The Evil King and Medical Goddess Wife: Whose Hand Covers the World

Chapter 931: ,Life is precious, love is higher

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931, life is precious, love price is higher

Gu Qianxue was very angry, especially angry, and was always angry in bed.

Then he fell asleep with anger.

She was **** with a special rope to make dumplings, and no one ignored her when she yelled. When she was anxious, she summoned the first smoke. Gu Qianxue thought that the first smoke was cold and very personal. Now I see that face with a paralyzed face When I think of another **** who is paralyzed, he is even less angry.

When the first smoke came, he could not solve anything. He flirted a few words and left again.

In the end, I didn’t know what to do except to sleep.

In a flash, two days passed.

The three meals a day are prepared by Yulian and Yucui. Some actions such as unwinding and bathing that need to be untied by the rope are performed by the first smoke.

Gu Qianxue rebelled, but he only really knows that Chu Yan's martial arts skills are really high. He felt shocked for the first time and felt despair for the second time. Now he admires Jun brother very much, how can he be defeated repeatedly? It's shameless to challenge, she really doesn't want to challenge the third time.

On the third day, Gu Qianxue finally couldn't help it.

"Chu Yan, come in and suffocate me. Come and talk with me."

It didn’t take a long time for the first smoke to enter, and it was still a face with a cold face. "The lord, the slave is here, just to report on the situation of the country. The shipment of 50 sets this time made a total of 46 thousand two. Mask The total profit of liquid shipments is 5,542. Although the shipment of facial mask liquid is large, the income is not high because of the relatively low price and the price fixed by Yan Zisong. In the nursery, Yao Zhen divided several people Two parts, Luo Xiong, Wu Fei and Hou Yuntian are mainly responsible for the procurement and production of the national color party; Yao Zhen, Zuo Gang and Xu Guangxuan are responsible for the mask liquid, nursery school and security work."

Gu Qianxue rolled his eyes, "I didn't hear this!"

Chu Yan nodded his head. "Before the county master thought about how to separate Guosefang from the nursery, it was considered a clear relationship. Some came to explore the secret recipe, but it was just too much. Some came over the wall in the middle of the night. All dealt with."

"How to deal with it?" Qian Xue was startled.

"Kill it, bury it." Chu Yan's tone was dull, chopping melons and vegetables.

"..." Gu Qianxue was speechless. "Don't you think human life is precious? He is dead, what about his family?"

Chu Yandao, "He doesn't cherish his own life, why should others cherish it? Family, oh, if he wants the whole family to be reunited, he won't let that person take the risk to do this."

Qian Xue choked, the truth is such a truth, when it comes to killing people, killing people is really not humane.

Thinking, thinking, and sighing, the survival law of the weak meat and strong food in this era, she still can not understand the modern people.

Chu Yan saw that Gu Qianxue did not refute, and continued to report, "Since the mask liquid is not much secret, Yao Zhen hired people according to the prefect's previous orders, but the site was not in the nursery, but a yard some distance away from the nursery. It cost a total of four hundred and two silvers. The yard is not large, and some people were hired nearby to give Xu Guangxuan management."

Qian Xuedao, "I don't want to hear this!"

"All the silver and silver were allocated a thousand and two to Pan Xiaopeng for the nursery school, and the rest were saved," Chu Yan was unmoved and still reported one by one. "Pan Xiaopeng's kung fu has developed steadily, but its There is no talent in martial arts, and the age of martial arts is too old, I am afraid that there will not be too much achievement, but fortunately, if he works hard, if it is successful, it is not a problem to be called a master."

"What I want to know is, when did you let me go!" Gu Qianxue growled.

Finally, Chu Yan's brows were frowned, "The master of the county, the slave-servant prides herself on being patient, but you have worn away the patience of the slave-servant."

In three days, I asked at least a hundred times when to release people and so on.

At this moment, there were faint sounds of singing and dancing outside.

Qianxue listened, for a while, softly, "Is the Prince's wedding?"

"Yes." Chu Yan answered.

Qian Xue smiled bitterly, "Qiu Anran is really unlucky. The wedding of one of the most important ceremonies in a woman's life will be shared with another woman, and it will be awkward." Then the tone changed, "But I don't have the right to love others, after all, In a few days, I will also throw away such a handful of people." said, secretly looking at Xiang Chuyan's expression.

Chu Yan's brow moved, and then turned away.

Qian Xuechang sighed.

After a while, Yulian and Yucui came in, "Sovereign, you are thirsty, hungry or hungry. Your slaves are afraid that you will catch fire, and you have specially burned the white fungus bird's nest. Would you like to use some?"

"Okay." She was so **** every day, she was so angry that she had sores in her mouth.

The two dragged Gu Qianxue up and cushioned it, and then fed the bird's nest carefully.

"I ask you, do you think Qiu Anran is happy today?" Qian Xue asked.

If you change a woman, you must be happy.

Called the crown prince, that is, the future queen, if it is said that it is unhappy, what happiness is there?

But Yulian and Yucui were the women Gu Guxue reformed, Yulian said, "Unhappy."

Qian Xue was satisfied, "Yeah, in seven days, I will be unhappy with your master."

Yu Cuixin couldn't bear it, "Sister, otherwise..."

Before she finished talking, Yulian stared fiercely. "Unhappiness is better than being a widow."

Yu Cui thought that this was really the case, and finally shut her mouth obediently and fed the bird's nest.

Gu Qianxue rolled her eyes in a rage, countless calculations, such a modern man she is so raging in the sky, so stunned, biting his tongue to commit suicide.

After eating the bird's nest, Qianxue said, "What about Qianling and Qianzi? If they are fine, call me to chat with me to relieve boredom."

Gu Qianling and Gu Qianzi were the two daughters left by Aunt Li and Aunt Ye, and now they are 12 years old and 10 years old.

Yulian and Yucui, you look at me, I look at you, finally agreed, and went out to find someone.

It's just that Thousands of Thousands asked.

After a while, Gu Qianling and Gu Qianzi came in.

Don't look at the twelve and ten years old, only two years old, but no matter from the height and form of the two people, they are very aware of it.

Qian Zi is still a girl with two buns in her hair, Qian Ling is already a girl.

Aunt Li was born in a book-like style, elegant temperament, Qian Ling is also an elegant girl, Gu Qianxue likes it very much.

"Sister." When the two came in, they met at the ceremony. Although Gu Qianxue refused to bow down and bow down with the court lord's courtesy, they still respected him a lot.

"Come here, sit here, sister." Gu Qianxue, who was **** and dumplings, seemed to use his eyes to signal the two to sit on the edge of the bed, and by the way concealed the cleverness of his eyes.

The two were very clever and really sat on the edge of the bed.

"In recent days, did your sister give you the homework?"

As early as the day when he was tied up, Gu Qianxue gave them some homework, but it was not a female virtue or female ring. This kind of book that bound people’s mind and body was burned by Gu Qianxue. Resistance, resistance, and freedom are good.

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