, then retracted his eyes and continued to walk forward .

Graceful and luxurious, neither humble nor overbearing.

The lady circle immediately exploded, and asked the maid to inquire who this person was.

The girls accepted the order and ran to the girl from Gu Shangshufu to ask.

Someone stuffed a small purse into Yu Cui, Yu Cui said nothing, and told her-this person is no one else, it is our wife of Shang Shufu, the only daughter of Lord Zhao Hou.

The maid was surprised and hurried back to inform the master.

When the news spread, everyone was shocked.

In the eyes of everyone, Zhao should be stupid and fat, and his mind is not completely stupid.

Looking at Gu Qianxue and Zhao's leisurely, Gu Qianxue actually squeezed sweat.

Under the long sleeves, she squeezed Zhao’s hand and reminded her in a low voice, “Go slowly step by step, don’t move, and keep your waist straight, smile, yes, that’s it, you’re ready to go home for you Make roast duck." The voice is very low, only two people can hear.

Every time the Zhao family wants to reveal the filling, Qianxue pinches the Zhao family's hand hard, and the Zhao family remembers to eat and fight, and immediately remembers to tell.

Behind Gu Qianxue, two of her sisters accompanied Gu's old lady, Zheng.

The Zheng family originally refused to participate in the banquet, but Gu Shangshu was so persuasive that he persuaded him to come. Seeing that the Zhao family was not embarrassed and looked better, others came to say hello and she also socialized with others. She is not a wicked person. If Zhao is really good like this, and she has a few more sons, she will admit that she is not concubine.

Thinking about it, Zheng sighed.

Gu Qianxue was most afraid of someone coming up to talk, so that it would be strange for the Zhao family not to show any stuffing.

Fortunately, no one came to talk.

Yeah, who dares to come?

Every banquet, big or small, is a battlefield filled with smoke between women. Everyone is carefully dressed to be dazzling. At this time, when they come to Zhao’s mother and daughter, they will be compared abruptly. Which woman wants to be a green leaf? Non-saffron?

As a result, everyone had a lot of discussion, but there was no one who dared to step forward.

After a while, when the time came, the gate of the palace was wide open, and then all the female relatives entered the palace under the guidance of the palace people, all the way to the Qianxi Hall where the banquet was held.

Zhao's arrival made the audience amazing. Needless to say, even the emperor frequently turned his eyes. Under the whisper of Gu Qianxue and early acting, Zhao showed no flaws, and was fed by Gu Qianxue before entering the house. I ate a lot and now I’m not hungry at all. I just drank a few sips of tea and ate fruits.

The banquet is still the old routine, and later on it is the show of the ladies.

Today no one dares to really trouble Gu Qianxue. Although the emperor made Marquis Zhao for Marshal Zhao, Qiu Hou and Qiu Anran were uncomfortable, but they were not rampant enough to pick things up in the main hall. a lot of.

In other words, Qiu Anran had targeted Gu Qianxue in the past, mostly because of the prince's reason-the enemy met, and his eyes were red.

The banquet is coming to an end, but everyone who can enter the hall knows that the emperor is afraid that there is something to be announced. It is definitely not only as simple as the closing ceremony. It is just from the last time the emperor gave the marriage. In these few days, it is time for the emperor to announce.

At the same time, everyone was also curious about how the emperor would place Qian Xuejun.

The master of Qianxue County is not an ordinary girl, and the matter of the second prince, I am afraid that it is a hot potato.

There were also some young officials attending the banquet, and even the official’s son-in-law. The people stared at Zhao’s mother and daughter in amazement and greedy eyes. Notorious reputation, but this face and origin alone can make up for it.

King Li never looked at Gu Qianxue from beginning to end and kept a cold face. Instead, the prince occasionally cast Gu Qianxue's goodwill on Gu Qianxue.

Gu Qianxue really wanted to vomit blood—the crown prince was not generally thick, colluding with Chu Yanguo to make the Kanto city unpopular, involved in injuring Marshal Zhao, she was caught in the face, and now she smiled at her. Why are there so shameless people in this world? I am afraid that this kind of skin is impossible to penetrate through armor piercing bullets, right?

Finally, in the expectation of everyone, the emperor announced the upcoming two weddings of the prosperous age.

The first scene was a prince.

Although Li Wang is the eldest prince, after all, the prince's identity is special, and big marriages must come first.

Needless to say, the crown prince was the Enron Lord who had given her marriage before.

It can be said that Qiu Anran was completely different from the previous dinner. I don't know whether it was because the Prince was well tuned or the grandma taught in the palace. Qiu Anran reversed the appearance of a maid from the outside and a dignified girl.

What the emperor announced next was shocking like a bombshell.

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